Ok so I'll explain to you why the US and South Korea are both effectively fucked. If the North develops a dangerous enough nuclear deterrent which could fuck up major US cities and other major cities in the region (which they are set to do so) then they can effectively invade the south or place an ultimatum on the US and the South to hand over control of the peninsular to them. It will be an incredibly difficult situation for the US and everyone else because they'll be nuked to shit if they intervene. The war is either going to restart very soon with the US bombing the shit out of NK before they develop said nuclear deterrent or the US will end up doing shit all and eventually the North would be able to regain control over the South. At this point, the latter seems most likely due to the unwillingness of the US to strike first and the complications with China in the region.

Other urls found in this thread:


>what are american nuclear defence system

All conflicts should be fought on the ground like real men by the sword. Not bombs. 100,000,000 troops should invade on foot.

>what is cannon fodder

>Implying North Korea couldn't just launch 50 missiles at the US and just stick nuke warheads in a few of them

The US would literally have no clue which missiles to shoot and which ones not to shoot.

NK does not have the most valuable resource in a war.
It exists on handouts and foreign aid. And revolution is three missed meals away.

thanks mi6 for throwing ideas out there for nork cyber team

Bombs are more reckless. The sword is more accurate.

Theres this flight simulator released in 1998, called Falcon 4.0. It handles the modern day crisis very well. I have 45 000 flight hours in that simulator since 1998.

The us will any kind of war against north korea. I've done the math.



That's why THAAD Missile Defense system, already in Guam and ROK. They can detect dummy warheads from non-dummy ones.

Step up from Aegis Missile Defense Systems, which are also in the Pacific.

Nonsense. We have technology and mil infrastructure in place to shoot their (notoriously unreliable) missiles out of the air. End of...

the only thing is, they opened there self to nuclear retaliation. If they are stupid enough to use one. and maybe anyway for having them.

1,500,000 rads ain't nothing to fuck with.

>country of 25mil
winning anything but ant-farm status

>armchair general who has no idea what he is talking about
Almost as bad as those retards in the hurricane threads

Glad i am on the East Coast. It's going to be comfy watching the west coast bombed to shit.


the best that nk can hope for is nothing happens. they have theres we have ours and nothing changes.

Oh, you must be butthurt from getting BTFO on /k/

are more modern missiles I assume other countries have capable of evading US air defense systems?


Fake as cnn




they wouldnt even be able to launch after 30 mins of airstrikes. Youre delusional commie.