How do we get rid of the neo-Nazis trying to infiltrate and overtake the Kekistani movement that got God Emperor...

How do we get rid of the neo-Nazis trying to infiltrate and overtake the Kekistani movement that got God Emperor elected?

We're raided and being actively infiltrated by Stormfags

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Sargonites were created by Sup Forums intelligence services to absorb the alt-right controlled opposition shills. It was devious and brilliant, and its the thing that got your god emperor elected. You're doing your duty by dealing with CIANigger White-nationalists. Go forth Golem, fight the white nationalists earnest, enlist your wife's sons to back you up.

>When a mongrel looks like a mongrel.

>that mixed race frog

Everything in the picture is a meme. It can't be real.

>man child
>pozzed mongrel kid


Are Nazis even racist? The ones I see on here sometimes aren't and preach national socialism can work in a country like America and I've even seen some claim if America was Nazi minority groups and whites would all be better off.

Is this possible? Just curious

Looks like a Jew LARPing.

Why can nu males like that get a gf and I can't?

Im fine with it desu. Its a bit of a refresher from all the ShareBlue shilling. Its still shilling of course, only Stormfags probably dont get paid and its not all
>drumpf btfo
>*sips tea*

As I said its kind of refreshing in a "at least my board isnt slowly dying to liberals anymore" kind of way

If you can't pull a black woman you're fucked

I support Trump and have no problem with bi racial people, but FUCK my god is that baby ugly as hell! It needs to be aborted.

that baby could sit behind a sumo wrestler and still see an entire movie

>It can't be real.
you dont say detective Sup Forums.


What did shlomo mean by this?

Fucking kek


We don't

Nice OC you racist motherfucker

Kek works in mysterious ways

jesus christ I haven't laughed this hard in weeks.

>Kekistani movement
shitty stale meme that got blown out of proportions by sargon and his band of "skeptics"

i'm crying holy shit i havent laughed so hard in months.

Bleached deplorable! Looks like its eyes are trying to find both sides of the spectum..

You never had a chance bro.

>that baby

>False flaging as the opposing group and being retarded


funny shit

I dislike T_D cringefags but even that ugly baby is worth 10000 more than you self hating white cucks following a David Brock "how to Sup Forums" check list

KYS plz

is this the new punished mutt?


made me spit out my water


Punished mutt, a child denied his melanin