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I saw that. The top content said Judaism allows for Jews to there interest on outsiders
It doesn't just allow it, The Talmud encourages it.
in the end it doesn't matter, as leddit plebs are too stupid to put 1 + 1 together
Kek it's so true. I notice that in a lot of normies. They're smart, but they just can't connect dots. They have to be spoonfed everything. No curiosity or intuition whatsoever.
Capitalism is "Jewish Usury" - Michael Jones
germans are the fuckin worst in that matter believe me... we are truly a doomed nation. 3 generations of brainwashed plebs
>do tap water additives cause pipe corrosion? wouldn't removing metal salts cut off nutrition to the microbes? why does TasWater have open days asking companies to buy a right to put their product in the tap water, for only a quarter million a year? Why are only new things added, but old redundant chemicals are still kept in the water? Why do we need 200 different ingredients when UV filtration and PVC pipes is 100% effective?
tl;dr: almost all redditors told me distilled water is damaging to cells, it bursts them. so they need to adulterate the water to make it more like a human. I mention fluorine and aluminium aren't in humans, they call me a conspiracy theorist.
It just looks like if the jews created both islam and christianism with a rule that prohibits competing with (((them))). Funny innit?
Demands it really. Why be a Jew if you aren't jewing goyim
reddit is like digital Deutschland
The real answer is because eventually some guy wrote a book called Basic Economics for Retarded Christfags, and we all realised how silly we had been.
Based Jones
the reformation basically destroyed the catholic church's ability to keep jews in check since the church was highly involved with western governments until then. the english basically gave the modernworld to the jews, both by enabling martin luther all the way up until decided to fight hitler
Mod of /r/Culture is named ANALTOAST cant make this shit up...
Why should someone put their capital at risk and get nothing in return?
Answer: you shouldn't, and nobody would.
>almost all redditors told me distilled water is damaging to cells, it bursts them
Cells cannot live in distilled water for the same reason they cannot live in honey. But this has nothing to do with drinking distilled water, which is no problem at all, other than I'd guess dissolved minerals in normal water yield some micronutrients.
They're clearly brainwashed and you're clearly paranoid.
it was heavily implied that drinking distilled water would damage the digestive lining, but salty food and alcohol is A-OK. Maybe the paranoia comes from choline deficiency ;)
I just read that the "jewish banker" stereotype comes from the old testament. plebbit is truly lost
>it was heavily implied that drinking distilled water would damage the digestive lining
Well, rest easy, it won't happen. They're just making shit up because they've been told all their lives to yield their own judgment over their own lives to "experts" (and also yield their appraisal of who and what counts as an "expert") and you're just seeing echoes of the cognitive dissonance they experience when they realize they don't even understand drinking water, basically the most essential thing to survival.
All you can do for them is give your pity.
Can you imagine a time when people didnt need a loan to pay for a house?