Does Autism exist in Poland?

>The SYNAPSIS Foundation estimates that autism and related developmental disorders directly affect more than 30 000 Polish children and adults.

1 in 1267

>1 in 68 children are currently diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder. The prevalence of ASD has increased over 100% in the last 10 years. Autism is now the fastest growing and most commonly diagnosed neurological disorder in Canada. ASD is caused by a combination of genetic and environmental influences.

1 in 68

>Autism is 19,000% more prevalent in Canada than in Poland

WTF? Are (((they))) behind this?

Also where to find qt Autistic Polish waifu in Poland?

Other urls found in this thread:

>Results and discussion

>The National Health Fund reported that 13 261 individuals up to 18 years of age received health services for autism and related disorders in Poland in 2012.

1 in 2865

>This is a prevalence rate of 3.4 cases per 10 000 individuals. Incidence rates vary in different Polish regions, with the highest rates recorded in the following voivodships: warmińsko-mazurskie (6.5 cases per 10 000 individuals), śląskie (5.0), and pomorskie (4.6). The provinces with lowest rates were podlaskie (2.1), małopolskie (1.9), zachodniopomorskie (1.9), and łódzkie (1.8). These rates are far lower than those in European countries (20 per 10 000) and United States (200 per 10 000) epidemiological surveys.


>Information on the prevalence of autism in Poland and in the world remains unclear and imprecise. This results from global differences in diagnostic criteria. There is urgent need to develop global standards for the diagnosis of autism in children.

1 in 500

1 in 50

Are Poles just autistic by default?

It's the Jews.


I think some.people have mild forms of autism but they do fine and adapt in non degenerate societies.

Maybe all of Poland has Autism.

Everyone who browses this website has autism.

Nope i'm smart as fuck try again
I am ripped aswell and if I ever saw you i'd kill you.


silent weapons for a quiet war
this is being done to us on purpose through environmental poisoning

in warfare how do you take the enemy off the battlefield? assume you have only one bullet, you can shoot one of your enemies in the head. or you can shoot one of your enemies in the gut and watch as a couple of his buddies carry him off the battlefield. three soldiers removed from battle with one shot.

rather then kill us off, make us weak. autism requires so much support that more healthy humans are removed from the battle to care for and support these poor injured people.

when the autism rate increases to 1 in 10, then basically everything grinds to a halt as all our resources and efforts end up going into supporting the mentally injured. it's even more effective then simply killing people.

>Ashkenazi Jews has mental problems
>most of Poles has in blood Ashkenazi jews blood too
How about that?

Well I do
>Ashkenazi blood
Well I do

hello my je-.. polish friend

Modern Poland is just merge slavic and jewish ideas under catholic protection.


we have a western country with low autism rates, poland

and we have a western country with high autism rates, canada

what are canadians consuming that the polish people aren't?

do polish people use the common preservative calcium propionate? linked to neurodegenerative brain disorders in rat studies where the rats where fed the same dose of calcium propionate per ounce of body fat that a human being would get per ounce of body fat eating a loaf of bread in a week.

almost all canadian bread has calcium propionate. what about polish bread?

or maybe it's something else.

maybe a pole fag can help me out here. check your bread and get back to me if you see calcium propionate on the label or not.

do polish people even eat processed foods?

hows polands water supply? any fluoride?

almost all the corn, soy, canola, and sugar in canada is from monsanto, genetically modified. what about poland corn?

come on people, we need to get to the bottom of this

this could be the thread where we figure out what poisons are being fed to us that cause autism. we need poles and candians to get together and hash this shit out. don't let this thread slide, every bump helps

pitch suggestions as to what the poisons might be

do polish people have bpa in the linings of their canned foods? do they even eat can food as often as canadians?

many possible sources need to be checked to see what canada has that poland doesnt

sorry I eat only pickled herring and wash it down with vodka

I like how Polbros constantly shitpost so nobody would even consider moving to Poland.

