Is there even such thing as a red pilled woman these days?

Is there even such thing as a red pilled woman these days?



they're called traps

Yes, but you don't want a red pilled woman. Red pilled people are neurotic. What you want is a woman completely immersed in her culture which aligns with red pill beliefs. You want a happy wife, not one that knows the realities of the world.

Traps are male

That's gay

don't forget, all women are jews. don't let your guard down for a second if you have any insecurities.

if traps are gay, are playboy bunny ears furry?

traps are redpilled desu

>tfw no qt redpilled housewife trap

Yes but you need to make them yourself.
My little sister is red pilled. Took three older brothers and a Dad with quite the gun collection to pull it off, but we did it.

Yes, they're mostly in rural areas


idk man I know a fairly redpilled Stacy-Nationalist with potential, but she's also kinda a roastie...

Is [movie reference thing] will ever be [pop cutler thing]?!

I am a deep philosopher who should be taken seriously.



Hunt capture and convert.

You dont expect them to be redpilled by default do ya? Fcking burger automatic mcdonalds culture...

I married one. She hates the niggers, kebab and gypsies more than I do. That was a seller.

No,caring about a womans political opinion is what brought us femminism and equal rights bullshit.Weak limpwrsited westerners with too much compassion gave in to their cunts and gave vaginas rights.
A woman exists for the sole purpose of having children and supporting her man.Politics,wars,phylozofy,science etc is a mans job.


Who the hell cuts onions like that?

This. I met a redpilled woman and it was great knowing her, but she lost her mind to the redpill.

Redpills are coming into fashion it won't be long friendos.

Anyone who unironically complains these women are superficial larpers needs to take a solid step back and remember where they are.... pol is 1/2 larpers 1/2 shills and 1/2 retards.

Try harder nigger.

>Is there even such thing as a red pilled woman these days?
there never was.

/traps/ are the closest to a red-pilled women that there are

Anyone who doesn't get what the bunny part of playboy bunnies means/symbolizes should probably be underage b&

Yes, and I lost her

>Politics,wars,phylozofy,science etc is a mans job.

2 things:

1) there are some women capable of being scientists / politicians / etc. - not many, but it's an injustice to deny them the opportunity to engage in those occupations if they have the ability. See Elizabeth I of England, Marie Curie, Catherine the Great of Russia, and so on.

2) The average woman can be SHAPED to have meaningful and intelligent opinions on typically male topics, in order that they might make good companions for us. Being a mother and a wife is obviously priority one, but don't you want your female companion to be intelligent and capable of interesting conversation instead of just a foolish girl? To this end, a man had also the responsibility of shaping his woman's capacity for reason and insight, to expose her to culture and the higher planes of thought - you will be rewarded with a partner who can be an intellectual companion in addition to a mother and wife, which will be deeply rewarding to both of you.

Women may not be our equals, but that doesn't mean we have to look down on them and treat them like children. You are their mentor and guardian - cultivate her mind, and both your lives will be enriched.

>a red pilled woman
It is like "true communism": sounds great on paper, yet never existed.

>1/2 larpers 1/2 shills and 1/2 retards.
apparently you fall in the retard category

inb4 fedora

No lmfao
Women dont give a shit about politics they just follow what they see on the teevee or what their boyfriend says

>find qt 25 year old
>Smart, modest, similar humor
>redpilled on race
>Used to be fullbore sjw pre 21
>Unironically uses "niggers" in convo with me
Wat do Sup Forums?

Pump and dump.

Women are chameleons, they'll say they believe whatever is advantageous to believe to get them resources

If a rich beta bux espouses redpill beliefs and she can use him as a meal ticket, she'll be redpill

If a rich beta bux is a bluepill mangina, she'll be bluepill too. It depends on the higest bidder


Here's what it comes down to - would you be content to have your descendants excluded from a potential white ethnostate?

Is she here legally?

