What am I supposed to major in during college to work at a place like this?

What am I supposed to major in during college to work at a place like this?

Don't wanna waste my time majoring in something that won't help me work in the government

Math and computer science. Join the army, spend 20-25 years making full colonel then you're good to go.

Maybe some computer science crap for IT contract work. You probably have a better chance of just joining the military and going into a MOS that needs security clearance

Call the fuckers and ask them. Probably the same way you get anywhere, by throwing massive kike parties where everyone drinks for free, then the kike kids tell the kike dad that you're a good goy.

jewish studies

Kill people for XP until you hit General.

sucking dicks
guaranteed placement if youre good at it

>kill people for XP

Trips don't lie. This is your future OP.

Make 2 million posts and prove that you have created at least 15 decent memes. You'll get an invitation from the Pentagon Memery Division soon after.