So what now?

Ever since we've moved from traditionalism to the post modern dating/marriage culture, marriage and birth rates have tanked, single motherhood have become the norm, both women and men are more miserable than their grand parents generation, more beta males are becoming incels, and as a result of all this, white countries are slowly killing themselves with low fertility rates. These days, our countries high immigration rates are justified because of this real problem of our dysfunctional dating culture and lifestyle, which has led to low population growth. It's clear that the post modern dating culture and marriage 2.0 is slowly destroying the west. So what should we replace post modern dating culture/marriage with?

And please no sexist answers, women are empowered and unless society goes back to the stone age, solutions that rely on the reinstatement of the patriarchy won't be practical or realistic.

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Ignore roasties and let them die with 9 cats lol

White sharia

>no sexist

>couples with genes fit for procreation will procreate
>others won't

it will solve itself, just kill the mudslims to be safe

>No sexist answers
>The demographic problem is literally a result of feminist policies by the state, both through girl-focused education (Boys are dropping out substantially, not getting taught properly, male teachers are less present due to assumptions of child abuse) employment (Because of diversity hiring being a positive for companies, hiring a woman just because of her being a woman, is more beneficial then hiring a trained doctorate for the job whcih is male) and the encouragement of woman's behaivour akin to the more degenerate men

Your problem, is quite literally because of the state's focus on women.
Don't get me wrong, I love me a lady, but there ain't no solution to this which is one sided. It takes two to tango, both men and women will have to mature.

Unfortunately, there's far too much state/corporate encouragement of causal, degenerative behaviour that there's probably no solution to this unless people start fearing the decline of the people they love.

This ain't a solution, but this should make you understand what I'm saying.

I've been to Germany. You should know that the only people who're having children are single mother unemployed whales and immigrants. Most whites who would be considered "fit" for having children are in fact the demography least likely to have children. Being childless is now the it thing for most Germanic's elite and middle class unfortunately. We are experiencing dysgenics in Europe

>And please no sexist answers, women are empowered
You answered yourself in your own post. Women are "EMPOWERED" and hence everything is fucked up.
Modern western society is an exception to the norm, women have been second class nobodies and nothings for most of the human experience.
I know you want men to be traditionalist AND give women feminism, OP, but that's not possible in the long run. That's just LARPing, and it gets old fast.

you are forgetting Japan, there is no way that they are like us in terms of gender equality yet they are still tanking in population like gender roles are still the more traditional over there but they still have the same fertility problems