Is anyone else an environmentalist nazi?
Is anyone else an environmentalist nazi?
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nope, just you
That swastika is not centered
Yes. What do we stand for?
I think it's important to protect the earth for the future, I wouldn't want my children living in a polluted shithole, and I want them to be able to enjoy the wonders of the natural world as well.
so you're a leftist?
Just like Cloud and the gang in FF7
If you're not an environmentalist you're truly a piece of shit. Excess destruction of the environment in favor of capitalist gain is Jewish as fuck, Hitler would agree.
No because I want niggers and kikes to be removed from the US and deported to wherever, and I think we need a return to familial values. I just like nature alot is all. I don't get how wanting to preserve nature makes one a leftist actually.
Hitler was already environmentalist you dumbass, he even had wildlife welfare and conservation policies
this, plz fix that it's disturbing
>not a leftist
ok mate
Dear shills,
Blow it out your ass
Oh this meme again.
ITT green right?
I planted 72 trees this year all in the name of Hitler.
Is that Kekistan
Yeah. The white race has a spiritual connection to nature, whereas Jews want to destroy it because they don't see any spiritual value in it. If you're not an environmentalist you're literally no better than a Jew
Anyone remember this?
the jews cut down the elder trees
worse thing to the environment are people
white people's birthrates all over the world are down
African birthrates keep going up
Africans are literally destroying the planet by existing
Its' the Reichs flag you faggots. Partei flag was centred
The NSDAP was massively pro environ conservation you fucktard.
Any Nazi, fascist, traditionalist, or conservative is inherently you utter shit eater.
>Guys im not a leftist im in le alt-right like you
I hate to see trees cut down to make homes for people who don't belong here.
But I'm not a nazi.
Yes. I am. If you don't want a green planet you are an overweight beta who never goes outside
pretty sure the reich flag wasn't green
To be honest there's nothing wrong with having less white people. As long as there are no brown people.
I wonder if anyone went through with it; the plan was to spread kudzu and japanese knotweed to black neighborhoods to fuck up their houses
What the fuck am I looking at?
Never said it was, Somali cunt.
This. If you can't see beauty in nature and don't wish to protect it for not only yourself and your people, but for your children and future generations as well, you are no different than a dirty, unintelligent, spiritually stunted commie. A true national socialist respects and admires life.
I think Hitler probably would be sympathetic to environmentalism.
1. He was an Artist
2. He was a vegetarian
3. Discouraged smoking
The Nazis had pretty liberal public health policy ideas. They understood chemistry, and Germany today is an environmental leader.
Climate change is a public health issue.
I think it's perfectly plausible and likely Hitler would of become an environmentalist
you're just a normal nazi, Hitler was a faggot vegan leftist hippie painter too.
i think that was a thread about an user who wanted to plant destructive plants in black ghettos and destroy them, so niggers move the fuck out.
ecological warfare or some sort.
Kill yourself nigger
Fucking funny as hell
Do this with weed seeds lmao
Where do i claim the Reichs flag is green ?? seriously... Sweden is full of retarded subhuman African waste.
>Is anyone else an environmentalist nazi?
I'm just a mental nazi.
I'm a nationalist, traditionalist maybe neo reactionary idk. I want all muzzies dead, jews need to go, abort black babies etc.
But animals and the environment mean so much to me. It pisses me off that libs would rather protest microaggressions against trannies than stop deforestation of the amazon.
Honestly reviving the idea wouldn't be so bad.
Someone hasn't read his history. Environmentalism has it roots in National Socialism. Caring about nature was considered as caring about the soul of the nation. Leftists tend to think nature just as raw material to fulfil the next five year production plan.
Here in Finland, all the original preservation movements were founded by early nationalists. Communists co-opted the idea for a while, as they tend to do for all good things, but happily we now have a Nationalist Environmental movement again:
Thinking about joining.
what the fuck sweden?
Eventually the thread decided to opt out poisonous or armful plants and weed, and use extremely fast growing vines like kudzu or strong plants like japanese knotweed that can force it's way in brick walls and grows rapidly
Needless to say, the Greens are triggered as FUCK about it. Cancer thinks it owns the body now.
>"Jews hate nature and the natural order, because it's pure and beautiful, and also because it's bigger and stronger than they are, and they feel that they can not fully control it. Nature's beauty and harmony stands in stark contrast to their squalidness and ugliness, and that makes them hate it all the more. Jews are destroyers. They are anti-humans."
sums up my opinion of nature pretty much
it should be valued and defended since it provides fresh oxygen and is good to wander in
I can see the pagans why they would have worshiped them in the age where modern scientific answers weren't , but today they are just reduced to symbols, and not worshiped in the literal sense of getting on your knees and humming folk tales.
and they are pretty hard to remove
So just a regular nazi?
Are all nazi flags slightly uneven on both sides?
>eye twitch
Grammar Nazi here. Always capitalize the letter 'N' in word Nazi.
>party flag is centered
>The country's flag is slightly to the left
Technically, it's "NAZI" since it's an acronym, right?
>point out the swastika is off-centered on a flag that is not the reich flag.
>"thats the reich flag"
Actually neck yourself nigger
>environmentalist nazi
Nationalsocialists in Germany issued the first environmental and animal protection laws.
No reason to emphasisze somthing that comes inclusive, Burger
its a pejorative
would be the more correct
or national socialist or just natsoc for short
The Nazis created nature preserves, contemplated sustainable forestry, curbed air pollution, and designed the autobahn highway network as a way of bringing Germans closer to nature. How Green Were the Nazis? is the first book to examine the ideology and practice of environmental protection in Nazi Germany.
As well as a vegetarian, these larping fucks know nothing, also see my post on 'How green were the Nazis'
I'm sorry, but the NAZIs themselves created the acronym.
N.S.D.A.P. only acronym that comes to mind
>I'm sorry, but the NAZIs themselves created the acronym.
Nazi isn't an acronym you illiterate yank
i agree with strong conservation of our country's natural features but recycling is mostly a scam
>recycling is mostly a scam
Maybe with modern recycling plants but it doesn't have to be
supposedly alluminium recycling is the only form that is a net benefit to the enviroment, i dont agree with paper/cardboard recycling, which is what i think of when i think of recycling, to be clear
Read a book. It's well documented. Not all acronyms are the same. NAZI is a shorthand for NSDAP. NAtionalsoZialistische Deutsche ArbeiterparteI.
Messy, but that is really how it works.
*forgot to lowercase the "D" and "A". Eh, you get me.
Anyway, the burden of proof is on you, not me. Show me proof that a Jew invented "NAZI".
wouldnt it make more sense to type it with the first letters of the words?
its like calling USA ((U)nited (S)tates of (A)merica)
NTSOM (u(N)ited s(T)ate(S) (O)f a(M)rica)
doesnt make anysense does it? NTSOManon
I used to be until I got redpilled on climate change. The enviroment isnt in peril the way I used to think.
Its just natsoc with an emphasis on protecting enviroment and national parks/reserves. Still not bad basically is Teddy Roosevelt was a nazi.
An acronym is a word or name formed as an abbreviation from the initial components in a phrase or a word, Nazi was just a tongue-in-cheek phrase invented to match the term Sozi which was already in use to refer to the German Socialist Party. Nazi was also a popular pet name in Bavaria which was associated with the uneducated working class.
Isn't it an euphemism ? The Nazi Party was one of the first modern party with an environmental agenda.