*blocks your path*

*blocks your path*

Hah jokes on you, I got a life and binned my knife so you can't do shit to me.

Bants aside, I'll be fine. Bitches ain't shit.


How do I find out if someone is fully white? Or white enough? And how do I go about "redpilling" them?

*unzips pants*

*djibouti shooty >her*

I'd tell her that she's just two months away from a double-chin, then walk away.

*strips naked*
*starts licking her boots*

*pulls out dick*
>if you kill me now you'll never know what this feels like

but she's not even dominant looking you fuck

wuts his name lol

is this a trans?

We cant know anymore

cheeky mate i like it

>your honor, i feared for my life, she had a knife, it was just self-defense

so was this shit canned?

New Ela Mcdonalds skin looks nice

this but with my penis

if she kills me I'll win though

>wears a mask
>has brightly colored hair
I'm no professional but if someone said they were stabbed by a green haired walrus it would be pretty easy to track them down.


> Mate don't start cutting yourself, too late i called the suicide helpline for you her etake
>Ohh you want to hurt me, well you better turn your knife around, or else people ar gonna think you are depressed emo

Looks like I am about to obtain a nice potatoe knife and a nice jacket.

I thought switchblades were illegal?

>take out extendable baton.
>smash and break her hand
>use her own knife to cut off her stupid hair.

It's not a switchblade, you fucking halfnigger.

Yes, she just looks ill.

*sucks his dick*

My bad, I meant to say "transexual".


god i hope so

Brave Antifa!

Run in opposite direction, wtf bitch has a knife, I'm not risking getting AIDS for no goddamn reason

sweet the green haired dude

'excuse me'
*slightly bump just to make her lose the balance*
*pass away*

she holds the knife the wrong way..


No way man
Even trannies look somewhat dominant and have the female penis to prove it.
That thing just looks like a fat slug that's about cry the moment someone looks at her angrily

> The only solution is a preventive strike.
> Kill the cunt, declare defense.
> "She" probably doesn't know how to use a knife

ahem...10MM AUTO!!!

>punches your face
>shoves knife up your neo-vagina

proceed to rape her in the pooper with my african baobab



She would fuck a weak neckbeard like me up big time

never thought id get to actually use this

well if it was in the uk I would either report them for carrying a knife longer than the legal blade length. or just film their face. find out who they are. then burn their house down. you have got to play the long game with these people. other wise you will be held accountable even if they are the aggressors.

I wish a bitch would

Little does she/he/it know, I am a full trained soldier of the Knight's Templar. DEUS VULT!

I also like yo keep these for when shit gets real hairy

rape is the only option. women in reality like to get raped.


>Wear Jeans
>Low Kick to the legs
>Buckles and drops knife
>Space Marine Rape Squad Practice

my friend you can redpill anyone I'm a white/black 1/4 and I hate niggers and coal burners and muzzies (also I'm a faggit)

Doesn't matter if she covers her face, she is easily identifiable by that "just fucked in the ass" walk.

*arm gets broken 1.3 secs after mask is put on*

*kicks her in the balls*


>show literally about SJW who kill peoplel on campus for disagreeing with them

This is alsmost some form of satire

the Knife is shopped

Lefties sure are big into role reversal

Nigger, do you know how many green haired walruses there are in the west? A shit-ton.

>be woman
>play with male toy

Did you really expect different? I'm sure she handles a dildo magnificently, though.

I thought she was gonna show tits or something

i know right

>shitty yank knife
>not a fairbairn sykes

Woman pulled a knife on me once.
Didn't do anything because
>muh hitting womyns
until she actually used it, gashed my arm.
Had no choice but to drop her. Not proud.
Would probably freak out if another one pulled it on me because I would be expecting it to happen again. Wouldn't hesitate to drop her.

Not even a thoughguy or an edgelord, just doing what needs to be done.

>mfw most of my generation would get gashed and still try to apologize to her

I-I borrowed a Teutonic tunic from a friend

>A shit-ton.
So, 3 at best?

Well played, faguette, well played.

nice thighs, probably has a decent ass, would grab pussy

She's knock knee'd as fuck

Why does she look so miserable? Is this meant to be intimidating, or to make me feel pity?

>60+ replies
What the fuck

>hair fedora

Where's the passion? Where the rage? Where's the French chefs knife?
It doesn't even compare to every day life with a Mexican or Salvadoran woman.

problem solved

i feel like the green hair will give away your identity

it's fucking gay wemen one punch her and devastate her asshole

>that knife

bitch would do more damage to herself trying to stab me, I wouldnt even need to unholster my carry.

If it was a beanerina with a machete, I might actually be scared.

She looks like a team skull grunt.

>How did you know it was me? I covered my face and everything!
>Police: lucky guess

This kills the feminazis.



is that a man

>CAUTION: Eye irritent.

No shit sherlock.

what did you do then? and what would you do next time you see someone pull out a knife (whether they were squaring up to you or not)?

Actually had similar happen.

So im in Missoula Montana. Just fillin up my car, when a bigass hippie buss with big psychedellic letters declaring it "THE GHETTO GYPSY" pulls into the station. All these dreadlocked and rainbow haired cunts get out, start handing out flyers.

They hand me one, I glance at it, some sorta vague "stop the hate! End racism! Refugees welcome!" Type shit.

Toss it in the trashcan, go back to filling up my car. "HEY! WE PAID A DOLLAR FOR THAT!" some hipster faggot with purple hair is summoning the others to come support him.

There are now about 8 of these SJW cunts surrounding my car jeering about racism and fascism and any other label they think will bother me.

I am a 6' 2" 190 pound former Infanyry Marine. I make no attempt to engage them verbally. I calmly reach into my car and draw the 1911 .45 ACP I keep next to my seat.

They IMMIEDIATLEY scurry back to thier bus, the women are screaming, the men are swearing, one is crying.

Still not having said a word, gun still drawn I watch them depart, run down shitty multicolored bus engine revving as loudly as they can manage to peel out of there.

I go back to filling my car and go home. These people will never, EVER fight us. They are professional victims, they can never be a true combatant.

kick the shit out of her because she is obviously too weak to fight for herself so she has to get a knife.
while kicking she will not be able to protect herself thus she will die..
darwin's law

Please have mercy commie! I have a family!

looks like you solved more than one problem there jimbo

Shoot her in self defense.

i like weird chicks like her, besides she's prolly half my age, the real bonus

rape is the number one fantasy for women

Automatic knives are illegal bro! I'm calling the cops!

bonus points for total silence
that's the essence of intimidation

corpses have no gender

Nice one user

what the fuck is source on this feral bolshevik trash

what's xhe gonna do? stab me? I already got xher face on webm