David Icke

How right is he? Do shape shifting reptilians really exist?

Other urls found in this thread:


He was half-right. Shapeshifters exist.


He has a lot of first hand experience and knowledge about the wonders of the universe.
Just listen to his talks about the holographic nature of reality and vibrational frequencies, then you'll have a better understanding of what it is he means when he says "reptillian shapeshifters".

Hes right about a lot of things, but hes a dangerous element because a lot of unhinged people take his shit too seriously.

The things he talks about should be kept in mind, filed away in preparation for analyzing future events that may or may not occur.

Unfortunately there are those who take his shit too seriously and fuck up their own lives with rampant paranoia and negativity towards everything.

Reptilians is code for jews

Welcome to Gnosticism. Roadcabestany

Can you prove this without offering meYoutube videos of footage reduced to its lowest quality in order to get the desired digital artifacts you can claim as "shapeshifting"?

no, you fucking retard

He warned about Jimmy Savile being a pedophile in the early 90s, I believe (in a book which he didn't get sued for), while most in England were to shit scared to say anything.


He called the collapse of the USSR in 1989

Yes, we call them the Serpent Archons.

Even David is coming around on this.

The Chief Archon is the Demiurge.

lmao, I saw that Jew say that. And he was Right.

They are children of Cain, and Yaldabaoth raped Eve and Fathered Cain.

Seth is from Adam and Eve, not the son of the Demiurge.

Eve knew that she got a man from the Lord when she had Cain. But that Adam was the Son of Abel and Seth

I used to think he was a total moron but now im beginning to think he is right

>Adam was the father

opps brain is not working.

delet this goy


Yes he's right. Also discuss this is on /x/ since that board is dying and this is relevant there.


The Reptilians are the Serpent Archons, and the Jews worship the First Ruler, the Chief Archon Yaldabaoth.

He may be.
He references 'energy' far to often without specifics, and that always raises a red flag for me.
But his points about the elite sucking up to some kind of entity are founded in truth to be sure.
Also he showed up Terry Wogan after many years of being thought of as a looney, and he was a half-decent footballer as well.
All in all, a very entertaining and smart guy, but to be taken lightly unless you are well into the kind of stuff he speaks of.

>Hes right about a lot of things, but hes a dangerous element because a lot of unhinged people take his shit too seriously.
also this.

No, only loonies with personality disorders buy into that shit.


Let me explain to you about these Serpent Archons.

You might know them as Samael and Lilith.


The Manner of the Appearances of Lilith:

When she comes as Samael the Slant Serpent to lie with
mortal women he has sometimes the body of a great snake with the face of a lion. Oftentimes he has
the head of a man with long golden hair wearing a crown of reddish gold. He encircles the woman in his
coils so that she cannot move and violates her. His member is long and thin with the hardness of ebony
but cold, so that the heat is drawn out of her belly. His tongue is sharp like that of a lizard. He extends it
into her ear or down her throat. With his lips he whispers obscenities. He bites her breast and leaves
blackness. He squirts poison into her womb that turns into corruption and stinks, and the flies come and
she dies.

Seeking deception he puts on the shape of a comely youth with soft white skin and golden hair falling in
curls around his ears. He speaks in high voice sweet words of love. When he sings it is as if a woman
sings. His laughter is a gentle clash of cymbals. Nor do his eyes ever leave her. With solicitudes he
beguiles his foolish lover until she is led to offer him all her gifts. At last she submits to any outrage he
pleases to inflict. Her virtue lost, he reveals his true nature, Samael the Prince of Lies.

Most of his books recycle material so it's probably in a few of them he also accuses Ted Heath of being a pedophile reptilian shapeshifter.

when he talks about living in a matrix he is right some of the other stuff like saying the moon is a projection doesn't make sense to me

At first I was laughing at him but today after learning he is 80% right, I am scared if the other 20% talking about interdimensional reptilians are true too....

If he was right about everything he would be the Messiah.

Thanks, I'm hard af now.

Yes, rh negative blood types.

I am black and terrible of aspect. My eyes are quickened coals that smoulder with emerald fire in the
caverns of my skull. Sharp my teeth like those of the dragon that crushes its foe in deadly embrace.
Sharp my envenomed nails like the fangs of the viper that hisses. My lips are ruddy with clots of gore,
my mouth drips with fresh blood, my forked tongue is as black as Death, the stench of carrion hangs on
my breath, and the flies come and settle upon my cheeks. Yet my breasts like unto the hills of Gehenna.
My thighs vast columns of ebony that extend down even to the very foundation stone of the Abyss.
Leviathan coils his slimy length about them and makes his lair in my womb. It breeds serpents as does
the putrid belly of the dead horse.

