Can we all agree on this?
Can we all agree on this?
Other urls found in this thread:
They're all niggers tho
>Nelson Mandela
>not a terrorist responsible for bombing innocent civilians
Troll harder niggerlover
Mandela and obama = communists
Switch Snoop Dogg with Nelson Mandela and Insert Malcolm X for Obama.
So was MLK
MLK was a shameless plagiarist and the liberals found out and swept it under a rug. Obama was born in Kenya and as an adult started ISIS.
Fuck them all. They hate polite white society, so why should I want them as friends?
would u want them living in ur apt, home, neighborhood or breeding w ur family members?
Nothing wrong with being a communist
This. So niggas. Because of gibmedat world view. Just because they can speak without ebonics doesn't mean they aren't niggers.
>kike puppet
put mike Tyson on top, he's a good guy. Mandela and obama on the bottom
nelson mandela and obama are fucking monsters, whilst the latter 3 are based as fuck
>A plagiarizing adulterer
>A literal faggot
>A terrorist
>Better than dancing niggermonkeys
fucking retard
nelson Mandela was a nigger, commie terrorist who murdered white people...fuck that nigger and fuck MLK and Obongo too.
Nope. Mandela was a piece of shit that people pretend is a hero and Obama was a deranged control freak and I really hope history doesn't follow the libfag narrative about him being such a great president
Obama was a nigger. Full on, hard nigger.
yes i think we all agree that synonyms exist
You know Morgan freeman sexually abuses his step-granddaughter, right?
>Nelson Mandela
>not a nigger
>fake white-supremacist flag
blacks = niggers
Niggers are blacks and blacks are niggers, you won't ever change that, all of those on the pic are niggers, no matter how educated and civilized by the white man their DNA will always be the same, they will always be niggers
Also, Mike Tyson is one nigger I actually like.
Good alien = stupid and savage alien, yo fools.
any fucking questions???
Wrong. Communists aren't people.
Mandela and obama are terror niggers
The only black ppl there are MLK and Tyson.
>white supremacist flag
>does not know who Mandela was
I would say you're burger for being that retarded
Mandela was a member of the ANC terrorist organization. The day his ass died in prison was a great day for South Africa.
And he has said unironically that he is God.
Any fucking questions???
The bottom 3 are black men, not nigs.
Needs to be done better but good attempt lad
No; Mandela was a terrorist. What a terrible choice.
I see what you did there
There is no amount of virtue that an African can exhibit that would remove the friction inherent in having them live amongst a European population. I applaud the virtuous Africans who seek to uplift their debased brethren, but that doesn't mean I wish to intermingle with them.
MLK is alright but Nelson Mandela did more damage than he helped and Obama left the states heavily divided by being too soft on the far left.
Thomas Sowell and Clarence Thomas are better examples.
You lost all credibility when you put an image of Iron Mike Tyson in the niggers category, not to mention putting the gud boy nigger trio in the black people section. Mike Tyson is an honorary white man. He's spent a good part of his life BTFO normies
MLK was also a self-confessed Marxist. Makes even more sense due to all his ties to the Jewish community.
>Nothing wrong with being a communist
>kills twice as many people as the Nazis
>yeah but its not true communism because I wasn't in charge
>not a nigger
pick one.
Obama needs to be placed in the Muslim category. The fucker is a straight up terrorist.
Comunists are literally the wrost scum to ever exist on earth, they can't even be called humans.
my interpretation:
>plagiarist, adulterer, communist
>neoliberal warmonger, globalist, faggot
>terrorist, communist
honestly with the exception of tyson the ones below are better people than the ones above
No, top three belong on bottom. Top line should have Thomas Sowell, Michael Jackson, and Samuel L. Jackson.
Also MLK was a philandering sexual degenerate who brought a bunch of white women to hotels where he beat them and engaged in weird-ass sex orgies. This is a fact proven by FBI bugs back in the day but it's not politically correct and doesn't fit the narrative of him being a black Jesus so your average joe will never hear about it
obama and mandella are 100% niggers. King was alright. Tyson is somewhat based.
>Michael Jackson,
don't the tapes get released in 2027? that's gonna be wild
Honestly it should be:
-Thomas Sowell
-Booker T. Washington
-Ben Carson (yes he's a pathological liar, borderline autistic and crazy, but he's harmless and his medical work is well verified and attested to, he's done far more good than harm in his life)
Sick digits man.
>Black people
>An adulterer, a socialist, and a terrorist
Cold war era brainwashing still active I see..
those digits dont lie`
Fucking this
No. They're all niggers.
fuck off nigger-lover
No!!! Because those black peoples friends are those niggers.
>Being such a Cuck fetishist that you assume interacial if any contact is present
>Half nigger
>Knows what niggers are, so selfish he still wants them to plague white society because he doesn't act like a nigger
Mandela and Obama are basically evil incarnate pretending to be angels of light.
based america
Say what you want, but they sure do double as a speed bump quite nicely.
Snoop dogg is based, faggot
Malcom for Obama.
Current Zulu king for Mandela.
Clarence Thomas for MLK.
Get to work.
Rap music is haram retard.
No, they are all niggers. How much you like them changes nothing you cuck.
Wait, so a terrorist is better than a singer?
What about the bottom three?
This faggot knows whats up. If you're that scared of your women fucking niggers you must be an insecure beta male yourself that women don't want.
Use the top three.
All music is haram faggot, nasheeds are only acceptable thing to listen
>mike tyson
>flava flav
Whoever made that image is a fucktard.
All niggers and completely fucking worthless. They're all a threat to the white western world.
Preacher and registered republican, also part of the middle class. Also has a fairly well known quote saying "‘Communism and Christianity are fundamentally incompatible". Are you sure?
obama is mixed race.... mixed race is the greatest thing ever right.... stop calling him black you bigot he is mixed race
Was George Washington a "terrorist" as well?
Yeah, by definition
You're right they are all niggers.
Switch those loser dindus on the left and center with Thomas Sowell and Booker T. and it's decent.
Did George Washington go to England and terrorize them?
>commie wifebeater
>homosexual race-baiter commie warmonger
>commie genocidal terrorist
I only see niggers. Regardless, all blacks are niggers.
>Did George Washington go to England and terrorize them?
Neither did Mandela.
Remove Nelson Mendela
tyson is retarded and was manipulated by ((())) to lose alll of his hundreds of millions but he is Redpilled and voted trump
>He learned from reading Karl Marx “that religion can so easily become a tool of the middle class to keep the proletariat oppressed. Too often the church talked about a future good ‘over yonder’ totally forgetting the present evil over here.” In his love letter, King said he would “welcome the day” there would be “the nationalization of industry” — a socialist measure. As his profile rose, King was not as forthcoming in his socialist leanings in many of his public lectures.
>"Now this means that we are treading in difficult waters, because it really means that we are saying something is wrong … with capitalism … There must be a better distribution of wealth, and maybe America must move toward democratic socialism.”
No way. They might have been smart but Obama and Mandela caused more harm than good.
MLK's dream also never came true.
You're a commie. Your opinion on other commies means nothing.
Yes, he was a "community organigger" just like obama was.
Attended schools that specifically trained and prepared him in subversion tactics and morale entrepreneurship in order to destabalize the central pillars of American society as well as whites in general
The ones on the top are 10x more niggery than the ones on the bottom
In terms of niggery shit they've done
Are all white people who do bad things crackers, then?
You can be intelligent and civilized and still be a bad person.
>no rebuttal
Sup Forums btfo
Yeah but at least washington built one of the greatest governmental system to have ever existed historically.
These niggers just want to kill white people, they have no greater endgame.