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STREAM HERE: youtube.com/watch?v=2QCLCIurPgY




OP, what is DACA?
Not all non muricans knows what the fuzz is about t.b.h.

Holy shit guys this news made me stop playing with my foreskin.

It's happening!



DACA is an unconstitutional act that President Obama created using an Executive Order that allowed children who came here illegally through parents to stay here until a proper immigration system can be given to them. They were in limbo basically and they no longer are.

You can read more about it here: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deferred_Action_for_Childhood_Arrivals#History

But was the parents illegals too?
Or they got citizenship but not the kids?

Stands for Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals. It basically means that any illegal who got here as a child wouldn't get deported.

illegal kids can stay in the states.
basically he pulled a super villain move to
save the country money


Notice how sessions takes a big gulp of liberal tears.


jesus spics are so fucking ugly.

Congress still can pass the BRIDGE Act which will make DACA the actual law (rather than just an executive order).

what happens if 2 illegals shit a baby in USA territory

Parents are illegals that brought their kids over here knowing full well what they were doing. They are not legal, non of them are.

yes, but since the kids cant fend for themselves the parents must stay too

Anyone who comes for these people will be met with violence.

Is this looking like it can pass? It seems like it'd be unpopular among republicans.

No they can't. It has to go through Trump who will veto it.

Anchor baby, that kid is an American because courts constantly look at the 14th Amendment as saying ANYONE who is even 8 months pregnant and gives birth on American soil, then that child is an American. We have a lot of shit to work out.

>kicking out kids
wew drumpf is literally degenerated baboon

It would end careers.

they flush it back to mehico


Did Session do a, you know, a little "salute" at the end?

Thanks for all the replies.
Yep, that is bad.

Should deport parents and kids t.b.h.

The leftist goverment is trying to push a similar thing with immigrants running away from Venezuela.

If depended on me, we would napal that entire are and anyone in the vicinity.

Mexican problems stay in Mexico. Venezuelan problems stays in the zoo.

Now I have to be subjected to a week of hyperventilating retards screeching about the end of the world and talking to a grown man like a whining child, and being proud of it.


Stronger together is working.

Problem, Reaction, Solution

Watching the FOX stream now.
DACA people do not get deported.
They stay.
They are given 6 months to stay.
And congress is given 6 months to let them stay.
And so they stay.
I WISH they'd deport everyone illegal. Period.
But they won't. Not Trump. Not anyone.
No one does what's necessary to save society.

The kid gets citizenship and becomes what's known as an anchor baby

RINOs in blue states like it. There are 18 flip-able repubs. 10 are needed. Trump should veto. They don't have enough to override. This is still in the purview of our founders' vision for how the country should work.

I agree. If a right winger voted for it, it'd be the end for them. A betrayal of everything they'd promised. It's as if they secretly wanted all of this immigration stuff to pass while they pretended to fight it.

You mean the cops with guns?

Patience bro. Palantir is about to roll out. Biometric face scanning shit. The deportations come later. Have to lay all of the groundwork(justifications) out first.

> only 1 chance at life
> not born while parents were vacationing in America

That's because it's the best political move. They are basically saying you have 6 months to get your shit together and come forward to become a citizen or else you get kicked out. Sounds like a pretty fair deal to be honest

Hes fijian u idiot

Good; wages for real American citizens are already starting to rise because of all the Joses' sent back.

So i have a British Neighbor who has daca, how can i fuck with him?

You would get deported eventually. Trump has a campaign promise saying he wants to define the 14th Amendment as said and interpreted back then, it was meant for freed slaves. That's it.

Another question.

Can some user red pill on santuary cities and why Trump dont just blow those things off?

No Wiki articles please, Im with a fucking headache from the ritalin :(

send dreamers back to mehico
dreamers are all young "americanized" beaners
they hate the state of mehico
want american democracy for mehico
start a campaign to elect a american mehican president
turn mehico from turd world country

Deport all illegals now!


No, it hasn't. There's a 6 month delay in which Congress will force Trump to pass an amnesty bill for all of them

Call ICE

Fuck off roo

Kek'd and checked

Texas is removing them January 1st 2018

what is it like living in a country where some states actively strive for socialism and other's believe in the constitution?

is he crying?

What does it mean?

>Cuck senators like Flake and Reps like Ryan are a thorn in President's side
>Either they will do nothing (which we want) or they will pass something and they'll get Cantor'd next Spring.

are 8-9 months legal foreign pregnant women allowed to enter the country?

