Currently at DACA protest. What should i do Sup Forums?
What do i do pol?
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Dodge challenger . Jpeg
Document, doxx and deport
Give em the old Joey Boots treatment:
tell them they should all be ashamed of supporting taxation without representation and thereby modern day slavery
Scream deported over and over
Put them to sleep, so they can dream more
haha I fucking love this
Take a steaming shit on the street in front on them
>literally 6 people
What does qualify as a protest in burgerland ?
Call ICE
Chant "Deport Illegal Immigrants" over and over
L to R:
Illegal beaner
Fat illegal beaner
na na na na
na na na na
hey hey hey
na na na na
na na na na
hey hey hey
beaners die
I like the"our children are sacred" t-shirt that guy is wearing. Could you ask him why parents would want to turn their sacred children into criminals by dragging then where they don't belong?
>A cripple, a beaner, a harpy, and two aged hippie beta cucks.
Not even worth your time user.
Get wheelchair guy and the guy to the left of him switch signs.
> . Jpeg
You should leave newfag
>800,000 workers and students (HAHAHAHAHAHAHA but just for the sake of argument let's pretend that number is real)
>"we must break the spine of every tax paying productive member of American society to give 1/300 people free shit, comrade"
Stalin would be proud. He could have never dreamed how easy it would be to destroy America. Not a single shot fired.
The hero we needed.
Call ICE
i wonder how many false flags will happen during these protests and be blamed on white people and gun owners
Shooting spree.
Molotow cocktails at the SJWs. Bring plenty and get those that run around in flames.
Tell the guy behind the pink sign to put on some fucking pants.
Speaking of flags notice not ONE US flag. I do see some Mexican flags.
>"Oh, look! Focus on the wheeled cripple! We'll get more sympathy!"
do you have gun with you?
>if you have to ask you'll never know
Call ICE. How is that even a question?
>that sign on the far left
>the guy he's standing next to
This is literally the only answer.
>What should i do Sup Forums?
Go back to uni and actually attend your lectures. You are paying a shitload for it so you shouldn't skip them for every shitty excuse.
You need to call ICE. It is your responsibility as an American citizen to report foreign invaders in your country.
>we will not take this sitting down!
I too stand for DAKKA
This took me way too long to figure out. Nice work user