They kill themselves

This is literally never the answer you degenerate bowl of pasta

100%. 2nd gen beaner

captcha: Papa ZAPATA

Depends on the type of spic, if they're brown get outta the relationship w/ pump and dump, if they're white (or just look like a spaniard) then it's ok. it really depends on the mexicans because some mexicans are totally unmixed spaniards (they're usually a lot more successful too) and some mexicans are brown smelly beaners that are probably like 70% amerindian.

Yes, but most red pilled women are also the ones you'll find in the lowest classes of society -- such is the very nature of it all. The closer to reality you are on a daily basis, the more likely you are to see shit for shit and scum for scum.
This, unfortunately, also comes with low class habits that are unattractive.

There is no perfect person, let alone perfect woman. Instead, find someone who you go well with and just live life in your way. Make it obvious that its how you want to live and if they can deal with that, that's the best you - or anyone - can do.

Nearly same shit happened to me just this last week. But she says she's "spanish". IDs as "latina" tho.

"But my woman is different"
The dumbest thing a man can think

They are whiny shallow bitchy fuckholes one and all

I suppose yes.

What is that smell anyway?

Yeah, those with a strong, red pilled boyfriend become red pilled themselves. It's in their nature to follow a strong man

Sure, but you can bet that 90%+ of them are already taken by alpha chad supremes or have their pick of eligible men.

So your task really is to out compete other men for one of that 10%.

>degenerate tats
Pick one.

Nice milkbags tho

There are millions upon millions. You are completely oblivious if you don't understand that, even from a statistical standpoint, there are millions of women that every person would be compatible with around the world. Just a fact.

Seriously the most pathetic thing about this board, and white men in general, is how weak they are with women. Jesus. Buck up, get some basic masculinity, and go experience real life real-world women and not your moronic Tumblr archetypes that you get from your hyper-focused myopic view of social media minorities.


Yep. My gf is totally ignorant of politics. That's how it should be.

Women by nature are all redpilled. The whores more so.

Its men that refuse to break from the fantasy.


don't you have some subreddit to go to you cringey autists

Yes dude. Lots of old proud white european ladies, just hit up the retirement communities

This applies to literally all of South America.
Whiteness is in Equal correlation to success.

You don't go out and find them. You find a girl with decent morals and slowly mold them to your will.

>Used to be fullbore sjw pre 21

She's a used-up slut looking to "settle down" by pretending to be nice and domesticated now that she's older.

True but most women around here just shut down the argument and say that it's "hate." Women around here aren't capable of seeing strategy I guess and are brainwashed by the Jew. But I agree with lots of what you goys are saying.

Redpilled white women today is like death wish
You will have mahmod and mohammed rape and murder you if you resist them

Too much of an inefficient sistem,its like hey 90% of the niggers are dumb and commit crime but we should accept them for the sake of the remaining 10%.
This is why you westerners are retarded,always muh feels muh the individual.Fuck the individual,the collective comes first.The top 15% strongest women are at bout the same strenght as an average man.
Who do you think would win a war a nation that shoves its women in the kitchen to have children and trains strong men or a society that ruinstheir own army woth women and spends tremeandous amounts to try and fail to bring women on the same level.
Women and men are not equal thus they should not be treated equally we are not communists.Meritocracy always wins.

Also the average woman can be shaped to have an inteligent political opinion etc.
You havnt known manny women have you?Let me give you a piece of advise 90% of women lack any convictions,they just follow the mainstreambof the society.
Also wantingbto discuss intelectual subjects with your woman.You havent talked much to women have you?They talk about the most trivial and boring stuff.Higher discussion should be reserved to your male friend group.
Its ok i also thought that women deserved equal treatment in highschool,then i got laid then i had alot of relationships,some trivial some not.Had to deal with alot of females in college.Experience will teach you.

Intellectual gypsy man

only the self hating ones
like the bobby fischers of women

thats the point, u have to red pill them

>tfw redpilled castizo gf as well

Yes of course!! You can find them under rocks all around the world..just make sure to leave them were you find them if you don't want them to turn