Okay, Americans, I want you to make a list of all the pros and cons of ending DACA. I don't know much about this. I know what it is, and who it affects, but I want to know specifically what is good and bad about it.
Okay, Americans, I want you to make a list of all the pros and cons of ending DACA. I don't know much about this...
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Someone needs to lynch that faggot.
Pros: less Mexicans
Cons: still too many Mexicans
you mean native americans?
obese fat mongrels that inhabit north american continent are expelled genocidal euro trash.
>superior 21st century Americans
Loaded statement
MS13 to start targeting white families in retaliation to DACA rescinding
Did you miss the part where he put "White America" in quotes?
Because white people dont exist, unless of course you have to blame them, then it's ok to refer to them as a group, but dont forget they're inferior because they're already citizens.
muh legs, muh free college while you gringos become student debt slaves
that fat faggot is sounding an awful lot like a racist and a supremacist
>be """white"""
>be rich bcuz white
>hate white people
>blue check
It allows literal leeches on the American taxpayer to stay. They benefit from public schools, police, firefighters, and infrastructure that neither their parents nor themselves have actually paid into. Every "dreamer" is a fucking thief and I don't give a fuck about how sad it is that they have to go back. Furthermore, if they have kids here, they're going to raise their kids to vote for more fucking government authority and control. Fuck them.
report her
I gotta be real, this feels wrong. It's their parents that should be punished for breaking the law, not them. They didn't have a say in the matter.
Keeping DACA pros.
Dem legs?
Keeping DACA cons
Lower national IQ.
Large influx of Socialist voters and the eventual related economic collapse.
Destruction of the last bastion of Western values.
The eventual new dark age
just because my dad stole a car doesn't mean I shouldn't be allowed to drive it. he only stole it to provide for the family
I noticed she did not put "passed citizenship test to become a legal American" on her list of accomplishments.
Maybe if she would have just done that there wouldn't be an issue at all, but what do I know, I'm just a white male.
Pro: Restore Law and Order
Pro: Deport illegal aliens
Pro: Reduce welfare state
Pro: Reduce crime
Pro: Wall must now be built
Pro: More border guards with better weapons
Pro: Lean out jails and prisons to comply with Fed regulations; no more early release
Pro: Schools can teach in English
Pro: Homeless population decreases 40%
Con: ?
That's different and you know it.
My dad may have stolen the car, but he gave it to me!!!!! So it's my car now. Why are you so mean trying to take my car?
Con: Muh feefees
Well, let's just fine them a shitload. Like the cost of educating their children on the tax payer dollar.
just because my dad is squatting in this house he doesn't own doesn't mean I shouldn't be allowed to keep squatting here. Why should I be punished by being homeless because I was brought here as a child?
Of courrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrse
White faggots win again.
Except it isn't, these "children"(who are mostly in their 20's and 30's) are directly benefiting from their parents crime. Fuck them.
No amount of hate of illegals on the right will come close to matching the Left's utter contempt of Blue Collar Whites that do not vote Democrat.
guy sounds like a brown supremacist
Their parents will go back with them
Don't hate the player
But they are breaking the law by their being here. Especially if they collect ANY social services, like welfare or public schooling.
3 illegal aliens in a class of 30 removed would effectively increase school.budgets by 10% per capita
Just your average white guilter.
It's good for multinational profits you fucking goys stop getting in the way of my shekels
>data over 10 years old with no actual figures of TRUE CURRENT costs.
eat a dick canada.
It's not about punishing anybody.
It's about the rule of law.
It's only because their own countries are shitholes that people like you think it's a punishment they have to go back to their own country.
>tfw you commit a felony as a toddler
>It is required to have a clean record to be part of DACA so recipients are not criminals aside from them being illegal
>Majority have high school diploma and are attain or have a skill
>Have been assimilated with American Culture as they have been here since birth
>They can be used as a way to increase the budget for the wall.
Bad: IT IS UNCONSTITUTIONAL. Its dictator shit to instate that program. But this bad thing has a solution. CONGRESS DO YOUR JOB
It's funny that only a decade ago the left were campaigning to fight "the 1%", but are now openly supporting corporatism.
If someday your parents decide to steal a bunch of resources, and then they gift them to you, don't be too surprised that if they get caught, you'll need to return what's not yours.
Why i should change the car now? I don't even know how other cars work and i've never even been in other cars. Its not even an English car, its Spanish or some shit and no se espanol gringo.
Well then, maybe these superior DACA kids can make Mexico a better place so illegals won't have to come here anymore for a better life.
