TASKS: >We are going to start translating and converting all english memes in Germans.. An example of this would be taking a smuggie, translating the mug liberal into German and slapping a CDU logo on his shirt.. >The Chad/Virgin meme is hot right now too so we could make some of those as well but let's start with the smuggies. It I'll be easy and fast >Ignore shills, don't reply to Schulz/Antifa faggots/defeatists
The AfD is still looking for people who can spend some time before the election to placard posters, distribute flyers and stuff into mailboxes, man info booths (together with experienced guys, of course), help prepare locations for speeches, look for posters being damaged/stolen, go to local meetups to discuss plans/ideas etc. >afd.de/zeit-spenden
Also if not even more important apply as Wahlhelfer to prevent election fraud. (Check your local deadlines at your town hall) You get even some money from the government for this, between 60-90€
Or if you don't want to spend the entire election day at the polling station, please go there as Wahlbeobachter. Every citizen got the right to be there when they count the votes! Just go there a few minutes before 6pm on election day. You don't need to do anything else.
For the dixie faggot.. You're just stupid 60% of white america can only make ~50% of the babies this just means the shitskins have a 10% higher birthrate and will outbreed them pretty soon
Dominic Gonzalez
Latest poll.
Adrian Ward
Just got this in the Mail. Wat do Pol?
Ethan Brooks
Zweitstimme AfD. Erststimme whatever you want, though of course supporting the AfD would be nice. It would be a mere signal, though, unless in your area the AfD candidate has an actual chance to win (Erststimme is winner takes it all).
Christopher Johnson
Ian Jones
Seems like a concerted effort of the various party online shill organizations.
Zachary Hall
Prepare for trouble, and make it double To protect the world from devastation, To unite all people within our nation, To denounce the evil of truth andlove, To extend our reach to the stars above
You can spot shills by their poor grasp of the english language (shit like using DDR instead of GDR, poorly constructed sentences with german syntax)and a general lack of chan culture knowledge.
Tyler Brooks
Can someone explain to my why the normies don't pick up on the fact, that all afd politicians are actually highly education and have successful career, while the rest lives on fake diploma, were drunks, pedophiles, drug users, taxi drivers and dropouts?
Owen Jones
afd? putin's bootlickers, just like that gypsy named viktor orban. fuck them. a true german nationalist would want konigsberg back. a german would say kaliningrad ist deutsch .
Evan James
I'd say the content is more of a giveaway. A lot of younger Germans never lived through the time of the GDR and have never seen that abbreviation during the Olympics or other events, and are new to the chans as well. Generally, it's easy to spot the shills and those who try to demoralize. Any sane person should know that the AfD is our only shot at gaining more influence.
Jaxson Hernandez
You can tell by their language and arguments.
Fuck of shill
Nathaniel Green
Well for them, muh racism, is a valid counter-argument. Most of them are wageslaves or Low-Tier Students. So why focus on there educational level. AFD has God-Level education candidates.
Lucas Hernandez
now i have a question.
if the AfD will rise in popularity, or generally for the coming years, will they: drive more to the rightwing drive more to the left to appeal to noermies stay at their current positions
Anthony Adams
Because Normie sheeple think in memes. The strongest german Normie meme is the "Vernunft" meme, which is actually just cowardice dressed up as reason. So someone tells them "mergl machdn gudn tschopp jeds bloss fahnünfdig bleibn kaine eggsberimende" with a stern look of concern on their face and they immediately confirm like the good children they are. I have a feeling a lot of this shit is rooted in our school system, where it never was about understanding but just about bullshiting and finding out what the teacher wants to hear.
Cameron Brown
Sehr gut
Brayden Cruz
>briefwahl Enjoy having your votes stolen you lazy moron.
Ryder Jenkins
Merely stay. Going to the left would result in a fusion with the CDU and going right would probably result in a try to prohibit the party like what's happened with the NPD.
Sebastian Jones
That comes later. Demanding Königsberg now would probably just mean more space for browns and blacks.
Christopher Price
Wrong way of argumenting. Using reason is GOOD but Merkel never uses reason, that's just a meme created by the media.
AfD is the party of reason nowadays.
Kayden Stewart
All of you guys voting AfD? I'm kinda on the fence right now. On the one side I'd like to vote for them, on the other side, every vote for the AfD is a vote for the great coalition. I can't stand the SPD anymore, especially Heiko "Kinderehen müssen differenziert betrachtet werden" Maas. I want them gone so badly, if possible far below 20% so maybe, maybe they will finally get their head out of their own ass.
