There will be war

It's now official. Trump selling weapons to japan and south korea isn't some regular weapons deal, those countries are the ones llikely to get nuked by north korea and trum selling them weapons means it is nearly 100% likely a war with north korea is incoming.
brace yourself for ww3 and earth's first nuclear war where hopefully we all survive

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>"""Allowing""" Japan to buy more overpriced f35s and other shit that doesn't work

trump threw in some of Barron's rare yugioh cards

will japan be mad at north korea if n korea nukes japan?

No it doesn't, NK will just continue saber rattling and growing stronger but no one's going to fire first

>Drumpfkins ACTUALLY believed Hillary Clinton was the war monger

>tfw we bro japan some nukes

You realize all we want is happenings? Trump was the happening candidate. :^)

>arming allies is warmongering

>will japan be mad at north korea if n korea nukes japan?
no they're a nation of soyboys and will probably celebrate it and become allies with NK like they did with us after hiroshima and nagasaki.

>tfw this was all some ploy to scare some asians to buy more shit from the US

getting nuke changes you

Was this Trump's plan to lower the national debt? Create fake drama about missile tests that North Korea has been doing for decades to spook Asia into buying more shit?

iceland will be safe from a ww3 involving nuclear war you guys will have to repopulate the earth and save western civilization. i kind of want a nuclear war not desu

no it was (((Jared's))) plan.

Nope it is containment, we will likely see more of this unless China deals with NK

China really dosnt want to see an arms build up in its backyard by Japan and S Korea but it wont be able to do anything about it while NK continue to pursues its current course.

This will increase pressure on China to do more, its a good move imo.

h-highly sophisticated y-you say?
dark matter bombs?
space lasers?
swarm drones?

this is the real deal man. nuclear war is on our doorstep and we aren't just trying to trick the jaos into buying army stuff.
and desu kim is going to go bat shit insane when he start getting carpet bombed by everyone so he is going to start launching nukes in a desperate counter attack because he has nothing to lose and i hear there are north korean submarines that are close to australia so prepare yourself.

"I am allowing to buy" what a kike

Please Mr. Trump sir, stop trying to coax NK into nuking Japan. I realize that NK nuking us would give you a good reason to blow them the fuck out without any loss of American lives, but don't forget that anime got you elected, you owe Japan for that if nothing else.

Get them to nuke SK first, SK is a shithole anyway.

The entire southern hemisphere will be safe because none of them have nukes and because the atmospheres of both hemispheres don't mix which protects them from fallout.

Australia becomes the last white country on Earth.

probably some obsolete stuff with build-in secret kill switches for top dollar, thats how the US MIC rolls

man he really is good at scamming people

>Australia becomes the last white country on Earth.
Australia proves that the white race will always endure. Their small population has produced how many 10s in even the last decade? Imagine if they were the only whites left. They still produced more 10s than rest of world combined.


japan has already been nuked twice in one month before and you guys managed to come out ok. If the stuff we sell you doesn't help prevent you from being nuked again then you guys will probably be alright. imo

fuck off waitu piggu

Good. We should have let them off the leash and let them defend themselves like sovereign nations decades ago. Better late than never.

SK is NK's spoils of war.
They will never nuke SK.

>he cut kim in for 15%

It could be a bluff. A war would happen so soon anyway that those countries wouldn't have the time to deploy all that new hardware

Japan was nuked twice in a month and turned out alright, maybe if you get nuked more you'll fully transition to the 2d world


1) protect allies
2) make money
3) alternative to glassing everything

how will they spin this? greedy jew?

He could be selling DOMEs to them, not atack weapons.

It's clear to me that he's arming all nonwhite nations and bullying NATOMA into building up in preparation for WWIII. First Saudi Arabia now Japan and SK.

(((They))) can spin it however they want. The west is strong. The banter is high energy and the women are being creamed daily


This appears to be entirely about containing China.

a-annon.. are we the baddies?

They should be ready to fight along side us while we defend them. Giving them the tools to do the job saves American lives and prevents outrage from china/russia

War makes men feverish. There's enough plutonium to wipe every man woman and child off the face of the earth. Sleep well anons. They need a very big war to complete their plans.

>brace yourself for ww3 and earth's first nuclear war where hopefully we all survive

>have first nuclear war
>nobody dies

Fucking kek

>Trump is saving anime.

