We both know the reason you hate women is because they don't want you. Admit it. Stop lying to yourself. Stop rationalizing away this truth by posing all sorts of pseudo rational explanations, usually something that blames women. Just admit it, women don't want you and reject you. You've had a hard time with them, some of them probably laughed at you or said something nasty to hurt your feelings. Maybe you've got lucky a few times and got some scraps from an uggo, but you're still resentful towards the good looking women. Just admit it. You'll feel better, I promise.
We both know the reason you hate women is because they don't want you. Admit it. Stop lying to yourself...
How many women have you fucked, bong?
But that's simply not true user, please don't project.
I know plenty of good looking /fit/izens who dislike women as well (no homo)
I agree op that's why I don't even talk to women. Why bother with them at all? I work under the table so I don't oppress them with my taxes too. It's pretty good for me admitting I'm ugly and sexually inadequate.
That's because most of them got zero female attention before lifting and still feel resentful. The rest are gay.
They also go for the party type women, not very likeable.
It's hard for me to even imagine existing with that mind set.
reminder: lifting won't change your face or personality
How many women have you fucked, bong?
Hey bong how many women have you been with
it's not too shabby. you'd be surprised how much of your day gets taken up trying to impress cooze. Once you learn to ignore it, it's liberating.
:( you got me
Actually it will. You'll gain muscle on your face and neck, and lose body fat. Lifting should make you more confident, which could improve your personality.
More than you.
None of my day is spent impressing women, they still come to me.
>>We both know the reason you hate women is because they don't want you
You realize this is a perfectly justified reason to hate someone right?
Thats not a number bong
>More than you.
Thats not impressive
good for you user, some of us aren't that lucky. you should be happy there are dude like me because we free up pussy for you.
but it will change for your face, fit people don't have triple chins and the testosterone boost will increase your confidence and calm your intrusive thoughts, did you just arrive in america from a third world country my friend?
keep dreaming your face will magically transform into handsome after you lift. good looking guys don't become ugly if they lose weight.
slide thread
>More than you.
I doubt it. You know why? Only whiteknight faggots who haven't fucked a lot of women talk like you. I've fucked women from all over the world, from every race, rich and poor, and they all act like women. Their conversation stinks, they cry over nothing, and they never admit wrongdoing. I don't hate women, they're just annoying.
Quite the contrary. I don't give most girls the time of day because they are all whores. I regret fucking the two girls that I have, I wished I remember chastise so I could find a virgin wife.
My face is already handsome, that's why I got pussy before lifting.
i'm actually handsome.
This bong is an idiot
Whiteknighting gets you loads of pussy if you're good looking, tall, and jacked by normie standards. As long as you're not a push over and do what you want.
You seem like you whine a lot. Maybe you're the annoying one mate. Have you thought about that?
Nope. Never had trouble attracting women. Still, I hate most of them. They're just bad people.
>billions of women
>all whores
Okay m8. You're not very bright.
they love to be hated
>Whiteknighting gets you loads of pussy
Shut the fuck up, bongs are all faggots. Also funny you didn't answer Neckbeard fag
Sounds like you using rationalization to circumvent the issue. Women are fine, mysoginist just don't get any, alright. Factually wrong, but whatever.
>Whiteknighting gets you loads of pussy if you're good looking, tall, and jacked by normie standards
>I'll don't mind being surrounded by entitled cunts if I get my dick wet
You're the reason life is fucked up for men these days, faggot. You'd sell your soul for pussy.
What's your relationship like with your father?
>implying women whorey nature wasn't always hated
>implying what made the muslims hate them isn't what made the chinks kill their girls babies
>implying what made the americans until the 50s to own their women as little kids, isn't what made the church call women sinful and immoral by essence
>implying that buddhists, christians, romans, greeks, chinks, arabs, prophets, philosophers and all knowledge until the 1789 didn't pointed it out that women are merely beautiful satanic whores, useless to social progress, good only for reproduction.
>implying this is a 2017 virgin thing
lol, get fucked roasties
Nobody hates women here, they hate black people. Women are just inferior scientifically speaking, don't shoot the messenger I'm not god.
>accuses Sup Forums of using personal attacks as arguments
>anyone who disagrees with me surely hates women
Stop making these gay ass threads you fucking cuck.
That's only one of the reasons.
You type like a fucking woman. Reveal yourself whore!
Good looking women have options. Pol thinks women over 21 are washed up haggered old ladies.
Yeah I hate them, I hate modern men just as equally, what's the point?
