Porn should be banned

I haven't watched porn for a week and here are the results:

>morning wood is back
>I'm getting random erections everywhere I go as if I was a horny teenager
>I have way more drive to accomplish things
>I have way more time to do productive stuff
>just had a ficki ficki dream about some girl I know IRL for the first time in years
>gay thoughts have disappeared
>social anxiety has at least halved
>depression is getting better

We need to ban porn ASAP

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>We need to ban porn ASAP
My country is, thank fuck. Not another generation of handcucks.

Good luck.

Spear in the hand or a spear in the heart. Technology once released it's out forever. Yes internet porn is absolute cancer - good luck trying to cure it without killing the patient.

>a week
you will settle down after a few days, you won't find long lasting effects unless you wait a month or more

But porn is the final stage of slut culture and is the result of the west being a completely sick society.
Nobody wants to 'ban porn', and you can't anyway, since it represents the most depraved aspects of western society that many people would still rather pretend don't exist.

shut the fuck up
you're one of those people that could be given sugar pills & if they told you it was superman pills you say YUP YUP I CAN FEEL LIKE I CAN FLY FASTER THAN A TERRORIST

>for a week

You need months to see some real results, and they are not necessarily obvious (I barely see them, I'm more "manly" and more "sexy" according to women); it's like when you lose weight, you don't realize you're losing weight until your clothes are too large. Also, we have an increased testosterone level during the 7th day of sexual abstinence, so your libido will return to normal tomorrow.

Keep going though, you're on the right track. Wait as much as you can before fapping again (without porn and fucked-up fantasies).


Have you ever tried nofap? Because what OP mentioned it pretty common to feel after quitting jerking off in just a few days.

Bans will only serve to exacerbate the problem. Like prohibition. It wouldn't work.



Yep, definitely

I bet this is just from you getting off your computer/Sup Forums for a week.

Yeah, in pieces.

Gif somehow related?

Hah, nice.

>>gay thoughts have disappeared
I know this feel
I need to get back on the no FAP train

That's the posters point, you dumdum. It's placebo and confirmation bias.

Before NoFap:
Losing my teeth

After NoFap:
Regained feeling in my limbs
Teeth growing back

>shut the fuck up
Very defensive
Get over it
Porn isn't healthy

>le state solution
>implying a porn ban will work
>implying that natural selection won't weed out the low-test men susceptible to porn addiction

>I need all of this for

No what you need is to have a sound body to lead to a sound mind. Banning porn doesn't stop you from still being a fucking faggot ass loser. Since despite your self-banning of porn you are essentially still a fucking faggot.

cut jerking to every 2-4 days and you'll be fine.

>>implying that natural selection won't weed out the low-test men susceptible to porn addiction
is that why american white birth rates are below replacement levels?
Not an insult, by the way. I think they are in my country as well.

>Gif somehow related?

Women enjoy having their hair pulled in very certain circumstances.

How old are you and how long have you been on nofap, OP?

Yeah because random boners are totally desireable

There is no modern footage of nukes. even tho camera technology has vastly improved since the fall of the USSR.

>watch porn at least twice a day
>random boners all the time
>make my bed every morning
>up at 5:30 am every day
>hit the gym at 6am
>have plenty of energy all day at work
>sleep min 8 hrs a day
>jack off when I feel the urge
>have a good diet
>read and have a hobby

You faggots need to change your lifestyles, sitting in front of a computer all day eating junk and waking up at 1pm is what's killing you.

damn i just beat me meat

Congrats on your autism and lowered testosterone production, gay retard.

While short term abstinence from ejaculating while increase testosterone production temporarily, long term abstinence an greatly reduce testosterone production. Not to mention it also reduces your risk for prostate cancer.

Enjoy being a miserable, sexually frustrated, low testosterone cuck with prostate cancer.

>Yeah because random boners are totally desireable

>Want to talk out to get a snack.
>Can't because I have a fucking boner.
>Don't want to walk through family with boner.

>Be out in public
>Sit down
>Start getting boner.
>Have to stay sitting down for an extra 5-20mins because of it
Remember to fill all your new free time with some activity or you'll fail everytime. Just stopping porn consumption is not enough.

>american diet
Have you eaten anything thats not 50% plastic and 20% sugar in your life ?

Is it worth it?

Longest i have lasted before is 3days, makes it hard to sleep cus you just wanna have a wank

>eating junk and waking up at 1pm is what's killing you.

Not really killing but being on a high carb diet is what causes people to stay flaccid. Literally the whole point of diabetes aside from its other effects.

Yes Goy! Watch while you literally sit and watch other men fuck women, this is only a healthy, normal and natural thing that really isn't a freakish aberration of our modern era! I N D U L G E!

Now excuse me as I go watch JC pound my favorite thicc girl! Like every man does!

>We need to ban porn ASAP
It's a major entertainment industry. There's far greater chance for Trump to be impeached than jews being banned from making porn.

>I need daddy gov to force decisions on me, because I am too retarded
If you dont want to watch porn just dont do it, jesus fucking christ, its ppl like you who give the state yo much power.

>gay thoughts have disappeared

Sorry user but straight people don't have gay thoughts. You will be back on the trap porn in no time.

Is anyone forcing you to consume that shit? Funding it with your money? No?


And we'll also ban sweets, alcohol, and drugs. Society will be perfect!

because they are doing underground tests since the 70s?

dumbpills are not redpills brah

I eat 3 meals a day and snack on fruits and yogurt. I hardly ever eat junk

So wait Sup Forums

What's better?

Watching porn but not masturbating?
Or masturbating without watching porn?

listened to this on the weekend. interesting stuff

>gay thoughts have disappeared

You're still gay tho

Yeah, why dont we.make a law that forces everyone to smile and be happy? Country would be so fucking perfect, right?