Seek not to flee, O my love. My arms restrain you with terrible strength. I bind you to my breast with
the rank strands of my hair. I am the Jealous God. No other god shall lie with you. I am the Heavenly
Harlot, the Queen of All Pleasures. No other lover shall ever please you. Your seed is the payment I
exact for my whoredom. You are source of my delight as the corpse delights the jackal in the desert.
The screams that are born and die in your throat nourish my darkness. Your fear excites my lust. I will
not cease to abuse you all the time that I love you. Nor can you ever be rid of me, for we are joined as
one flesh under the dark face of the Moon. I cry out in the excess of my passions. My cries are like
those of the bird that flies by night and screeches.

you faggots need to go back to /x/
super duper gay larp bruh

Occam's razor.

>Plot twist:
David Ike is actually a shapeshifting lizard, he's just acting like a crazy bastard to deflect any legitimate criticism of (((their))) agenda.

the Leontocephaline

Everyone watch this.

The basic premise is that in a time within homo sapien, the solar system was within a berkland current, divided in two with Saturn as one Sun (Brown dwarf) and Sol as the other, with their own bodies in rotation. Earth was within the glow of Saturn, which produced a never setting purple light; this was the timeless age.

At some point, within a short span of tens of thousands of years, the Herbert harrow system within the current collapsed and Saturn, upon contact with Sol's heliosphere, gave a destructive flaring before settling to its current state; this moment would be synonymous with the destruction of Kronos, or even the beginning of Genesis.


Icke expands this a little here, and goes into the rings of Saturn.


I am a published author on the JQ and occult and I have done more research than 99% of the people here at chan and I all I can say is I don't think (((they))) are human but I have never seen any evidence to make wild assertions that they are reptilian aliens. It is impossible to know what (((they))) are without being on the inside

David Icke is absolutely correct that we have been trained to dismiss anything outside the physical realm as meaningless.
There is so much going on that we can't perceive it's mind boggling. Even in imageboards, the true amount of shilling social shaming that goes on here is astronomical. Very fucked up people are working 24/7 behind the scenes to socially shame and influence young men on imageboards. There are sinister forces lurking behind a lot of these anonymous posters. And you have no idea who they are until they reveal themselves.

They're genetically engineered servants of the Archons. The Archons likely live somewhere in Switzerland.

this, once you go all the way down the rabbit hole you come full circle and find God, it is a crazy trip

proofs or gtfo

I just assume any theory that's shamed is correct.

Of course not....................

The guy is larping and making a lot of money with it... come on, lithuanian user..

I was trolling, but they actually are genetically engineered slaves who serve a master.

He's a shill. Pretends that he is being targetted by the ADL. Yet, how many jewtube accounts has he lost? ZERO.
He plays into their game by claiming that there are gentile shapeshifters like the queen of England.

The Demiurge is the Lord over this Realm of Darkness.

Sophia hid him here in this place of Shadow and Fog.

So we call him the Gloomy Ruler.

The Realm of Light is called the Pleroma and its where the Aeons live.

They are Emanations of the One, the Monad.

ok proofs bro not stories. I am a scientist and author I write non fiction, I need proofs

jews are the reptilians minions on earth/in this dimension

The Black Cube of Saturn represents his Matrix.

Like scientific proof? That's banned on the subject. Gnosticism and Occultism knows a lot about the subject though. Jews are Mystery Babylon.


yah no shit guv as I said I am an expert on tis subject and I have never seen any proof they are lizards that is pure conjecture

Reading the Bible right now, where the fuck are you getting this? You just mixed like 4 generations.

They aren't lizards.

Its Gnosis.

Read the Nag Hammadi.

Interesting vid, I am watching and I believe in the Electric Universe.

Streisand effect if his accounts ever got deleted

Ok look do you really know about of this stuff or are you just bullshitting? I have never read any Icke but as I already said I am a writer and wrote a book about this myself. As I said I am not entirely sure these (((people))) are human and would like to discuss and explore all the evidence with someone as knowledgeable as myself. Anyone here really know wtf they are talking about on this topic that can really get deep into this and explore with me?


No, not really. There is primitive behaviour found in humans that controls survival instincts. This is what some refer to as a reptillian brain...

David Icke is just trying to create another religion that dehumanises whites and protects Jewish Imperialism.

If you want to talk about shapeshifters, there's nothing supernatural about it. Like all the Jews that pretend to be white.

Rothchild means Red shield. It is a German family name and has been culturally appropriated by the slimy Jewish ruling class.

Do a little research on the Serpent bloodline of Cain.

Take this shit to /x/ where it belongs.

Fucking gnostic, off my board REEEEEE

>Robots live underground and control us through agents.
>These agents are the remains of people they genocided for political reasons.
>You can never know about this unless through divine intervention or being an insider.
Am I bullshitting? Am I an agent? Am I one of these "Archons" pulling the strings? That's what's so brilliant about it all. You'll never know if I'm telling the truth. There's nothing you can do even if it is true. Will the world find out? Will it matter? The fucks on this world won't even fight for their race. Why would they fight against the gates of hell?

The bible is a good place. Essentially, (((They))) are the children of Cain, himself a son of the fallen one. It is important to note that many mythical abominations, from giants to centaurs,
were the result of "fallen" interbreeding (about 1/3 of all angels fell with him). They are otherworldly by any standard.

