Gib shelter onii chan

>gib shelter onii chan
What do?

Other urls found in this thread:

donate to the buddhist nigga

Offer her a job at Walmart where you don't really need to speak English to work there anyway

Daily reminder that there is no such thing as a "Rohingya" people. They are Begali Muslims from neighbouring Bangladesh who illegally immigrated to Buddhist Myanmar and are trying to jihad annex Rakhine state, like Muslim Albanians did to Serbian Kosovo.

Nothing is free, bend over.

Fuck those rohinigger Bangladeshis


based Myanmar

buddhists are allies in our fight against islam

Give her to some creepy r9k robot


Ashin Wirathu did nothing wrong

unzip pants

Why do they look like gypsies/Indians?

ur alright norbro


that dude is based af... "see they're like these fish that ruin everything"
this whole interveiw theyre trying to make him look bad and they fail

Our peace and quiet comes in the form of 7.62

u hav to go back!!!!

kill her and her numerous family


Take the young fuckable one and turn them into hookers

i keked

shoot it in the face. no sympathy for muslims, ever.

Feed it some .45


>>gib shelter onii chan
>What do?

omaiu amu --- senbairu




lol fugg off

the u.n. wont exist in 10yrs
earthlings are waking up to the semite's poison

Point both her and you to the nearest bridge where trolls belong.

I would convert her to a new religion of worshipping my cock.

That was a pretty poor effort finn friend.
>Omae wa mou shindeiru

Here, hide in this hole I dug

it's time to kick gum and chew ass

and I'm all out of ass

that made absolutely no sense, which makes sense
checked also

Another job for...