Cantwell did nothing wrong! REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
Isaiah Wood
Actual pic
Brayden Anderson
Brandon Reyes
>If you would like to mail a letter to Cantwell address is as follows and must have a return address: >Christopher Cantwell Inmate #631424 >Albemarle Charlottesville Regional Jail >160 Peregory Lane >Charlottesville, VA 22902
Isaiah Rodriguez
>If pol had a lawyer it would be a cross between a civil war doctor and a steampunk wizard
Kayden Howard
If this is true, Cantwell needs to make a huge stink, and fast. Why the fuck doesn't he have a public defender? This isn't legal representation. After seeing the picture of him pepper-spraying the guy, though, I'm worried he's too retarded to understand his rights.
Angel Taylor
>get called a Nazi, despite literally being the opposite >get thrusted into being the leader of le alt right after a vice documentary, even though you're not alt right and even though you were irrelevant to the movement before >disrespected by Nazis for being lolberg >jailed
Is Christopher's Cantwell the most JUST'd of /ourguys/?
Jason Hughes
Better to have a civil war throwback than end up with a court-appointed Jew or a diversity hire, both of whom would fuck him.
Carter Hall
Seems like a nice old duffer.
William Harris
at least with the public defender he can make a constant stink about bad representation
Jace Rivera
That office looks comf af tbqh
Carter Sanders
My sides well done.
Liam Murphy
Don't you dudes have like a right to legal council or something?
Luke Carter
oh you wanna laugh at us some more huh? yea you're a big tough guy picking on us when the jew media holds a microscope to everything our country does! you think you're a hot shit dont ya? well I'm sure we're liable to find some skellys in your closet so dont be one to cast stones
Austin Gutierrez
have gold :D :DD
David Sullivan
David Moore
T-this can't be real.. right? I mean this is too absurd. In the US money = winning a legal case, and if you're deplatformed for your opinions legal council will be refused until you have to be represented by a clown? Is that how your system works?
What happened to John Adams defending the british soldiers? JFC America.