How many will unironically fap to Trump's pee pee tape when it's released?
"Let's hit Trump with our Kompromat" - Russian politician
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Trump's pee tap would be the greatest thing ever produced.
>plebbit spacing
>no archive
in all fields
There is no tape and if there is it'll probably be badly faked and not easily identifiable as Trump. Really, watching porn has made you think everybody must randomly allow a camera crew there when they screw.
Funny as fuck if real though.
What do they think it is exactly? Him peeing on somebody or somebody peeing on him?
There is no such thing. It was a fanfic from a Brit user from Sup Forums.
i just liked the pic
what is dis trump thing u talking about ??
got more ladies peeing themselfes in the face ??
Sauce of pic?
I heard from a secret source that it's going to be nominated for several oscars, end golbal warming and bring in a new era of peace.
*era of piss.
>bring in a new era of pees.
I cn't believe news site and foreign politicians are discussion fanfiction made on Malawian Singing Frogs board
What a time to be alive
I thought this was a frog fueled Burmese anti-muslim board
>mfw the technology is here to actually forge a pee pee tape
Why would you piss on your carpet?
That house must reek
Why haven't they already released the fucking tape yet. Seriously this is getting ridiculous. They could have during the election to help Hillary but they didn't and now they are still threatening that the tape will leak. What the fuck is going on? I'm going to be on my deathbed from old age before this tape ever leaks at this point. GIVE ME SOMETHING TO JERK OFF TO DAMN IT!
No. Don't ever post this or anything else ever again you fucking disgrace. God, I feel bad for your parents.
Trumpfags are retarded. They still don't know the difference between an easily available dossier and some user highlighting stuff he printed out as a joke
If i was trump, id have 40% of the media killed by the CIA, in tbe mist painful and publicly obvious way
>underage prostitutes
Pizzagaters BTFO
>Trumpfags are retarded. They still don't know the difference between an easily available dossier and some user highlighting stuff he printed out as a joke
I wonder what the mental gymnastics would look like if the pee pee tape is released.
kill yourself you subhuman beta
Everything else in the dossier turned out to be correct. I believe the peepee tape exists and Putin has it.
>nothing wrong with kids peeing for your enjoyment
>I actually like him more now
All the embarrassing shit trumpfags say because of their emotional attachment
ebin troll XDDDDD
did you tell your mom about it yet?
>Everything else in the dossier turned out to be correct
No it didn't.
Fuck Trump!!! I would!!! he's hot!!!
>did you tell your mom about it yet?
They already know I'm a tard
>I wonder what the mental gymnastics would look like if the pee pee tape is released.
people deny the moon landing; the pee tape will be easy to deny.
>people deny the moon landing; the pee tape will be easy to deny.
Yep even when the evidence is splashing them in the face
me on the left
There's no tape newfags, Sup Forums literally made it up and sent it to BuzzFeed.
Its the only thing im going to jerk off to for 4/8 years.
>There's no tape newfags, Sup Forums literally made it up and sent it to BuzzFeed.
Yeah kid, keep thinking Sup Forums has the ability to make news.
>being this retarded
literally who is sergei?
What's taking you Faggots so long?
You should have been able to fabricate a pretty good FAKE by now?
You Faggots are slipping...
>You should have been able to fabricate a pretty good FAKE by now?
So this is what Trump's remaining supporters will cling to? Just call all evidence fake?
what evidence?
We made pepe a hate symbol.
>what evidence?
there isn't one fan fiction given to rick wilson is not a source. Go home to Israel Mueller
Fat faggot looks like he uses T shirts for socks.
Anyone who believes this shit outs themselves as newfag because they weren't here to see the original thread where we made it up. It's fucking ridiculous
You can see something for your own eyes, know it's real, but dumbfucks still insist it's something different BECAUSE THEY WANT TO BELIEVE.
>Anyone who believes this shit outs themselves as newfag because they weren't here to see the original thread where we made it up. It's fucking ridiculous
>You can see something for your own eyes, know it's real, but dumbfucks still insist it's something different BECAUSE THEY WANT TO BELIEVE.
You need sauce?
Google Christopher Steele Trump dossier.
There is no pee pee tape, you degenerate demonic faggot.
>pee pee
I can't wait to kill all of you legally and with absolute impunity. The only thing that was alleged was that based trump had two prostitutes pee on the obongo's buttsextesticles bed while he watched in victory, shitposting in real life. Nothing perved or sexual. Sheer coedy. If you ask me, it makes President Trump even more based than ever.
>President Trump's pee pee tape will make him even more based than ever.
Wow just wow
HELL NEVER WIN THE ELCTION NOW!!!!!!!!! SAY IT WITH ME MADAM PRESIDENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!