I'm seriously thinking about voting FDP right now.
Lucas Hill
I think we have to wait how everything develops in the next couple years, you already have the völkischer Höcke wing and I think in the east the candidates are generally more right wing, whereas in the west they tend to be more central conservative. I think for the next years it will stay as it is, if there isn't any major split like in 2015. For now I think they will be around 10% nationawide. They will probably be present in every state in the next years. When the situation with demographics and security will change to the worst they will gain momentum again, like 2016 with the refugees crisis.
David Cooper
Yeah, best case scenario would be the Höcke wing winning and them staying the course they're on right now.
Hudson Powell
FDP is not going to change anything, they're fine with the Familiennachzug and "immigration reform", which means legalizing all illegals in the country and higher quotas for coming in legally. Great coalition is much better in getting people fed up that way.
>Streit um Redeverbot für Gauland landet wohl vor Gericht
Der Oberbürgermeister ist übrigens von der SPD
Jayden Harris
Weidel is a dyke. unBased. At least she is a butch (masculine) dyke so she must have a certain masculinity in her worldview and ideology...but it is still unBased.
Andrew Gray
Every Vote for the Groß Koalition, is a vote for the Großkoalition Every Vote for AFD, is a Vote for AFD. Stop thinking like a Goy.
Xavier Rodriguez
Waiting on OP to accuse you of shilling.
Every coalition possible is with Merkel. This is the important point. Merkel is never conservative, so trying to force the FDP meme will not change her politics.
Ryder Davis
If you look at the poll above, I don't think there will be a black yellow coalition. A Great Coaliton could be also a good thing, maybe it would alianate more people from these parties.
Jeremiah Gomez
FDP is the "good for business" party, which means mass immigration of cheap labor to do what the elite wants, third world conditions right here. So instead of paying a bowl of rice to some Chinese peasant but then having to ship the goods over here, they can pay people here a bowl of rice. Long term they will destroy everything, country and economy, but short- and mid-term profit maximizing are too enticing.
Jaxson Russell
In my opinion there is no deep divide on political positions any longer since Lucke is gone. Petry and Pretzell are just money-grabbing kikes who will give up their positions for a few shekels. Gauland and Höcke are idiological stable.
John Gomez
>Wrong way of argumenting That's not a proper english sentence. Are 90% of germans physically unable to speak english?
That being said, I see your point but I stay by my point that the german definition of reason is just cowardice dressed up nicely. "jetzt sei doch vernünftig!!!! Wähl doch was normales" etc you know the drill. That word has been utterly corrupted because it now means "pacified", "weak" and "spineless" the opposite of someone willing to take a risk.
Caleb Martin
This post
Brandon Clark
Who cares. Trump's daughter is a fucking kike and /ptg/ doesn't care.
Ethan Smith
With that kind of thinking things will never change.
And the FDP are extreme neo-liberal, they can be even worst than SPD on immigration, almost PedoGreen and RedLink level.
Jackson Roberts
Levi Turner
The issue with the FDP is that they've been proven themselves to be spineless cucks over and over, just like the CSU. Why Merkel has that much power to walk over all her partners is beyond me. She's probably sitting on a big pile of Stasi compiled files about what west german politicians had sex with children or some shit.
Luke Miller
I used to think this kind of reaction is unique to Germans and enforced on us after WW2 but seeing the reactions to the bi-weekly Mohammedan manifestations of peace it seems most Westerners are vulnerable to that line of though.
That's good I guess.
Yup, they're Libertarian in the same sense most North American Libertarians are - mass immigration because it's good for big business, breaking down of national barriers because it's good for business, save on social services and police etc.
Jordan Sullivan
leider ungültig, das x darf den kreis nicht verlassen
Ayden Green
Du bist doch auch Deutscher, weißt also was ich meine...
Deine Argumentationsweise ist vom generellen Sup Forums geklaut, dass Abwägen etwas schlechtes wäre und man 1488 gehen müsste, um Sachen durchzusetzen. Das zeigt doch nur ein mangelndes Verständnis unser repräsentativen Demokratie.
Luis Powell
>Bundestagswahl 2017: Wie linke Aktivisten einen Wahlerfolg der AfD verhindern wollen - Gerechtigkeit
Wouldn't surprise me, but I think the JSA also has files on her, I don't she would have opened the borders that rapidly without anything going on behind the scenes. Or mabye it's the geheime Staatsvertrag BS.
