Are ((((they)))) doing this?

Redpill me on the Moon
is it real? Or are ((((they)))) behind this like everything

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Sometimes I feel like these types of questions are made by kikes in order to subvert our credibility


it's a hologram, if you look at the bottom left of the left moon you can see black spots where it starts to fail.

((((They)))) may control everything else but they haven't exactly figured out how to move a giant rock yet

the current theory is that the moon is made of material from earths mantle which was ejaculated out for unknown reasons when the world was still young


It's real, but just as flat as the earth.

We were hit by another planet and earth took on its second core. Without it life never would've happened here.

it's not like im spouting out irl "MUH FAKE MOON"
that's what this place is for
it's all so fucked man

so if the earth is flat,how can there be an antarctica? is the earth surrounded by a circle of ice or wtf is going on

the moon is hologram

there are rabbit holes you dont want to get into boi

Flat Earthers.

They are Kikes.

During a solar eclipse, the Moon goes behind the Sun, and blocks the light beam. That's why you never see the Moon approach or leave the Sun/ even a sliver of light. NASA has never sent anything into "space" for real. Just lying Masons and special effects.

FE is a psy op.

Fuck off flatshitter


there is more then u can posibly no

The moon should not exist, according to test impacts by NASA it rang like a bell and registered vibrations, like it was hollow...

What the heck user? Of course it's not real. If you're even considering it existing it means ((((they)))) have already won

>there are rabbit holes you dont want to get into boi

Nah, I want all of them.

Those are called leaves.


You mean the leaves in the foreground?

photoshop is real. You can also use it to put facebook friends into porn pics.

It's a hollow satellite, yes.

this image is faker than your vagina OP


This really activated my almondium

what is this stupid shit a slide for?


Right because satellites, weather, and I guess who gives a shit about math anyway amiright?

It also spins like a wheel as it rotates across the sky.

The Moon was called Kingu when it used to be a Moon of Tiamat.

But Nibiru came through our system and Tiamat was destroyed.

It became the Asteroid belt. In the old Sumerian texts they called it the Firmament.

Then the Jews copied the Sumerian tablets and took Enlil to be their Yahweh and came up with the Flat Earth deception of their Lord the Chief Archon.

I could talk about this shit all day.

Did you know that Tiamat had another moon, it was called Ceres, its still in the Asteroid Belt.

Flat Earth is a psyop but not by who you think. Its a $chan operation to drive the rationalists to distraction. We shill the flat earth so they will give up and fuck off back to their popular mechanics forum or wherever the fuck they spring from. It's a bit of fun. A break from all the pizza and happenings. Also, we do it because the Earth is actually flat not a retarded spinning ball earth imperceptible whizzing through the universe (another convenient Jewish fiction) at massive cumulative speeds an velocities that have no bearing on the way the stars are visible from Earth for some unknown reason. The Earth is flat. Deal with it. This thread proves it.


Hey smart guy.

Theia was a planet where Earth is now.

But Tiamat was destroyed and part of it merged with Theia and became Earth as we know it today.

Kingu became trapped in the new earths orbit.

If you look on the Surface of the moon you will see its covered in a fine dust of Basalt.

Basalt is Lava Rock. Like, ohh you know the insides of a planet...

>rotated the camera

There is a better theory I have been outlining.

It explains those "unknown" reasons.

When the planet known as the Destroyer or the Planet of the Crossing came through our system.

Interesting idea, senpai.

>that's what this place is for
No, that's what /x/ is for you fucking turbofaggot.

Thats all they fucking do.

Parodize rational hate to make it seem absurd.

Proud of you friend. Spread the word.

low quality

lmao fpbp


he wasn't talking about the leaves retard, look again

the moon is made out of cheese I'm sick of you revisionist fucks trying to change history and truth

What do you mean by fake?
It's up there and solid,
It's also mostly and artificial satellite, do to it's statistically astronomical traits that still exist
Also moon bases and stuff are up there from secret US and ancient collapsed civilization, who I don't think brought it I think something older brought it

Yeah thats why pretty much all religions depict it the same. because the of the jews.
Even the just nords did it, egyptians, hindu,every fucking one has the tree of life model.

also most likely* artifical
sorry heads been in a fog in regards to typing all morning


Moon rises at 7:44pm in the east, spot comes up first, moon heads across the sky towards the west spot first and sets at 4:21am in the west, spot first. It may appear to be upside down but the photo is taken in opposite directions and 8 hours apart

any recommended readings/viewings for more info on this?

that's some bad larping man, work on more credible or fanciful in the absurdity

Exactly the kind of dullard posting that necessitates flat earth theory.


The Kolbrin bible.

In the Book of the Sons of Fire they explain how Earth was formed in a Creation and a Re-creation.

Also the Sumerian tablets tell the story of Nibiru destroying Tiamat.

Pluto never was a Planet.

It always was a Moon of Saturn.

Nasa knows this now, and its why Pluto was degraded from Planet Status, because it never was a Planet it always was a Moon.

But Nibiru knocked it into its askew planetary orbit.

Pluto's orbit is not like other planets.

Because its not a planet.

much better

The Sumerians called Pluto Gaga, and it was known as a moon of Saturn.

Gaga or Pluto is known by the Goddess Ereshkigal.

Ereshkigal is the Goddess of Hades or the Sumerian Underworld known as Irkalla.

Pluto is the 'planet' of the underworld

IE: Hades.

>you are using the same indonesian basket weaving forums as people who believe the earth is flat
now im depressed

Lady Gaga confirmed to be the raiser of the underworld


Looks like you turned your phone and the picture turned 90, retard

this is so fucking stupid

that's the home you fuckin degen

>It always was a Moon of Saturn.