What a time to be alive.

Yum, this is going to piss off China. They hate Japan. May pressure them to move more on Us side.

Screencap this because i predict that Trump will strenghten ties with India next. Then China will work closer with Russia while Russia secretly backs NK. The sides are being picked for WWIII. Not that it will happen, but if it does, these are the teams.


>Japan (Defensive)
>Saudi Arabia

War makes alphas out of betas and increases fertility. white people need this. Fucking do it kim!

>sell japan nukes
>they instantly fire them all at Pyongyang without warning
Many such cases.

Germanys still under the control of you, Burger. The Jew was never going to give power back to Germans. Now they send the most sophisticated nuclear subs to Israel free of charge

>earth's first nuclear war

nobody will use nukes on earth ever

the man knows how to do business

Youre delusional

where's our overpriced shit, m8?

Jeb was right all along

Trump is the chaos candidate

>America is controlled by the military industrial complex
>fights wars to make corporate profits
>makes money selling arms to other countries
>war is inevitable

Bad logic. War isn't inevitable at all. Some exec working for Raytheon blowing his huge bonus on snorting a a few lines of coke out of a high priced hookers asshole is.

This. They will build megaton h bombs and advanced icbms capable of reaching the U.S. east coast. They're already virtually untouchable now. In a few months maybe one or two years they will have absolutely sealed the deal.

high flying assets

>stating facts
Ah, your a T_D guy. I'll be moving on then.

She was /our gal/

>known to be mentored by kkk leaders
>called blacks predatory
>very anti Semitic in the early years till 90s
>unjusted herself by giving bill the pain of never having a child
>disowns her daughter half the time

Perhaps she was pulling a macron and pretended to be liberal?

How will you know? You'll be dead.

>Allowing Japan to uncuck their military so the gooks can duke it out amongst themselves (whilst stimulating the U.S economy)

God tier, this is exactly what I was hoping he would do.

Clearly you underestimate Japanese willpower... those crazy sons of bitches would have already turned NK into glass if the U.S would let them have nukes.

On a serious note, why would NK nuke Japan and not SK? dont they hate SK more?

Yea but NK is Chinas puppet and China hates Japan. Whichis why Trump arming Japan is such a big deal. China was thought to inveitably take over Japan sooner or later. The fact they are getting military euipment is YUGE


No your a leaf


Times up anons. (((They))) will get thier war.

No he's just making bank off of the fear of nuclear war.

There will be no war on the Korean peninsula


>tfw we bro japan some nukes

In a crate, or via high altitude air drop? It kinda matters.


top bantz

wrong. this is different from all other nork happenings. this one is real and fire awaits.

Now you see why Japan is 'building' a newer Gundam to 'replace' their old one?

they might get the wrong idea if we air drop them. again.

>implying nukes even exist





>Japanese willpower
Confirmed. These gooks can nationally turn on a dime to fuck you up with no fucks given.

>drat, going to have to sell all of these weapons for billions of dollars.. shucks can't be helped... if only we hadn't perpetuated this mass hysteria about n.korea through a couple tweets.. oh well
8D chess

Which is precisely why we should use them as the "mad dog" to control NK.
Kimi's testing out what he can get away with against the U.S (+the rest of the west) because he knows we're weak, he knows our bleeding heart liberals won't let us do anything harsh.
But Japan is a different kettle of fish, Kim knows Japan won't fuck around, he knows they're chomping at the bit waiting to be let of the leash.

we should sell arms to south korea who then funnels them to japan who does the initial attacking. this way we could attack north korea while hiding behind the asian race card.

You're a big fat mess jeb. By far the weakest user on this board

If 2 nukes got us anime and trump, just think what great things will come from a third. Take one for the team nip.


>high sophisticated

hes giving you missile defense, be thankful nipp

Good move against China, the more they push NK they more SK and Japan get armed.

Japan armed to teeth is bad fream for China.


You figured out the plan!!

Trump setting up Kim to the shadow realm!

he needs to open a path for Nippon to acquire precision nukes and SK needs some good old David crockett.

Japan is going to stab us in the back, screencap this

norks have subs?




Real fucking shitty ones

North Korea has the largest submarine fleet in the world, and they're capable of launching missiles from them.


How efficient are Kim Jungs' missiles? are they classed as ICBMs? could he hit the American west coast?