Jackson Nelson
Anthony Wright
How does your voting system work? Why do you vote twice
Logan Edwards
She is probably blackmailed herself...
And let's not forget the media, even if CSU leaders have good intentions they are well aware that the media is what rules Germany.
Robert Lewis
I unironically want to send all the commies, anti-Germans and race mixers to the ME or Africa when the great purge happens so they can enjoy their diversity right at the source.
Christian Cook
let's imply that the unbelievable happens and the AfD will rise to 30%. If no party wants to work with them, who do you think will form the government? Große Koalition + Grüne/FDP maybe? The AfD will never get the opportunity to change shit in this country. Just look at the Alterspräsidenten bullshit.
But I won't have to see Heiko Maas anymore
their homepage says differently and actually seems reasonable. fdp.de/position/dossier-fluechtlingspolitik I know that the FDP did and probably will do a LOT of shit, but at least they're for civil liberties, which is already more than I'd expect from the SPD at this point. >save on social services and police etc. They're actually for more police this time around fdp.de/position/innere-sicherheit
Voting the AfD is fine with me, but actually changing the gov won't happen at all that way. You'll get at least 8 more years of SPD/CDU/CSU that way. The good point of that being, as the other user pointed out, that these parties will further alienate their base.
Logan Thomas
Both is true.
Erststimme = FPTP For the candidate in your county. Only CDU and SPD can win there.
Zweitstimme = proportional system Important vote, decides about how big the party will be in the parliament.
Bentley Rodriguez
Wo hast du dir denn die Geschichte aus dem Arsch gezogen?
Matthew Moore
CSU is sort of like the cuckservatives in the USA, they talk big in front of the media but they know they're just controlled opposition, never seen them not give in on important stuff. Also, for all the tough talk Munich is almost on the level of Berlin in terms of Buntness.
John Wright
war ein witz du pfeife
Jonathan Roberts
Aus nunmehr gegebenem Anlass:
>Irrtum 5: Auf dem Wahlzettel muss ich ein Kreuz machen
>Nicht unbedingt. So lange die feste Wahlabsicht auf dem Wahlzettel zweifelsfrei zu erkennen ist, gilt die Stimme. So kann der Wähler zum Beispiel den Kreis nach dem Namen oder der Partei komplett ausmalen. Gültig wäre auch ein Umranden des Kreises. Oder er streicht alle Einträge komplett durch, so dass nur maximal einer je Seite übrig bleibt.
>Ungültig sind leere, zerrissene oder stark beschädigte Stimmzettel. Nicht gewertet werden auch solche, auf denen alle Parteien durchgestrichen oder Kommentare vermerkt sind, die keine eindeutigen Festlegungen zulassen. Auch mit Namen unterschriebene Stimmzettel sind nicht zulässig.
I'd still recommend to just draw a cross like usual, especially when it's a vote for the AfD, since the cucked Wahlhelfer will use every last little excuse to not count a vote.
Isaac Howard
I actually think you are a shill now, but who cares.
AfD changes things by changing the narrative, just look how the debate went Sunday.
And if you vote FDP you will get Jamaika and many Green secretaries. Good look seeing Katrin Göring-Eckart and Claudia Roth daily.
Xavier Long
male anti-Germans should be enslaved for hard labour like repairing/cleaning streets
female anti-Germans should be distributed to single males for breeding
Mason Sanchez
Then make it 51% faggot.
Ethan Roberts
Ja, hanswurstiges feiges Schissertum, die Hosen gestrichen voll mit Dünnpfiff. Das lieblings Hobby der Spießbürger. Nur ist es vor lauter Aussitzen, Zaudern und Verkriechen bald aus mit der bürgerlichen Idylle. Der deutsche ist halt genetisch zu 90% ein bauernhafter Leibeigener und hat seit jeher durch Feigheit überlebt als durch Mut. Die Mutigen sind ja auf dem Feld der Ehre zugrunde gegangen. Wenn Deutsche einen guten Führer haben geht es auch mit dem Land voran, ohne Führung sind sie schlimmer als Neger. Dumm, feige und zögerlich.