I'll have to jump in and damage your plan a bit, Poland is a serious country, I've not felt so "at home" like I did in Poland.
Thumbs up to ye for keeping Cracow so beautiful.

or perhaps there is some polish food which offers protection against the poisons. we don't eat pickled herring in canada, but it seems unlikely pickled fish is the solution to neutralizing the poisons. i think the more likely theory is that the masses of canadians are consuming something that the masses of poles aren't.

i've already offered some suggestions and would appreciate feedback as to whether polish people eat these things. we know that you personally only eat pickled fish and vodka, but surely you've noticed what your polish peers consume yes? do polish people eat fuckloads of processed foods like canadians do?

this is a matter of life and death, saving the human race may depend on this question

>I like how Polbros constantly shitpost so nobody would even consider moving to Poland.
gee thanks, finally someone who appreciates our efforts.
>I've not felt so "at home" like I did in Poland.
Cool. Well, I lived in Ireland for a while and I loved it but I missed my beloved shithole of a country so I came back.
>Thumbs up to ye for keeping Cracow so beautiful.
Thanks again

Because we are chosen by GOD. We have to survive and push slavic agenda on west like our ancestors.

Autism, ADD, and ADHD are really just excuses for bad parenting.

Single mothers cannot raise children, and then get shrinks to medicate said child while they waste all day at a low paying wagecuck job and prevent the child from seeing their (possibly disinterested) father.


i was thinking food, but perhaps this fascist fuck is on to something here. perhaps the pharmaceuticals are to blame.

likely there are a few key poisons though with no one being the sole source of the problem, but lets identify whatever poisons we can.

i need a polish persons feedback if they can stop shitposting for a moment. are polish teens fed antidpepressants? are polish children fed ritalin?

how about vaccines? are polish people vaccinated at the same rate as canadians?

1. Autism is not a mental illness
2. You are born with autism
3. There are no pills for autism
My dad was a drunkard and my mum raised me and my brother alone but I would be autistic even if I had good parenting and happy childhood.

this guy gets it, the issue with ADD and ADHD are a result of a lack of discipline. Autism before the current year was a specific mental retardation, now autism refers to anyone who is a dick head and is smart. (ASBERGERS)

it's because in the west they overdiagnose children with autism and other psychological conditions like depression, anxiety ect.

why even diagnose shit like "high functioning" autism?
kid shows signs of a condition, but it doesn't affect him
what does this diagnosis offer, other than branding a child that would otherwise lead a normal life

a family friend has a child diagnosed with autism and it really shows
affects his learning and other aspects of his life

you won't be diagnosed as easily here, because there is a bigger stigma attatched with mental conditions than it is in the west and parents get really defensive when a teacher implies something is wrong with their child

>get really defensive
pols get defensive over everything. Bloody untermensch

>why even diagnose shit like "high functioning" autism?
kid shows signs of a condition, but it doesn't affect him
Well it does a little
You are right here
>you won't be diagnosed as easily here, because there is a bigger stigma attatched with mental conditions than it is in the west and parents get really defensive when a teacher implies something is wrong with their child

"we don't eat pickled herring in canada" /thread

sure, but 19000% more autism isn't just a diagnosis thing

still, we need to serpate full blown autism in the statistics, isolate that from high functioning autism. then we need to compare full on autism rates in canada against full on autism rates in poland. i suspect there are still a great deal more total autists in canada then there are in poland. so we need to identify what canadians are consuming that poles don't consume. we need to idenitfy the poisons being fed to us by the establishment and isolate possible causes of autism.

we need poles and canadians to stop their epic national shitposting long enough for them to compare poisons. or we're all doomed.

oh fuck, canadas going to die isn't it. save us poland please

given the slav slimes seem to support the kike fellator -- yes

>he still believes in the autism myth.

dumb normie keep drinking that goverment/(((corprate))) koolaid.

>keeping Cracow so beautiful.

Okay, westernshooing aside, now I am not sure if you are trolling?

The chemicals in our food and water via hormones,preservatives, food additives, pesticides, insecticides, industrial waste are causing mass feminization, autism, allergies, cancer, and all this other horseshit.

There are no benefits to getting a diagnosis like that in here, you wont get aphetamines, benzos or ritalin thrown at you the moment you show up.
Western countries use anything on the autistic spectrum as an excuse for literally anything thats out of order. While in reality only thing that matters is assburgers.

>3 trannies and a false idol

Americans best hope the Bible is made up.

