Why aren't you christian yet, Sup Forums?

Why aren't you christian yet, Sup Forums?

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Why do you have high suicide rate ?


>worshiping a dead kike on a stick


This is why

It's depressing to live in ex-commie shithole, forsaken by God.

Recovery from communism. Do you have a high goatfucker rate?


It seem's being an all white country is depressing.

I don't like Jews.

Stop being edgy and save your sould from eternal fire

Religious threads, whether ironic or not, should be bannable. It is not politics.

pls upvote

Saved. Figuratively and literally.

I don't like wasting my time. I don't feel a need to believe in a made up, almighty being. If you find comfort in it, more power to you.

Then how shitposts and threads about traps are politic related?

Because it is an obvious lie created to controle people.
Do you think you would be christian if you were born in Iraq or India? No.
And why would God who supocedly is allseeing judge you for things he now you would do when you created him?
How can people here claim to be "redpilled" and still belive in one of the lies easiest to see through?

Gold. Funny that it's a sertain group of people reacting to it...

Wow, I really don't know why I'm not a cuck. Could it have something to do with how you're no better than kikes and mudslimes?

Redpill me on the Orthodox meme.

Hell is is fake bullshit made to scare retards into believing the kikes.

>why doesn't Sup Forums worship (((jesus)))

I'm not sure, that one really got me thinking

rekt m9
why indeed would you believe in a god that is the ultimate judge and everything that happens is supposed to cuz he chose to, if people are born with diseases that will not be cured or born with a depression? that would make life so much less progressive, fun or sense-making

Because I'm not a coalburner of the soul

>Why do you have high suicide rate ?
indeed, thats not even allowed by the church

abandon this fake religion

hail the gods

guys I worship a kike as well, am I based?

Also I have many fedoras in my collection, M'lady :)

> son of a virgin
how is it possible?


>hates jews
>worships a jew

muh cucktianity

Cry more on your way to the oven atheists. Or repent and don't go there at all. Accept Jesus Christ and it will be like it never happened. You are all worthy of his forgiveness if you accept it.

Genesis 8:21

The LORD smelled the pleasing aroma and said in his heart: "Never again will I curse the ground because of humans, even though every inclination of the human heart is evil from childhood. And never again will I destroy all living creatures, as I have done.