Ich sag dir mal was passieren wird wenn nicht bald die morschen Knochen zittern, Deutschland wird islamischen, der Michel wird zum Fußball Wasserpfeife rauchen und die Currywurst ist halal. Disko hure Jaqeline wird Burka tragen und jedes Mädel bei dem zwei locken haar aus dem hijab hängen als fotze beschimpfen und die Sittenpolizei rufen. Der dumme vollgefressene Michel wird es einfach über sich ergehen lassen. Wie auch die Christianisierung, die Reformation, die Entnazifizierung, die atheistische Dekadenz und den Stalinismus.
Christopher Harris
These are the objects you're talking about.
Angel Carter
Too much "Honey & Milk" in Germany bruh...and that's the truth. Things will have to get worst before they can get better. Germans and Western Europeans in general engage in hypocritical "do goodism" because they have it easy.
Joshua Robinson
That makes sense. So this is showing me that the Pirates don't always have local candidates, just national candidates. Like our Greens and Libertarians
Josiah Thompson
Breeding with Subhuman DNA.
Just put both in Labour
Ryan Jenkins
Den Text hattest du schon gestern gepostet.
Und dieses Niedermachen des Deutschen ist jüdischer als alle Angestellten von Goldman Sachs zusammen!
Hudson Wood
>Ein Polizist habe ihm geraten, die Plakate möglichst lange hängen zu lassen, damit ihm in der Nacht von Gewalttätern aus dem linken Spektrum nicht die Fenster eingeschlagen werden würden. >Eines der AfD-Mitglieder hat die Aktivisten wegen einer unangemeldeten Versammlung und Körperverletzung angezeigt.
These fucking people man. I can't even imagine the levels of cognitive dissonance you need to make yourself believe that you're the good, democratic guy, while you're smashing windows and harrassing people just for having another opinion.
Isaac Martinez
Merkel grew up in the GDR you think a Stasi asset with SED aspirations who switched into the west as a fully grown adult just discarded her commie brainwash like that? Merkel and the reunification was a hostile takeover from day one.
Kevin Collins
>let's imply that the unbelievable happens and the AfD will rise to 30%. If no party wants to work with them yadda yadda
Why are you overthinking this so much? NRW won't be any less of a hellhole, now that CDU and FDP are in charge. The idea is to have lots of dissenting voices in the Bundestag, or you know dissenting voices at all.
Alexander Collins
Correct. The Pirates probably don't have even that much party members any longer to set up a candidate in every county. They hope to get over 1% Zweitstimme so that they get some money from the state.
John Robinson
For your fatherland Cmon Germans, after everything Merkel has done, you have to respond, this isn't a normal election - you have to do SOMETHING get AFD their highest result ever, you have to start somewhere think of the Germany you'll be leaving your grandkids
Thomas Bailey
Jamaika auf Bundesebene? Nie im Leben. fdp und grüne sind sich spinnefeind, immerhin vertreten sie gegenteilige Ansichten infast jeder Hinsicht. Why do you think I'm a shill? because I linked to the homepage of the FDP? It's hard to argue about what X will do, I can just argue with what X said he will do in the future. I doubt they'll come through with their program as well, though if they only come through with some parts of it, I'd consider it a plus over SPD/CDU that will literally never happen and you know it very well.
Charles Torres
The absolute state of German men.
Adam Thompson
Ach halt doch deine Schnauze du blödes Schwein. Der Michel braucht einen starken Führer und die Rute, sonst ist hier Land unter. Du bist doch auch genau so ein Hahnrei Versager wie die CSU. Kaum in der Lage einen graden Satz auf Deutsch zu sprechen, ständig am Dönerfressen aber viel aufs Deutschtum geben. Du bist dann der erste der in die deutsche Moschee rennt und sagt "wenn du was gegen den Islam hast hast du was gegen Deutschland, is jetzt ja Staatsreligion" verpiss dich einfach in deinen Schweinebau und halt die Fresse.
Ryan Perez
Adrian King
Lets hope for the Trump effect.
Jayden Miller
Everytime I see this pic I can't stop thinking "Malte". He looks like some Swedish Übercuck.
Ryan Baker
Hey Sup Forums remember the AfD? The last party in Germany with some balls? The only party that can save Germany from muslims, sandnigger and nigger in general? The only party which hates Merkel?
They need 1 million Euro till September 15th to have a real chance in the next german election.
Right now they have about 434.000€ of the needed 1 Million!
Every little bit helps! So if you can spend 5 bucks please consider a small donation. They accept PayPal.
The site is in german but the PayPal button is pretty self explanatory.
