>Born from two talented comedians and actors
>Have a happy and successful childhood despite a divorce, apply to harvard after graduating highschool
>Get into a college and begin to debate sociology and philosophy
>Marry a college sweetheart and have three children
>Drop out of college to join the navy
>Fight against the axis powers and the fascist menace
>Come out of the second world war, just to train pilots and to be recalled for duty in the Korean war
>Be extremely successful, have a commander status, but get discharged for your increasing political activism
>Start to become obsessed with pathetic traitor ideology, despite literally fighting them years beforehand
>Become erratic with anti-semitism and communist paranoia
>Become Increasingly more retarded by 1955
>Have a literal hitler shrine
>Have your second wife divorce you for being an volatile ideologue
>Begin to cultivate your own awful adaption of national socialism that betrays its fascistic origins
>Construct an ideology that is merely a great value knock off of hitlers national socialism
>Its just racist paleoconservatism
>Get together with a bunch of other fucking losers who adopt boy scout uniforms, dawn revolvers and rifles
>Advertise your paranoid views by displaying your 18ft swastika flag through your open windows
>After founding the American Nazi Party, repeatedly embarrass yourself in public
>Get attacked multiple times by jewish counterprotestors
>Get arrested and get forcefully instituted into a psychiatric hospital afterwards
>Pester MLK because you believe he's a tool for jewish communists to rule over white people
>Align and assist with the KKK during the civil rights movement
>Coin the term "White Power" after hearing black panther chants
>Create bizarre propaganda comic books where the supervillians are made after racist stereotypes
Born from two talented comedians and actors
Other urls found in this thread:
Your point being?
Sounds like a pretty interesting goy
the man spoke the truth and was right
You forgot they part where he allied with Malcolm X to fight the ZOG, and (((they))) assassinated them both.
Really makes you think.
Even today he is still producing kike tears. Truly the greatest American whoever lived
>>Pester MLK because you believe he's a tool for jewish communists to rule over white people
This part is true tho
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>Become erratic with ... communist paranoia
Have you even Venona project? (((The Rosenbergs)))? US.gov was chock full of crypto-Commies in those days. McCarthy was right, and any fears of Commie infiltration were justified.
Well thank you ZOG for getting rid of scum
>McCarthy was right
Joe McCarthy did literally nothing wrong
And to this day he must upset you something fierce to be shitposting about a long dead man.
>ywn own a dawn revolver
With this information I can say that the rise of drugs being pushed in urban black communities lead to the downfall of the black family unit and today's degenerate consumer nigger was the goal to further poison other races and themselves.
I wish things were different.
>Construct an ideology that is merely a great value knock off of hitlers national socialism
>Its just racist paleoconservatism
So, basically it's the average American beliefs of the time, plus tear-inducing, panty-knotting imagery?
I have a dawn revolver. I usually doff it around mid-morning.
>Its just racist paleoconservatism
there is absolutely nothing wrong with being a paleoconservative and a racial realist
You need to open your borders to migrants. MULTICULTURALISM FOR SWITZERLAND!!!!!!!!!!
George Lincoln Rockwell did nothing wrong
>>Become Increasingly more retarded by 1955
get redpilled and confused the weak minded liberals is what you meant to say
I think George Lincoln Rockwell was a transsexual who did not know what to do with his urges so he became an american nazi to get back at society.