> Sweden is on 2nd place on the European crime rate index, only surpassed by Ukraine, a country in civil war and poverty.

> Researchers claim that Swedens shooting rate and hand grenade attacks are rivaling countries like Mexico

No other country in Europe are noticing similar patterns, especially when it comes to grenade attacks where Sweden is a rising "star".

I fucking hate the wageslave cucks in this shit country.

Other urls found in this thread:


>tfw no swedish gf

Spread this info around.

>tfw no polish gf

This is what you get for the torture that is an IKEA trip.

>tfw no swedish bf to cuck

>IKEA trip

Is this a new meme? Can I get a quick run down?

>wanting a shitskin gf

Damn, white people are violent as fuck.

Will we get to see Arabic Swedish rappers now, spitting dope rhymes about slanging rocks and throwing grenades at their enemies?

IKEA trip is a new package offered by IKEA where you have to do geocaching for new furniture in Malmö while simultaneously dodging arabs throwing grenades at you.

>Sweden is on 2nd place on the European crime rate index, only surpassed by Ukraine, a country in civil war and poverty.

lmfao ukriane still somehow maniges to be shittier than sweden stalin should have finsihed the job of wiping out those fucking hohols.

the fire rises

There are thousands of them already, just lurk "Swedish"-youtube -- all you'll see is feminine metrosexual vloggers and arab gangsta rappers.

sven when will your goverment start rewriting the vikings and make them into the viKANGZ for diversity?

De förväntar en av oss i vraket, min broder!

all around me are familiar faces worn out places worn out faces bright and early for the daily races

11th September.

But to be honest I think they are already doing that, I mean they went ballistic about that "Allah"-ring they found.

>and arab gangsta rappers

are they morrocan? here in belguim its even worse turks and morrokans as far as the eye can see in almost every streetblock theres a fucking nightshop and 2 kebab stores.

why haven't you woken up yet, Sven?

here you go

>But to be honest I think they are already doing that, I mean they went ballistic about that "Allah"-ring they found.

arent they melting down viking artifacts now too?
holy shit sven how did you sink into a pit of eternal cuckery like that?


>that pic

Yeah, just that they aren't familiar because they are arab/african.

>why haven't you woken up yet, Sven?

lmfao some dumb roastie got killed by the car of peace.
i remember that dont know why all the moralfaggotry is about might be becuase i came from Sup Forums and there there are rekt treads with gorre daily.

I don't know, not a lot of Turks in Sweden anymore. I think the rappers and the big gangs are Iraqis and Syrians, Morrocans are the new challengers in the shitskin arena. Lots of roving street gangs of Morrocans in Stockholm, shanking, raping, prosituting themselves to old faggots. Not to forget the Afghanis and the classic sub-saharan Africans.

My biggest hope is that they all start massacring each other, which they kinda do, but not enough!

Don't worry Sven, your majority female police force will protect your unarmed ass.

>clearly not brown or nigger skinned.

you color blind or something?

morrokans and the turks are called sandniggers.

>hand grenade attacks are rivaling countries like Mexico
every day we stray further from god

Swedish males are out of control!


>My biggest hope is that they all start massacring each other, which they kinda do, but not enough!

lmfao man go to a party in belguim once niggers and morrocans fighting happens alot there the same with those fucking chechens.

I'm joining politics to change things

wish me luck

there is nothing to save in sweden. Nuke them now.

Don't give up Sven. Sound the horn for a reconquista and support will arrive by the tens of thousands.

honestly swedish men should just rename themselfes to sven blackbulson no other name is needed.

yes but ((((semites)))) also have darker skin colour so that one cannot consider them white
so i thought you might be able to apply the term also to arabs since they also look like somone take a shit at them

I was living in Malmoe for a while. Rock and Roll city man.

Is Sverje like Norje, where all you need to get a gun is no priors and either a hunting license or gunklub membership?

And if so, are weaponssales up, or are all these weapons criminially imported and in criminal hands?


Wouldn't be surprised if party leaders would suggest more control of legal firearms as a solution.
Oh and... more money and armor to the police I guess. I saw some article that someone was thinking that criminalizing kevlar vests somehow would have a chilling effect on gangs?

IDK these fuckers are living in a bubble and does everything to avoid actually dealing with the issue. They are the lowest of the low in my opinion.

I doubt it's anywher near Mexico.

its that damn viking blood and culture, if only we could rid of such violence faster!


Elections next year.

>this new
shitskins = all non-whites

It would be beautiful if that could happen

>yes but ((((semites)))) also have darker skin colour so that one cannot consider them white

there meditaranian some are europian then you have slavs and the semites and the negros.

alos difine white? you mean in europian genetics or skincolor?

probably population wise

Sound the horn.

more like this

>you might be able to apply the term also to arabs since they also look like somone take a shit at them

lmfao dont say that when posting a pic of hitler he respected arabs for there worrier culture (islam) and there hatred of semites.

>Sweden is on 2nd place on the European crime rate index

"This section is based on surveys from visitors of this website."


he even had foreing legions for arabs and the pajeets.

>sound the horn.

But you have to hurry before South Afrika beats you to it, they have priority, since you're the ones who fucked up their country.

Even on a per capita basis. I've been to Sweden and Mexico, it's no where near as violent from what I could tell. In Mexico even going on highways is sometimes dangerous.

