Christianity General

This is a thread for the discussion of Christianity, the future of Christian Peoples, Culture, Heresy, Defense of Europe etc...

Also Reminder that Pol is Christian board. West has always been strongest when it was Christian, Under Christianity West has colonized whole world and was most advanced. Only with Atheism has the decay started, and most socialists/commies are atheists

Here is the ultimate spiritual playlist

Other urls found in this thread:

Some right wing media
For facebook like pages:
''Traditionalist Western Art''
"Architectural Revival''
''Earl of Grey''
"This is Europa"
''Generation Europa''
"Europa Rising''
''Knights Templar International''
''Knights Templar Vault''
''The Patriarchy''
''The Beauty of European Girls & Women''
''The Straight, White, Capitalist''

And news sites go to:

Pic Based HRE driving Ottomans back form Europe. Remember also to download medieval 2 total war and Kingdoms expansions.

Man making these general threads is hardest of all and takes highest skill cap, because its hard to get bumped. Idk how people managed to do it lmao

guys I worship a kike as well, am I based? Who /vape here?

Also I have many fedoras in my collection, M'lady :)

We have a /christian/ imageboard and discord, links are in pic related. All Christian denominations that follow the Nicene Creed are welcome. God bless!


even your discord has a Jew in it

Convince me this religion is true while others are not true

lol cucktians

Read your Bible! Start from the New Testament and listen to what Jesus says, you can even listen to the Bible as well. Also visit us on /christian/ imageboard and discord and ask questions! God bless you and see you there!


Translation: you're too ignorant on the subject or just too lazy to convince me

You Christcucks need to fuck off from my board

List of Christians in Science and technology

go listen to jesus. let him convince you.

This low sample Poll says otherwise

>be christian
>worship a cuck jew
>be so shitty that you have to take pagan holidays and themes for your religion
>be hated by everyone
>throw your worthless life away for a stupid holy land
>become a monk and not make children

cucktians become pagan my brothers

46 votes. ur fucking retarded

Enjoy worshipping the demiurge fags

I was being kinda sarcastic moron. ALso cursing is not moral

he even states it's a low sample size. calm your tits.

You worship a false idol you fucking retards

Praise kek


look it up

The demiurge isn't the true creator

He-Who-Is is ineffable. No principle knew him, no authority, no subjection, nor any creature from the foundation of the world, except he alone. For he is immortal and eternal, having no birth; for everyone who has birth will perish. He is unbegotten, having no beginning; for everyone who has a beginning has an end. No one rules over him. He has no name; for whoever has a name is the creation of another. He is unnameable. He has no human form; for whoever has human form is the creation of another. He has his own semblance - not like the semblance we have received and seen, but a strange semblance that surpasses all things and is better than the totalities. It looks to every side and sees itself from itself. He is infinite; he is incomprehensible. He is ever imperishable (and) has no likeness (to anything). He is unchanging good. He is faultless. He is everlasting. He is blessed. He is unknowable, while he (nonetheless) knows himself. He is immeasurable. He is untraceable. He is perfect, having no defect. He is imperishably blessed. He is called 'Father of the Universe'.

why don't we rather start with why you think christians worship something you call the demiurge for starters. you're not making much sense.

Because the fucking jews control all 3 religions.

Islam black cube.

Black cube in the center of the star of david

a cross unfurled is a cube.


the jews don't control what i believe. seems to me they control what you believe we christians believe rather. but that's your problem not mine.

He is also called Yehoshua, Jesus, the Christ.

no you fucking retard. if you believe in jesus and he is your savior then you worship the demiurge

believing something is the same as worshiping someone then? I don't believe that.

also you haven't explained what the demiurge is.

The cross is the cross. If you want to see it in Judaism, you have to look back 3500 years to when they were in the wilderness, and had a tabernacle, not a temple.

The tabernacle was in the center.

The tribes were laid out to the north, east, south and west. But the tribes had differing numbers of people. While the north and south and west tribes had similar numbers of people, the east had many more.

So as the sun would come up in the morning, the tabernacles and the 12 tribes' tents surrounding the tabernacle would be in the shape of a cross.

a false god disconnected from the source that must feed of peoples energy since it cannot create anything itself

There is no demiurge.

If you believe in Jesus and Jesus is your savior, you are a new creation and bound for heaven.