I'm in California and the butt hurt is making me cum so hard

Sanctuary cities are basically mayors trying to be kind and letting illegals live here, which is a clear violation of the law but the courts and lawyers are all Jews so they will continuously take people to court so things can stay the way they are. Removing sanctuary cities means, basically, every illegal would be up for grabs to get rid of.

If they were granted work visas, why are they going to college? Personally, I think if any of them can demonstrate a skill that we are in need of then they should say on their work vise. If they're mowing lawns then they can do that in Mexico.

Is this how mexico is paying for the wall? The sudden load of a bunch of mexicans?

Should have paid for the concrete, Pablo

Trump's threatening to cut federal funding to sanctuary cities and Commiefornia is leading the charge to fight him on it in court.

Also, howeverr, de facto while the cities themselves can refuse to do their part, they aren't able to stop ICE or anything.


Obama executive order where he promised not to deport illegal alien minors.

yeah he might loose his kids, tech job and he could lose everything he owns. well that's what he gets fir being illegal

Can I get some salt screencaps?

A bunch of communist low IQ spics trying to take back former Mexico territory. They are not white, are not American, and are another Jewish attempt to dilute the white demographics of the U.S.

I don't care what the politically correct reasoning is. Get them out.



Who got salt?

It sucks, California and New York used to be the top Republican states. We would be in a Republican paradise had the immigration act of 1965 been passed. No way Obama would have even been elected had it never passed.

Get the fuck out taco niggers! Don't make us have to come find you...

This requesting this as well.

Something really needs to be done to speed up the court process of deportation cases. There are hundreds of Thousands of cases that are waiting in the court. This would also free up massive amounts of space in US prisons which in turn would save billions of dollars.
Also ICE needs to get that 10,000 increase in personal ASAP which would lead to a huge increase in getting rid of the illegal aliens. Combine all this with the Kate Act,the other act to target Sanctuary Cities and the RAISE act and also combined with an increase in white birthrates. Well then, by the end of Trump's 8 years, the US could have increased the white population by 10% over 8 years. And also there will be laws enacted by Congress and the border wall that will ensure that the white population may get back to really high numbers in 50 years.

>lurking Twitter
>The ones complaining are not spics but white libtards and niggers

this is a Pacific islander you fool...

>ziggurat and spire with key symbol
what does this mean?

lol go back paco your not welcome here btw im a hispanic lol

To keep ((((((((((((((((((children)))))))))))))))))))

Wake up kiddo
You're on the wrong side of history
Your team isn't smart it's just snarky and that empty rhetoric whiny bullshit is over kiddo

>what happens if 2 illegals shit a baby in USA territory
It becomes an anchor baby, it gets citizenship by being born there.

That's how spics are spicfying america at record levels, two illegal spics ge there but shit out 50 children in a few years, children who cannot be deported, and those children have 50 more children each.

Spics breed like fucking rats,even more than niggers they can triple in population in a generation.

Fuck off Paco, you need to go back

Don't listen to him Juan, but be prepared to have extended family come back

They, along with the parents, are deported: Dominican-style.

ayy yo white boi why u raccist

But only the kid gets citizenship, right?
The parents can theoretically, be kicked out once the kids is 18??

Hey man we gotta give them some time to pack up their shit and leave voluntarily so that they don't have to go though the painful deportation process.

How does it feel that you look just as ugly if not uglier than a spic.

You fucking subhuman.

>Spics breed like fucking rats,even more than niggers they can triple in population in a generation.
t.A country with less than 12 Million people
You are truly exaggeration our breding capabilities

Sad day

Why did it take Trump so long? He campaigned for over a year that he would end DACA his first week in office. It is nine months later and now he gets around to it? And he is urging Congress to pass it? What is Trump's problem??

lol fuck off little johhny g

> "No new initial requests or associated applications filed after today will be acted on."
So no renewals?

I know it's probably the minority but some of these "Dreamer" kids are doing pretty well for themselves in college and their careers.

I just don't know if it's fair to expel them from the country they have lived in their whole lives. Their parents are obviously a different story, and all the kids who are too young to live by themselves.


These fucking people

Taco Niggers BTFO

>Come to america in hopes of better life.

>Get job, start family

>Contribute to society

>Get booted because he wasnt born here

Neither are you, fucking spic. ALL non-whites have to go back

He's respecting the legislative process so some asshole can't repeal his order, like he's doing to King Nigger

If they're doing well here they should be the best of the best in their home country and send their nation into prosperity.