>7 Mexico 62.54 37.46
>47 Sweden 36.24 63.76
>45 Mexico 50.32 49.68
>58 Sweden 46.65 53.35

>wake up
>weekly bullprepping lecture
>go there
>lady at registration desk ask if I have the mark yet
>say no
>she accuses me of having internalized racism and the only cure is to get the mark
>go get imprintend
>feel good
>call my girlfriend, her boyfriend answers, asks if i'm soon done because he needs to be prepped
>take this photo to show him
>he calls me good goy
>I'm a good goy

Yeah that makes sense. Perception of crime is usually higher than what it actually is.

Can't have Muslims and Marxism. Terrible combo.

lol cut of Skåne and we are fine

>But you have to hurry before South Afrika beats you to it, they have priority, since you're the ones who fucked up their country.

south africa's only ally was ((isreal))) when the where still in apartheid almost all other nations slowly denied them resources and put sanctions on them. essentialy backstabbing them.

Isn't this based on perception of crime and not actual stats?

>the absolute state of the Germanic peoples

>lol cut of Skåne and we are fine

denial is a powerfull killer underestimation is an even bigger one..


i mean white by skincolour
a lot of people from southern shitaly, southern balkans and southern iberian penninsula are also basically shitskins
I think he only liked them because they hated the Jews too
he probably wouldn't endorse them like Merkel

Those peoplelook pretty white to me

>south africa's only ally was ((isreal))) when the where still in apartheid almost all other nations slowly denied them resources and put sanctions on them. essentialy backstabbing them.

and in typical jewish fashion they played both sides.

probably a way to destroy the british empire from within

mussolini also praised islam occassionally
but I also think he did it because he had colonies in the islamic world and by doing this he could appease them in some way

>I think he only liked them because they hated the Jews too
>he probably wouldn't endorse them like Merkel

thats treu but islam was a worriers religeon thats one of the reasons he gave.

>a lot of people from southern shitaly, southern balkans and southern iberian penninsula are also basically shitskins

olive skinned and tanned isnt realy shitskinned isnt it? by that logic you could call the roman empireand the greek one an empire of shitskins.

Does this have anything to do with refugees?

Det spelar ingen roll vilka vi är. Det som spelar roll är vår plan

Yes let's just cut off part of our best arable land, Sweden would be Belarus tier if we removed Skåne. Not an option.

You think immigrants have time to do crime when they are in -30°C?
No they are to busy planning their vacation to Irak 2.0 or Skåne in a nicer word

It's too late for politics.

>Those peoplelook pretty white to me
kindof like the easter revolution and the zimmerman telegram in ww1?

the british have used the arabs and made alliances with them too namely the arab revolt.

so, you guys starting to realize why American police are the way they are?

You are the usual shitskin Belgian who always comes in and tries to bash Swedes. Meanwhile you have the most IS terrorists in your country in the whole EU

What are the Swedish media saying about these shocking crime statistics?

>You think immigrants have time to do crime when they are in -30°C?

lmfao the viKANGZ did it pretty well.

>You are the usual shitskin Belgian who always comes in and tries to bash Swedes. Meanwhile you have the most IS terrorists in your country in the whole EU

>t.buthurt swede.

Kjempers fodeland!

Researchers are still puzzled. "HOW COULD THIS HAPPEN!?!?!?" -- the politicians are screaming.

I know, kinda sad that all the shitskins settled on the only arable land

Stop spreading this litteral fake news. If that was true I would not be able to just hold my phone in my hand while boarding the train because it would just be stolen like in Italy or almost any other euro ccountry. Sweden is one of the safest countries in the world and just because Avpixlat tells you that immigrants rape 1000 women/day doesn't mean it's true . And I think you actually know this you stupid sheep

>Researchers are still puzzled. "HOW COULD THIS HAPPEN!?!?!?" -- the politicians are screaming.

>idb4 make more anti rape bracelets olga!!

>lmfao the viKANGZ did it pretty well
They are natives here you idiot
The immigrants are native to sandcastles

thats true but still makes my think.Actual stats would be interesting tho.

It's oppression, poverty, masculinity problem, we need better gear for the police, put more tax money on it, nothing else is going on!!!!

Not butthurt at all. I don't deny how bad things are going for us, but you're acting like you're riding a high and mighty horse while in reality, your country is both the capital of evil in Europe ( Brussels) and your country harbours the most IS terrorists of all European countries. Also your country is an entire meme, literally no identity whatsoever.

Leopold was the only good thing that came out of your country desu

t. Jerzy Sarnecki

>If I'm not getting mugged everyday then it means statistics saying my country has a lot of criminal activity are wrong!
This is a special level of retardation, even for you Sven

>What are the Swedish media saying about these shocking crime statistics?

They don't fit the narrative so it's dead silent.

But they do have an article of how swedish girls can get better at performing oral sex

What about no gone zones in sweden?

>call the roman empireand the greek
well i would not consider the empires of roman and gayreeks white, southern europe is a place where the orient and europe meet, and the people who live there are probably not pure white but a mixture of semites and white people

>The immigrants are native to sandcastles

ever been to pakistan? there bordering asia and india there are mountians and tundras that can go as low as 20 degrees c in the night even lower there diffrent boimes in these places.

also if you have ever been in a desert the nights are ice cold.

Häng dig själv

The "statistics" he refers to is not even acurate.

Holy shit, burn this fag asap

They don't excist. It's also just a meme/myth