Why do you want people born in the US to leave the US?
Why do you want people born in the US to leave the US?
I don't think you'd understand considering your flag, Ahmed
Why are you inviting half of Africa?
Because they are not real americans
they weren't born in the US
I was under the impression the "dreamers" are the children of illegal immigrants born in the US, are they not?
They weren't born here you Russian rape baby
jus sanguinis is superior in every way
Idk ask the Saudis or the Chinese or 65% of other nations.
Because niggers and kebab are a net drain on society. You would know this if you even remotely read the news in Krautistan. Now go vote for Merkel and another million migrant males like a good goy.
They were born elsewhere and brought in as young children
>really activates my almonds
why is citizenship based off of where you are born? if your mom poops you out six inches over the border, boom you are a US citizen?
the Fourteenth amendment was only put in after the civil war to ensure that former slaves were given citizenship, now it just encourages pregnant Mexicans to hop the border by any means necessary.
the 14th needs to be repealed
>born in the US
More like born in little Mexico, born in little India, born in little Africa, born in little China...they aren't Americans, they don't know American culture/history
Why do you want people born in the third world to leave their habitats?
Because they are illegal Mexicans. We expelled them twice already in the last 200 years.
I can understand why you would have that impression due to our media, but it's false. A person born on our soil is automatically a citizen. The term anchor baby has been used to describe that situation.
Why do you want imported foreigns to become a new force on national politics?
Us gives auto citizenship for anyone born on us soil. It's totally fucked.
China woman has a baby on vacation in the USA? Us citizen. It needs to stop
Blame the parents for not following the law.
Because they are not white.
Non-whites vote Democrat.
The race war is here.
Save the West
People who suddenly become aware of the massive shit storm they are in the middle of begging for it to go away.
Of course it is far too late to stop the change.
We are in the middle of a massive cultural shift across the entire western world. A half caste generation is growing up without a nation or culture that properly represents them.
They are going to look for something to call theirs and the wrong people are providing it to them.
Mostly unintentionally too I think but antifa and nazis and American media fuck heads to a certain extent definitely are.
People need to look past the ethno state because it's not going to happen in any first world western nation at this point.
Even if somehow you managed to convince a country to kick out all the non whites or colonise some place you would just get the south africa treatment.
Convincing niggers that whites are better than them (most of them already believe it and are just bitter about the fact) and that half-castes should adopt traditional western values is a more realistic goal.
The best we can hope for is segregation and non whites accepting that the vast majority of the time they should just shut up and do what whitey tells them because that's what's in their best interest, because it probably is
No, dreamers were born elsewhere, usually south of the border, and then brought to the US as children. Obama made DACA, which said they couldn't be deported, keeping their families in place. Trump decided not to renew obamas executive order, making them illegal again
Because they were raised by their parents and MTV to hate this country and do whatever it takes to help the diaspora of their parent's nation conquer sections of our nation on behalf of a foreign power.
I don't, I want their border hopping parents to.
However the parents are pretty vocal about not wanting to be separated from their kids.
>Why do people want pests born in their homes to leave?