Not everyone has money for a lawyer and 20 years to become a citizen
>>Have been assimilated with American Culture as they have been here since birth
Yeah, like making America Mexico again?
Hey there, Ahmed.
Every illegal kid in California costs $15,000 just for school.
So this argument that their parents pay sales tax, well, their parents would have to be buying $150,000 in taxable sales goods every year for every child.
That ain't happening.
As far as "paying payroll taxes", they get the Earned Income Credit for having kids, and end up getting $2 to $6,000+ in tax refunds, having paid zero taxes.
The IRS sends billions of dollars of EIC tax refunds to people who live in Mexico.
They hardly known Spanish.
>hey goy, those dreamers are just students and workers, it's good for the country
>superior 21st Century Americans.
Shh, shh, don't fight it.
>slavs in charge of property rights
because it's not yours wtf is wrong with you? why don't you take all these doctors and lawyers Ivan
If they're so talented and studious, I'm sure they'll pick it up in no time.
They're so smart, they'll learn easily.
So it's settled, ending DACA was a bad thing
They steal identities to be here and work here. They are all criminals.
>literally wants to destroy his ethnicity and is happy about it
What the FUCK is Bob's problem
Reminder that the DA in DACA stands for Deferred Action, which is no longer deferred now
He thinks that if he vitue signals hard enough, a girl will touch his penis before he dies of a heart attack or diabetes.
What's a Daca?
Bullshit. Their fence jumping parents still speak Spanish at home. They grew up speaking it
a northern sudaca
>superior 21st century Americans
jesus christ this obese kike is insane
Mexico don't want them. They are NOT Rabi Blancos they are peasants. Worse, now they believe they are entitled peasants. Mexico will end up killing thousands of them to put the natives back in their place.
>obsolete white American peasant
>Superior brown Mexican retard masterrace
Really. If they are so assimilated why are they waving Mexican flags all the damn time.
Obama's legal illegal spics that get free gib me dats
Maybe you guys can donate to a fund or something.
Yesterday I was talking to a fellow American who thought it's impossible to send them back if they don't want to go. I said just watch. Traitors like this Chipman will guarantee that it happens. Americans who today are saying, "Gosh, we can't be mean to little children with nowhere to go" will be saying, "Why bother to deport them when we can just shoot them where they stand?"
If they're paying into social security who cares?
It's like free money.
It's 8 years old, with SOURCES at the bottom. I would imagine the costs would be higher now, as more illegals have entered the US in the last 8 years, but that's just simple logic.
deferred action for childhood arrivals. obama wrote the executive order in 2012 that protected non-criminals who were 16-31 years of age (i think) and had been in this country since 2007.
>we can't move to Mexico, we don't know the language or culture
>who cares if millions of illegals move to America despite not knowing the language or the culture
Nice libfag doublethink
1st post got it right
>and Mexico will pay for it
Gullible faggot
Laws are actually being enforced. It's pointless to have laws or police, if nothing is enforced. Corporations will actually have to pay a living wage to people to do work.
I have my own garden and pick my own vegetables. I don't understand why everyone is freaking out over laws being enforced.
The real issue here is that these folks and their parents were INVITED by the Rats trying to import voters. This is just another steep to secure these millions of Rat votes. The GOP has two options. Grow a pair or bend over.
It does not mean they are leaving. I repeat.... it does not mean they are leaving. We will continue to support illegals. You didn't see Trump cutting funding to food stamps or welfare for housing. They will float in limbo, and Congress will do nothing.
Haven't more illegals left back to Mexico than entered the US since 2008?
You know, every time I read another retarded statement from liberals about DACA it just makes me support Trump more in the decision. Anything that can produce this level of butthurt from the American left is a good thing for America.
dude i'm latino and i still think they should fuck off back to where they came from
Modern-day slave owners would have to pay a competitive wage
Well he can't do anything else
Maybe they realized how anti-semitic fighting the 1% is
Sure... and we continued to let anybody in the country along with all their family members. They're not leaving and they have lots of children. You're in denial
Holy shit this guy is such a gigantic fucking faggot goddamn
América wasn't América until Columbus got here.
Stay mad.
He literally did
Check the countdown
You had to be under 31 to qualify for DACA. Fucking 31. Very few of these people are "Children"
Pros: Rule of Law
Cons: Avocado prices increased by 2%
So more have left than have come in
So are they no longer illegals if they fill the requirements or are they illegals who can't be deported?
>all whites are awful except me!
If you don't actually know who he is, read his ED article for a laugh.