>nb4 mass riots

oh no not the freeloading trust fund hippies, nooooo
ahhhh noooooooo


Wish a nigga would.

Bye Bye, trash. Since you're walking out of school, just keep walking south until you hit the border, then cross.

Pic related

Can't the Americans chill for one day?

Who cares?

shoot these traitors

Bye GTFO of America.

they're doing the country a favour by walking back to mexishit them selves

Oh no illegals getting sent back instead of soaking up all our money and jobs with free gubmint liberal handouts, I'm so sad, literally crying right now.

One of the greatest tragedies of the wars to come is how few whites will be left since so many of them have turned traitor,

Is there any way to bring them back? I don't think the white race will survive if at the end we're left with less than 40% of what we have now.

>uhhhh I have to go hombre....no reason at all...just gonna walk like 50km away from my last known destination to "protest"...no biggie

as usual, always looking for an excuse to cut class

Should I borrow my dads mustang to take a closer look at this protest?


Most of those spics were probably going to skip school anyway

>Walking out of class
>People genuinely believe this is a meaningful political statement and not just kids gleefully taking advantage of an opportunity to skip class with no consequences

keep them walking .... all the way to Cuckada.

ps. in Denver, haven't heard of this happening

Great, less money we need to spend on trying to teach them to act like people

Congress will just put it back in place.


Deport them too

This totally wasnt organised by the teachers

Doesn't the school care about everyone's safety?

What if something happens it's the schools problem

lot of spics in denver??? colorado went from a red state to a blue state, ayyy lmao

it's got to be like the first day of class anyways

> DACA kids are supposed to be highly educated and law abiding
> Walk out of their education and riot like niggers

The perfect thing to allow Trump republicans to beat the fuck out of neocons in the primaries



Expel all of those little shits.

>wetback dreams

If they leave school grounds and aren't on a sanctioned field trip it's not the school's problem

It's sad. This state was a western frontier state in my dad's time, now it's being taken over by spics and californians

Yet another excuse for waste of space immigrant kids to skip school.

>not a challenger




>Walking out of classes to protest something
>"I will literally hurt my future self to protest for the future of others: Something, I could have done after lessons"

Take your medication son

>nb4 there's a new one in a few months.

Hey, an excuse to get out of school early for the day. I'd have done that too, then just sneak off home and masturbate to anime.

Denver is all beaners... I know all about it.

please start a civil war already, its about time the jewish strongarm that is called the US collapses

This. We did this for the iraq war and we didn't actually give a fuck. In fact, wasnt there a south park episode about it?

>students walking out of class

im sure they care about daca

See, he should have ended it cold turkey. No 6 months bs. He will get called evil hitler nazi racist anyway so fuck em. Burn it all down. Fuck obongo, ghe media, and rinos

Any hilarious celeb comments on DACA?

Call ICE

Wew, they sure showed us

>denver wetbacks
Now we know how Shitlery (((won))) Colorado. Smoke 'em out, President Trump! Woop woop!

This. And he along with Republican Congress want to pass a mass amnesty bill that will push US demographics over the edge and we will sink slowly into South African oblivion.

Post yfw these lawn care workers realize that the news is focusing on hurricane instead of their bs


gas em all

This word is pure cancer. If things could be compromised on in a bipartisan fashion then we wouldn't need two parties (or god forbid more).

>Driving a Ford

pffft pleb.

This is where this autistic man loses me. It's not free trade if the rules aren't enforced. What an autist!

Lol I love the main points of illiberals when talking about immigration

>who will we get to perform arduous work for little pay when they are gone?
>living in mexico is a human rights violation

Democrats: unequivocally, undeniably and unashamed party of slavery.

Fucking hilarious faggot losers.

I hope they do riot, get arrested, and deported because they committed a felony! Pure pottery!


Just use the grills as baby machines and the males as work labor.

inb4 correlation between daca refugees and illegal votes in last election


While all the attention lies on spics, /nupol/ forgets about the 12000 dreamer gooks who'll be deported back to Seoul when the nukes hit. Kek.

Damnit, I have to go to Denver today.

>beaners not going to school
surprise surprise surprise


It is NOT rescinded. Teachers really don't teach do they. it has been deferred to Congress to make a law instead of an unconstitutional whim by Obama which broke the law. This is NOT a decisionmade solely by the President. Teachers-why not teach the constitution instead of Saul Alinsky Rules for radicals.

>Driving a Ford
Government Motors faggot

not in drumpf amerikkka. Us Melinated kings and queens will resist at every opportunity

Your forefather is ashamed of you... mustang...

I thought this was a meme..

This desu if I was still in highschool I'd do this just to get a free vacation day.

Been telling illegals' over twitter to pack their umbrella.

It's mostly California liberals in resort towns. It's why central Colorado went blue. Spics don't help tho

>more protests
>more false flag
>more demonization of whites

wow it's almost like it's by design

what did donald 'i borrowed 200 million dollars from soros' trump mean by this?

Fuck you Rand, drop the lolbertarian open borders crap and you would be perfect

what is a DACA, can i get a quick run down please.

Athletes do this to stay hydrated

Denver was a mistake.

We turned our country into a bunch of spoiled brats and we elected a dad who doesn't coddle them.

These girls are getting deported. I hope you're happy, Sup Forums

Blame that to the companies that hire them,Jesus Christ Americans are dense and fucking retarded

Beaners and gays

These faggots are the reason CO keeps going blue. Deport them all

lets people brought here as children illegally to stay without being deported. gives them a card to work, go to school etc.

>putanas that don't even speak English
And nothing of value was lost.

Is that the same girl posted three times

Yes I am they are pure evil kikey evil they do belong in our Country

And i believe there is signed legislation and a newly annulled executive order that begs to differ from your stupid fucking poem

> looks at picture
Oh, niggers and illegals leave class for no reason every day. It's why most of them "graduate" barely literate.
My post did not bump this thread


Hot triplets. OH well. They will make Mexico hot again.

Blame the gov that "completes" the smuggling cycle that forces and gives massive incentives in the tax code for non white hiring



Send em home boys and make sure they aren't soft on them either!!!!

I wonder how many of those kids are just in that walk out to get out of class & have no idea why they are walking out.

and trump wants to take that away ?

Maybe average americans would not be so eager to remove DACA if so many of those dreamers were not shoved in their face on the media boasting about them benefiting from the USA while simultaneously being anti white and anti USA.

Fuck them. They should try not be so arrogant next time.