>tfw both autistic and schizophrenic and only take benzos cause it feels nice

exactly. but what poisons specifically do canadians consume that polish people don't

i still haven't gotten any answers from polish people as to whether they consume
>calcium propionate (a preservative in almost all canadian bread products)
>processed foods in general
>bpa lining in canned goods in poland?

i know nothing about poland? do you people eat processed garbage all the time like in canada? we're dying please help

They are not eating GMOS, as those are banned in the EU
Atrazine, which makes the fucking frogs gay, is banned in the EU but not in North America
The water is NOT fluoridated in the EU, but is in NA
Those are just three very significant examples in the difference. Not to mention eastern europeans cosume a lot more organic food and vegetables from their villages.

>Autism is 19,000% more prevalent in Canada than in Poland
what the fuck is going on, how is this even possible

Yeah, never heard of an epidemic of a genetic disorder before. Who would want to attack children at the genetic level?

Really makes you think.

>when only cure to schizophrenia is few slaps from your father, so you tell all those people in your head to shut the fuck up or we all get knocked the fuck out

Ah, the mystical Eastern medicine

How long you been schizo/ how bad it is already?
Probably dont want to neglect it bro, did they yellowpaper your ass straight after diagnosis?

No GMO, no comparison for water so I can't tell. Processed foods isnt common, but its here. We're theoretically got some of the best quality products in Europe, but that doesn't mean much I dont think.

>The provinces with lowest rates were podlaskie (2.1), małopolskie (1.9), zachodniopomorskie (1.9), and łódzkie (1.8).
>łódzkie (1.8).
Stop having autism

t. łódź

Indeed fellow easterner, too bad my dad is dead so I'm stuck with the voices forever

Actually the fact is that a lot of poles are very suspicious of processed food. Most of people are preparing their food by themselves. Also less Poles live in highly urbanized areas, we are more spread out throughout the country. Our cities are relatively small, Warsaw doesn't have even 2 mln of residents, Cracow has only ~700k residents and is the second biggest city. We also don't have that many big farms and big farming industry. If you will look at satellite view of most areas in Poland (especially in Mazovia) there are a lot of small fields instead if big industrialized farming. There is much more than this, this is just few differences. Poles are very proud of their food, and we have very strong food culture promoting unprocessed food.

>do you people eat processed garbage all the time like in canada?

No user, what a stupid idea. We eat only non-processed garbage.

I had first symptoms when I was 12, I was locked up in psychiatric hospitals 5 times, I don't take meds (apart from benzos) cause I prefer feeling weird than feeling like a zombie.
>did they yellowpaper your ass straight after diagnosis?


it seems to be as i suspected. polish people consume a lot less poison. they eat more real food.

it is likely the processed foods that are doing this to canada. which means america, you're fucked too, cause we eat the same shit.

we need to destory the processed food companies or force them thruogh market pressure to change. which means we need more awareness in canada of the dangers of processed foods.

meanwhile, to keep poland safe. polish people need to see that processed food is from the devil and they need to spit on it and continue to wisely reject it.

You need to spread the word to fellow polacks.
DO NOT EAT PROCESSED FOOD. Don't use shampoo, soap, detergent, and any kind of NON 100% natural skin care products!
Limit vegetable consumption. Get your meat from local butcher not fuckign tesco.
Please Polski, do not let yourself become like Canada. They are chemically castrating us!

I think that chemicals may play a factor, but the overall issue is more so the disintegration of the father figure.

Mothers are not important to male children, I think probably 80-90% of autistic children are male, so it's more of a father figure issue.
In America autism is given to anyone who's not a fucking idiot and is slightly awkward. There are no brain scans like in Scandinavia that prove you have autism, a shrink just diagnoses you based on what your parent says.
Basically yes, and it's further exacerbated because a lack of father figure is a predominant cause for awkwardness.

That's super rough if you can't drive or get a proper job. Do we even have any government support for people with psych problems? How do you support yourself if not?

in canada, garbage comes in bags.s

Reminder that in the US, babies are ripped away from their mothers during their first days of life and placed in intensive care units.