>>gay thoughts have disappeared
OP is literally a fag confirmed. /thread

>Enjoy being a miserable, sexually frustrated, low testosterone cuck with prostate cancer

It's not as if don't think it's a bad thing. Point still stands, and I didn't say anything about the legitimacy of the gov to do this.

Now adjust your glasses grandpa and sit a little closer to the screen pops!

>1 week
What is placebo

I fap 1-2x per week for maintenance purposes, unless getting laid, then none

I cringe at the thought that there are actually neckbeard NEETs out there who fap their micro-penises 3+ times a day to anime and BLACKED.

no fap or just no porn?

>gay thoughts have disappeared

Masturbating without porn is better. Watching porn conditions you to being a cuckold, while simply masturbating is an attempt to satisfy a sexual desire.

I'd recommend no-fap and no porn.

Enjoy prostate cancer
NoPorn is the true way.
Fapping twice a week is the white mans way.

I do both

true story?

Watched it yesterday. Great video.

I didn't know that people made so many studies about porn and its influence in men.

I fap to hentai, no fucks given

Your argument is literally:
>You/I need to watch other men fuck women to not get cancer

So you were getting a little gay and looking at pussy wasn't helping?

You might just be a faggot OP.

I'd really like to try nofap, but when you get "the urge" it's so fucking hard not to fap mang. I hate myself after I do it too, but can't stop


You do realize there are lots of kinds of porn right? Besides bog standard IRL third person "man fucks women in contrived circumstance"?

>3 memes a day
>real yogurt in america
Good luck

is this mental cuck porn?

or is this like 4D satire

>gay thoughts have disappeared
too late friend, I've got bad news for you.


Yes but you also know about how porn works on the brain. Dopamine fed by surprise and novelty; people start small and, in order to get that new hit, end big so to speak. Hence why degenerate shit can creep up on addicts so quickly. You may be the exception, but the rule is that men watch other men fuck women.

The prostate argument has more cancer then I'll ever get.

The only thing I felt was that i was horny and i couldn't focus on anything and Dreams were mostly sexual. I will do no fap when I have a moth to loose I can't study or going to uni if I am thinking about tits

Im gay and rarely watch porn. I dont need porn to jerk off. No rabbit hole to climax... Its awesome.


that's why USA tested its new miniaturised nukes to fire from a flying B-21 a couple of days ago "underground" yeh right.

>That bad for you

Isotretinoin, more known as the trademark roaccutan killed my libido. I wish I could watch porn and feel aroused as I did when I was 15.

>rabbit hole to climax

you fantasize about bugs bunny or some shit?

I'm 31 I watch porn and have none of those problems
You're problem is low T
Eat eggs everyday, testosterone is 95% by weight cholesterol
but still don't watch porn it hijacks brain functions and most people don't have the cognitive skills and knowledge base to overcome the adverse effects

Oh fuck, it's the dopamine meme. Go back to /fit/ you stupid faggot, EVERYTHING plesurable causes dopamine release.

Don't watch porn if you can avoid it dude. Porn does weird things to your brain. You really can get addicted to porn, and not in a "can't stop masturbating" way, in a "80% of your waking hours are spent watching, casually browsing, or searching for porn without even being sexually aroused".

So what you're saying is:
>we need to ban freedom of speech ASAP

Nah, fuck that.

Would you tell a heroin addict that the dopamine increase from injections is "just another form" of dopamine hit "like anything else"; because that's all you are saying here; note: porn has a HIGHER hit rate the heroin.

This is some next level retard argument.

>gay thoughts have disappeared

>watching porn
You must be drunker than me

I dont watch porn either
But thats not what this topic is about

>conditions you to being a cuckold
What? Buddy I think thats in your mind, cuckhold are literral weird fetishes like feets or urine. you wont become addicted to Japanese snuff porn just because you watch vainilla porn.

Nice going finn bro, I've been on no-fap mode for 3 weeks myself. Morning woods are definitely back.


What the fuck? Have you ever considered that not everyone has your retarded problem?

Never made it more than a week.

Personally I'd say porn has actually made me more gay, but that's just cause I have to learn to moderate the amount of fapping I do.

100% agree. Porn creates cucks. There are so many cucks these days, I actually have a friend who is paid by multiple men to fuck their girlfriends. There are so many cucks nowdays that you can literally pay rent on on a 3.5 by cucking people.

>gay thoughts have disappeared
Yes never watch porn again. Ever.
It doesn't do this to me, nor half the other stuff, but you've been clicking on the wrong things obviously.
No more porn for you. Just no.

Yes, if you stop playing with it, it will want to be played with. Jesus kids these days...

The problem with heroin is that it dramatically stimulates opioid receptors, not that it causes a dopamine rush, you fucking idiot

>I'm more "manly" and more "sexy" according to women

I agree. I'm 3 years without masturbation/porn and I've heard the same.

Totally recomendable

never fapped in my life, ask me anything

getting a gf

>If you dont want to watch porn just dont do it, jesus fucking christ
This. Just today I saw a bailey_jay.bmp posted on 4chink and I resisted the urge to go to my favorite shemale tube website and masturbate without restraint.

just think about something completely non-sexual silly

Porn addicts are very real user. Not everyone who drinks alcohol is an addict, but that doesn't make it not a toxic substance.

Porn affects brain activity it should be banned , it makes young people into degenerates . Sucks the life out of real relationships .

Then why you don't become a bull? I mean if that existed in my country is would do it fucking other dude girlfriend and getting paid must be great

Car accident? Rabbi snipped more of your dick off than needed?