Thank you!
Julian Brown
>that will literally never happen and you know it very well. only because of your attitude and others like you why give up before you've even tried?
Owen Collins
>fdp und grüne sind sich spinnefeind, immerhin vertreten sie gegenteilige Ansichten infast jeder Hinsicht.
Außer in Schleswig-Holstein. Und in Rheinland-Pfalz.
Ayden Jones
Thats why you are a faggot.
Andrew Myers
Nein, du hast ganz einfach pro FDP und contra AfD argumentiert. Deswegen habe ich dir vorgeworfen, mit der FDP zu sympathisieren.
Und dass FDP und Grüne Gegner wären, ist das schlechteste Meme des Jahrzehnts. In RLP arbeiten sie zusammen, sie teilen sich die Wählergruppen und haben enorm viele Übereinstimmungen in den Parteiprogrammen.
Asher Hall
>tfw AfD will only score round about 10% >tfw Merkel wins again >tfw no other option than Merkel >germany is kill soon
Jonathan Harris
I don't view her as a commie at all. I view her as the fusion of Capitalism and Communism, the system that the (((Globalists))) had planned all along. The Cold War and the Capitalism vs Communism fight was a "Thesis->
Evan Clark
Germany was kill in 1945. Merkel is just making sure nothing grows from the ashes.
Nathan Rodriguez
Halt doch selbst die Fresse, du NPD LARPer. Bist wahrscheinlich ein Hartzer, der seine Probleme auf die "dummen Deutschen" projiziert. Oder ein verfickter Jidde, der einen Spaltpilz ins Volk treiben will.
Andrew Garcia
Caleb Cruz
this. if the world learned anything from Trump, it's that political polls are complete BS (Hillary 98% chance of winning LOL), media are liars, and the silent majority of people CAN stand up everyone stop being defeatist & hopeless, vote AFD
or you can keep being invaded & destroyed, and having your tax dollars used to fund propaganda against you (pic related)
Chase Lee
This. The worst of both worlds.
Asher Ross
lol @ 'Die Linke'
Alle Namen werden genommen?
Jonathan Powell
I doubt she's blackmailed, she's just a brainwashed Stasi agent. But yeah, it's highly suspicious how she got rid of nearly all CDU and csu figureheads in no time. Starting with the murder of Strauß and barschel. Same how Joschka Fischer took over the green party after he shot Petra kelly.
Jayden Kelly
No, this is not true. The polls were accurate and Hillary did win the popular vote. Trump used a brilliant strategy by appealing to the workers in Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania who would have voted for Hillary to win the general election.
Liam Sanders
Way to go.
Lincoln Ward
You guys believe that voting FDP will lead to black-yellow coalition?
Maas and antifa sympathizers in SPD would be gone.
Convince me that I am wrong.
Elijah Sanchez
While I kinda get why you'd let a syrian/afghan in from a leftist point of view, why would you ever let in a nog. The smell of one of those specimen on the bus alone
nah, it won't ever happen because it will literally never happen. Thinking the AfD will have any kind of governmen function within the next 8 years is pure delusion.
Länderebene und Bundesebene sind wirklich nicht zu vergleichen. Zum einen geht es um deutlich weniger, zum anderen unterscheiden sich auch die Politiker enorm. Vergleich nur mal die Grünen und Kretschmann.
>mit der FDP zu sympathisieren. tu ich gewissermaßen ja auch, sonst würde ich ja nicht überlegen sie zu wählen. Die Enthaltung damals zum Thema Libyen rechne ich Westerwelle heute noch hoch an.
Henry Reyes
Kek. Strauß was fat and had to die. Barschel was murdered by Mossad (like Möllemann).
Ayden Carter
Ryder Jackson
Du bist sogar zu ungebildet zu verstehen was ich meine. NPD hartzer und Jude gleichzeitig? Evtl bist du auch nur ein selten dummer Hammel der nicht mal anständig seine Gedanken artikulieren kann, weil er nie anständig zu denken gelernt hat. Wie ein scheiß Neger redest du "muh Deutschland, muh Deutschland, Kritik verboten" aber was Deutschland schön und besonders machte kannst du überhaupt nicht nachvollziehen oder formulieren weil es dir dazu an Grips fehlt. Mag ja sein, dass das Herz am rechten Fleck ist aber entweder lernst du denken oder du überlässt das Sprechen den Erwachsenen.