This means that for the first few days of the baby's life, it doesn't get breast fed, or have it's mother's comfort, or have it's cries answered. It's totally isolated and alone. This also means the mother doesn't form that special bond with the baby.

There is a huge "natural birth movement" that tries to fight against this, but if they try to prevent the doctor from taking the baby, the hospital will pursue legal action against them and possibly get their child taken by Child Protective Services and put up for adoption.

Well I am oficially a disabled person and I get health benefits (in total around 900zł per month) and I've got a job in eh dunno how to say it in English - zakład pracy chronionej - I am a security guy, I work night shifts. I mostly sleep heh

Number one rule:
Never, EVER, buy any food product that you see advertised. Eat the simplest, most basic shit.
Number two:
Detox your body of estrogens via DIM supplements
Number three:
Completely stop using any skin care products like shampoo, soap and shit. Just use the most simple shit. My soap is nothing but 100 olive oil and salt, and its fucking fine.
If you do these three things you might save yourself.

>Get your meat from local butcher not fuckign tesco.

Yeah, that is not a big of a problem here. Local vegetable shops went through miraculous resurrection, because the taste of veggies just passed the threshold where you can lie to yourself about the taste.
When you make pasta and you wonder whether you used tomatoes or lemons in the recipe, it is time to step back and reevaluate the priorities.
not to mention that the prices of import are already so high that it is better to buy local or at least middle eastern ones.

And the rice, user, god, the rice..........

Poland is a cesspool for breeding shitty genes like america thats why

>Forcing a guy with visual and auditory hallucinations to be a security guy.
Irony is strong in this one, stay strong my man.


Dude we used to call "autistic" people dumb, slow, retarded. Even "moron" was a widely accepted medical term for people with really low IQs. We need to get back to calling a spade a spade. All this future speak bullshit is ruining us. We won't accept anything for what it truly is if we don't call it by its name. Similarly, transgender used to be called gender dysphoria.

>but if they try to prevent the doctor from taking the baby, the hospital will pursue legal action against them and possibly get their child taken by Child Protective Services and put up for adoption.

Wat. I would understand that in a place with universal socialized healthcare, but aren't your hospitals basically private owned businesses?

Yeah, BTW, just claim that you are muslim and they will let you to keep the baby.

Thanks, it's rough sometimes but I manage to live somehow.
I am happy that I don't have to deal with people in my job too often.

Its on a raise now like it was in the 90's in the US.
I dont have specific sorce but I got psychology students and psychiatrist in my close friend circles.
Right wingers claim its all because of vaccines.
I think it has more to do with having kids later in life, all the radiation around us and single child house holds.


also It touches boys more than girls and you dont want autistic polish waifu, trust me my leaf.

dude same here. the vegetables look retarded and plasticy and have no flavour. Back in the day in Hungary the tomatos I ate were fuckin red. Here they are light orange, wtf? And don't even get me started with the fruits, I have seen logs of SHIT that looked more riped the the shit I see here at super markets. It makes me sick to my stomach.

So we're decided, the processed food needs to stop by any means necessary.

We need to raise awareness and inform people that processed foods are poisoned by THEM

Everyone reading this, if you could speak out against processed foods. Even a quick "well maybe you shouldn't consume the processed food if you don't want to be sick" response in a thread here and there.

Just spread the meme that processed food is death and autism.

To save the white we need to eat right. Pol needs to declare war on processed foods.

>aren't your hospitals basically private owned businesses
lel, no. Maybe in some sense, but there are so many rules, regulations, procedures, and legal requirements that it's basically an organ of the state.

lawyers have more control over a doctor than the patient does

>...the hospital will pursue legal action against them and possibly get their child taken... and put up for [human trafficking/organ harvest]."

>he can't be away from Mommy

We don't raise no pussies in the US.

Autism also has to do with the age at which a woman has a child. Poland was, not too long ago, a second world nation. Maybe they have more children at younger ages. Watch out for lurking variables that actually exist.

Thats very important user.
What is also equally, if not more important is the shit we are puttin on our skin. At least when we consume shit, our liver does its best to filter some of it out. When applied to the skin, the chemicals get absorbed directly into the blood stream causing immediate fuckery.
Do not, EVER, put anything on your body and hair, that is not 100% natural. These chemicals ALL mimic estrogen and cause all sorts of problems, from simple mood swings, to gyno, to autism and allergies, and even cancer.
Also, filter your water. Filter out the flouride, the hormones from birth control pills... everything!