Depends on what you mean by white knighting.
Protecting women is a healthy and normal male instinct. The fact that you lack it suggests your father didn't raise you right.
>Protecting women is a healthy and normal male instinct. The fact that you lack it suggests your father didn't raise you right.
Guiding a woman past her emotions is a healthy and normal male instinct. You seem to have a problem answering my questions directly. It doesn't surprise me. Frankness is a masculine trait.
Shut the fuck up, this is you I guarantee it
Women have made themselves obnoxious.
It doesn't matter. Biocunts will soon be obsolete.
>I've fucked women from all over the world,
I've fucked women from all over the world
Mr. worldwide
mr worldwide
Pick one
I mean this is true but what kind of reaction do you expect? Naturally people will come to hate those who deny them and treat them like shit.
literal fucking virgin Bong is trying to LARP as a pussy haver on a fucking cambodian knoting Forum.
Holy shit dude, get some help
This is blatant bait you idiots lol
Because Im not black
>britcuck claims he gets pussy
>everyone sees right through it
>he ends up white knighting hard
>gets btfo and embarrasses himself
I have a girlfriend I'm going to impregnate with my sperm. She is stupid and helpless and her life is basically in my hands.
Women are basically just overly complicated pets. They are not my equals for which I would endeavour to have discussions or my idea of fun with.
Women are worthless once artificial wombs happen. Don't kid yourself.
We both know women like whatever the media and society tells them to like op stop trying to demoralize the pol society
make sure she's real
What's ironic about this post and thread is that OP is more of a faggot than those who check out of the market, because he thinks fucking lots of women without putting in effort is the hallmark of a true man and anything else is just rationalizing. He judges himself by such standards and therefore you as well, and figures that everybody must do the same since his views on relationships is the One True View. He's very smug about it too.
please unironically kill yourself OP. The MGTOW's are annoying and defeatist but there is very little more toxic than this faux-chad retardation of yours.
Couldve sworn I had that collection of posts that proved women were just like dogs, not in a deregotive way, its just their nature
>if you don't like vagina carriers, it must be because you aren't getting any vagina
I've fucked over 20 women OP. By your logic, I must really love women right? Wrong.
There goes your argument, you are incorrect, and totally BTFO. Admit it, stop lying to yourself, stop rationalising away this truth. Faggot.
>uggo scraps
The best I ever had was a 12/10 Brazilian stripper. Great woman, feminine and very attractive, nothing bad to say about her.
Guess what? She's an exception.
Guess what? The majority of Western, feminized women I've had to endure before penetration only proved that their criticism on here is scarily accurate, and well deserved.
Guess what? We're not gonna stop hating roasties or spreading the truth about them cos of your shitty slide thread.
Sup Forums is always right OP... Just admit it. You'll feel better, I promise.
another muslim wannabe
This is the hardest a roastie ever works in her life. To damage control her uselessness.
But I don't hate women, and none of them like me either.
That's the thing though, its actually worse when theyre throwing themselves at you user, because you realize how little self respect people actually have anymore and its very saddening
I'm 35 and I lost my libido
I really miss it
I'm kinda worried it's never coming back
The irony is the more of them I fuck the more I hate them!
It is possible I hate women because they don't want me. It is also possible it is their fault. This is a false choice. Their rejection of someone doesn't exonerate them from that person's observations of their behavior.
The rest of your shitty post sounds like projection to me, as I've shown, it is presumptuous.
finding out good looking women are still nags and huge sources of irritation is a redpill you, too, must swallow OP
I hate women because they are fat, annoying, whiny, retarded, emotional, needy, low libido or poz whores. Also vaginas are objectively disgusting looking and boi pu$$i is beautiful and easily maintained. Also you can cum inside a fuccboy without having to create a hellspawn for 18 years.
user you fucking imbecile
I didnt start hating them until I started fucking them and dating them
women are trash tier human beings all around
Plenty of blokes in the same boat as you m8, luckily the answer is simple.
Raise your testosterone levels naturally. You can learn the basics free on google. Get your levels checked if worried.
My advice:
>get lots of sleep
>eat healthy and drink pure water
>strength training 3x week
>walk daily, an hour if you can
>take ZMA and vitamin D3
>wank once a week, no more.
T. 31
OK, thanks for the help. I definitely need the benefit of all of those.
I like women
>leaf only nonfaggot ITT
>drink pure water
damn it man tell us which one to use, the big birkey?
ive been using zerowater filter