Every time he mentions reptiles imagine he's saying jews

suddenly it all makes sense.

no haha of course not i mean how could such a thing really exist it's not like anything could happen are you really going to listen to him i thought not

t. human

Hear and be wise. The God of the sons of Adam is not the highest monarch of the heavenly zones.
Above him swells one so much greater that his greatness cannot be measured. Even the name of God
defiles him, for he is not a god but a singleness of being without discontinuity. He shines with a pure
light no eye can see and speaks in thunder no ear can hear. There is none existing prior to him to limit
his duration. He is ineffable and perfect, standing alone complete unto himself.
Neither male nor female, neither large nor small, neither breath nor flesh, the mind of man can never
question his qualities for he is unknowable. He endures outside of time and encompasses duration. He
is the Father of Aeons. He rules before and above all existence. He gives knowledge but is not Wisdom.
He gives mercy but is not Love. The name of him is forever unspeakable, for in it are all names and
moments in the existence of things, and if ever it were spoken aloud the universe would unravel like the
hem of a garment and come to an end.

ummm actually yah I will know if you are telling the truth because I actually know wtf I am talking about we and (((they))) can easily spot each other. In fact they are here all the time and I speak to them often.

yah I agree this is a very real possibility

Even if you do take the Bible out of context please realize that Cain's spawn all died in the great flood.


>The fucks on this world won't even fight for their race. Why would they fight against the gates of hell?
yah I agree I have worked my ass trying to wake people as to what's coming. The truth is most people really are sheep or cattle. There are only a handful of us on here that really know the entire story it is far to complex and in depth to show the sheep.



>thinking David Icke belongs in /x/

>screeching on Gnosticism

>Fag flag.

Everything checks.
Fuck you

christ is the demiurge fucking faggot

bodhi stop namefagging and kill yourself

lol I love watching this guys butthurt this is true mental illness in full effect watch this dude guys if you want to laugh your balls off at someone being assblasted into mental illness. Dude literally stalks me for exposing his frog worship as kiker, funniest shit you will see on the boards





>can't even deny he's a shill who copies and pastes his bullshit in every thread

>christ is the demiurge

Their Messiah is the Son of the Demiurge.

Ask any Jew and they will openly tell you Jesus is not their Messiah because they are awaiting another.

dude literally posts screenshots if me exposing kikes and says it is somehow proof of me being a kike, you will find anyone more stupid or literally nuts then this guy right here, shit does not get more hilarious

k keep littering the board with ur copy paste bullshit faggot. Seriously need to neck yourself

It is a metaphor for jews who look huWhite. He must have got the idea from 'They Live'.


I actually think is just some teenage kid he posts 3-4 posts to every one of my posts just saying kys and praise kek. you are a fucking stone cold faggot and weirdo kid I hope to god you never get your hands on a firearm

All 3 abrahamic religions right now have been corrupted. (Star, Moon, Sun)


>Neither male or female

Ohh yea,

What could we do to bring them to the Light of Gnosis?

He-Who-Is is ineffable. No principle knew him, no authority, no subjection, nor any creature from the foundation of the world, except he alone. For he is immortal and eternal, having no birth; for everyone who has birth will perish. He is unbegotten, having no beginning; for everyone who has a beginning has an end. No one rules over him. He has no name; for whoever has a name is the creation of another. He is unnameable. He has no human form; for whoever has human form is the creation of another. He has his own semblance - not like the semblance we have received and seen, but a strange semblance that surpasses all things and is better than the totalities. It looks to every side and sees itself from itself. He is infinite; he is incomprehensible. He is ever imperishable (and) has no likeness (to anything). He is unchanging good. He is faultless. He is everlasting. He is blessed. He is unknowable, while he (nonetheless) knows himself. He is immeasurable. He is untraceable. He is perfect, having no defect. He is imperishably blessed. He is called 'Father of the Universe'.

I've got the documents.

Alex looking good there nice and fit

>he has no name
>he is called "father of the universe"

Icke got the idea from movies. Icke said we are being played a movie.

That is a Title, not a name. Silly.

yo pajeet stop namefagging. you're not important enough to pretend you're important.

Alex knows. He is hiding his power level.

Phanes is Lucifer, he has the body of a man, wings of an eagle, head of a bull and lion (making Phanes a Cherub) but also has the head of a goat and is entwined by a snake. He holds a Promethean torch (Protogonos-Metis) and is dual gendered (azoth). The Orphic mysteries were renewed in the Pythagorean mysteries, onto Platonism and neoPlatonism, all the way to Gnosticism and masonry. The Mithradite leontocephaline is revealed in the Roman statuary inscription 'Helios-Mithras-Phanes'.

He was right about elitist British pedophiles and I suspect he's right about a few other things but shape-shifting reptilians and soundwaves crossing the vacuum of space are utterly retarded.

I have a friend who treats this fuck like he were Jesus.

Phanes in the Greek means "bringer-to-light," and would be recognized by the Romans in the title "Lucifer" under the Blazing Star of Sirius.

he has a roasties fanny. the tits of a transgender, the cock of a elephant.