Having kids later in life. Probably wearing ourselves down faster, whether by playing intense video games, chronic masturbation, drugs that send your nervous system into overdrive, staying up late since we have artificial lighting, things like that. We exhaust ourselves, and I truly believe that sleepiness and overall vitality go hand in hand, it's the "chi" that eastern medicine used to talk about. You wear yourself out, then you have retarded children.

Indeed. Procesed food and skin care products and unfiltered tap water need to be stopped. If we don't manage to meme more awareness of this, western civilization will still die despite our best efforts against social engineering.

This is a life or death struggle for our future. Eat right or slip quietly away into the night.

>be an irrelevant sheithole
>pol makes 9001 threads about you /day

What's the difference between foods in the two countries? How about SSRI use? Vaccines etc.?

The Eternal Mer'cuck, gentlemen.

There was a scientists that estimated that is the trends contue, half the kids in the US will have autism

It is arguably the most important thing. It also explains our low sperm count, and complaicancy, as well as this fucking epidemic of nu-males, and hypersexual whores. Oy vey is there any hope?
Im moving back to Hungary literally because of this. Hungary wants to raise fertility, so they would have to limit the chemical exposure in order to achieve this.

Why not?
We have all the vaccinations mandatory just like most of EU, there is very little to no SSRI use, people avoid psychiatrists like plague.

the difference is big. polish people have processed foods but rarely eat them. there are studies linking the chemicals in processed foods, chemicals like calcium propionate, to neurodegenerative conditions. canadians eat fuckloads of processed foods.

do you honestly and naively believe the people in top power aren't poisoning the foods? dude wake up, THEY'RE EVIL OF COURSE THEY POISON US.

You are right about the SSRI use though, that could be another factor. There are likely multiple factors but the processed food is a big one

Actual MD here, pharmaceuticals are one of my leading theories.

1) a quick pubmed search shows a strong link to SSRI use in the last 5 years and autism

2) The pill is well known to fuck with mate selection. We've been using it since the 1960's, conceviably we're on the F3 to F4 generation of this. Perhaps it leads women to select for lower T/more autisic phenotype than they would otherwise

>1) a quick pubmed search shows a strong link to SSRI use in the last 5 years and autism
son of a bitch

they hand this shit out like candy. does it do genetic damage to the point where people fed ssri are more likely to a have damaged children?

Thanks for popping in with some input medfag, you're appreciated

Not only that, most boys few days after the birth has part of his dick chopped off. Combine that and absence of mother, no wonder they develop PTSD that later transform into autism.

At the very least paroxatine (Paxil) is known to cause damage to the DNA in sperm

List of poisons Canada consumes fuckloads of that polish people generally avoid:
>processed foods
>skin care chemicals?
>ssri meds

We need to constantly remind people that western civilization is going to end if you don't stop blindly and naively consuming poisons fed to us by the establishment. Failure to do this means certain death.

It's time for pepe to purge the poisons

there's a genetic damage component to autism that is certainly a result of environmental poisoning. but i do agree that the social engineering plays a role in making children unhealthy.

North American countries overdiagnose autism like you overdiagnose everything else.

Whatever dude, soon i ll make some pierogi.

I've seen enough poles posting on Sup Forums that i can say it definitley exists yes

in canada our perogies are frozen and contain preservatives and gmo soybean oil

Took me away from my mother at birth to take me into surgery and save my life, evil American hospitals, and their unnatural ways.

So why u dont make them? Superior white people dont cook? XD

>keeping Cracow so beautiful.
You mean these guys with matchets from Cracovia and Wisła keep cracow beautiful?
well, maybe

You know, you can make them yourself.

I don't want to alarm you friend, but the biggest redpill on this is the fact that chemicals absorbed by the body get passed on to the next generation. So a naive girl who is constantly nuking her system with chemical estrogens via "beauty" products like makeup and shit, will pass on those estrogens on to her ( and your) baby boy.
It is all so tiring.