If you believe in the demiurge, your foolishness will be burned out of you in the lake of fire.


(in Gnosticism and other theological systems) a heavenly being, subordinate to the Supreme Being, that is considered to be the controller of the material world and antagonistic to all that is purely spiritual.

It's a false, false god. It doesn't exist.

He is trolling obviously just ignore him

It's just another name for the devil.

No Jesus is a false idol. Kys

You think heaven and hell fucking exist? You must be a child then? or extremely naive?

Jesus is God, and He proved Himself to be God.

jesus isn't disconnected to the father or the holy spirit. if you think so argue that better.

Do you believe the earth exists?

This same Jesus made the heavens, the earth, and hell.

No you read a fairy tale book written by kikes. You're a moron CHRIST IS A FALSE IDOL

God cannot be an idol; an idol is a substitute for God.

Jesus is God. Jesus is YHWH.

those digits praise kek

It's refreshing to see someone with your flag speak their own mind though.

yeah seems like he has no idea what he is talking about really. I still feel like seeing his arguments to where they collapse.


yeah tell me im wrong without doing any research but all the answers u need are in a 2000 year old book nobody can comprehend.

You're just a child too scared to want to think about the bigger picture so u let other people spell it out and leave it to "faith"

You're the opposite of godly.

In the beginning, Jesus created the heavens and the earth.

>nobody can comprehend.

Nobody who is lost, can comprehend.

No. lmao

Yes, actually.

Colossians 1:16 For by Him all things were created that are in heaven and that are on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or principalities or powers. All things were created through Him and for Him.

Man you guys are worse than fucking shareblue kike shills

Bro you cant reference a book written by MEN as proof of anything

I'm not telling you you are wrong. I am asking you questions you turbotard. Argue why you think jesus is disconnected from the father and the holy spirit like I asked you. Or don't and stop your wailing please.

Just stop feeding him either a troll or a shill

Spiritual things cannot be understood by brute beasts.

Dude the whole of all 3 abrahamic religions were created and are controlled by 1 source. The synagogue of satan

I can reference the 66 books of the bible, written by 40 men over 1500 years, all inspired by the Holy Spirit of God, as inerrant, holy, and prophetic.

I can even presuppose it, and never be in error.

Checked. Praise be unto KEK

avoiding the question. this was the last reply you get from me.

I don't know who the Lord wanted me to speak to today.

Do you?

then your head is so far up your ass you're beyond salvation

I'm eternally saved. My soul is at peace with God.


Praise kek



great song for everyone to listen to. one of my favorite hymns.



Reminder, if you are a Christian and you DON'T want to crusade upon Jerusalem, you are a cuck and need to get the fuck out

The Holy Land belongs to CHRISTIANS


if you can get a hold of it, this BBC miniseries from 2008 is great stuff. recommend it strongly! I like it more than mel gibson's the passion.

How does one avoid going to a cuck church that has started pandering to Liberal mindsets?

>left handed

who where has participated in processions? they are pretty comfy.


>reddit, the wet dream




Follow the Holy Spirit, and leave when He leaves.


>He thinks he has to be in a money laundering front to worship our Lord and savior
Self study and discussion amongst your peers is all you need bruh



We are incapable of agape love.

Yeah, they talk a good show in Acts 13, but in Acts 10, they still thought salvation was only for the Jews.


Yup see

I really don't see any issue with Acts 13 or 10 unless you feel like spelling it out with your bizzaro logic

Peter, do you agape me?
You know I philia you, Lord.
Feed my sheep.

Peter, do you agape me?
You know I philia you, Lord.
Feed my sheep.

Peter, do you agape me?
Lord, you know all things; you know I philia you.
Feed my sheep.

You, papist, are the heretic.


If he told him to feed his sheep then he expects him to obey

Up until Acts 10, they were converting people to Judaism before offering them the gift of salvation.

It was not until Peter went to Cornelius' house, and saw that the Gentiles there were clearly saved, speaking in tongues, healing, etc., that the first apostle realized they were Judaizing people.

Peter stopped Judaizing people; James never did.

See, Peter, James and John, the so-called pillars of Christianity, were openly teaching in the Temple with no problem from the Jews. Why?

They were teaching circumcision, mikvah, and follow the Law of Moses.

M-more? Asking for a friend.

Fuck the crusaders. Because of them, Constantinople was taken by t*rks.