Keep Sup Forums in Sup Forums

Can you people keep your fringe """ideologies""", white LARPing, conspiracy theories, and untermemes here where they belong? You have your own containment board, so make use of it.

Thank you.

Other urls found in this thread:

How about you swim back to Morocco

No. Sup Forumsposting outside of Sup Forums is psychological warfare and we are committing a spiritual genocide of the eternal normie. All I have to do is post an anime girl and give my actual opinion and people will let their guards down because of the cognitive dissonance, allowing the meme to slip into their psyche and plant a seed of doubt.

I have to visit it sometime. I'll wait until my muslim friend marries, though. Not a big fan.

Have a free redpill, user: nobody cares about Sup Forums's opinion. Sup Forums is akin to satire. You're the retarded cousin in the Sup Forums family.

Eat shit you faggy ass moor rapebaby.Sage.

>he's butthurt that Sup Forums is king

Kek I love Jew bashing while playing as the IDF in Project Reality. Stay mad fgt

Well it depend .. what about fuk you ?

Op is a faggot
Not even white , lol

Sup Forums is just ((satire)) goy, except when it isn't.
>Sup Forums
>being 'contained'
O I am laffin! This autism will never be contained.

Sup Forums is the console for your life now.

Pic related.

Go Fuck Yourself Nigger.

Sup Forums-tier posting.

>that pic
No wonder you're jaded faggots. kek.

>Calling anyone non white
If you like to LARP as a white person, at least get one of the meme flags, lad.

It's not the autism, but the sheer retardation of posts that reek of Sup Forums and shit other boards. Nobody wants Sup Forums, except Sup Forums itself.

>Meme a Sup Forumstard into power.
>Sup Forumstard can't figure governing out.
>Salty as fuck because you can't get your way.
Sasuga, white LARPer.

/sci/ loves Sup Forums the most, especially race & IQ threads, always get to 300 replies

Sup Forums loves Sup Forums the second most, especially anti-nigger music threads

> LARPing

>Talking about who is white
Wew lad

Show us your non pink shitskin moor nipple while you gaze in awe at my masterrace pink nip

I'm not the one who brought it up.

Unlike Sup Forums, I'm not obsessed with race. Get yourselves a DNA check. That way you can all stop claiming to be white and off yourselves. Everybody wins. Specially you, as your lives are not worth living anyway.

>That fucking pic.
Barfed a little.

you have no idea what an ideology is do you

>A Sup Forumstard trying to be condescending and/or patronising.
Most retarded post I've seen since that faggot posted his nipple.

>Unlike Sup Forums, I'm not obsessed with race.
>Get yourselves a DNA check

aye up cunt
that is the gayest flag i ever saw
did you retrieve it from fathers arsehole with your jebend?

So you can stop being obsessed with race after seeing how """white""" you are.

>Shit talking my shit country.
I don't give a fuck; I agree both the flag and the country are shit. Thanks for pointing out the obvious, """United""" kingdom.

>I don't give a fuck; I agree both the flag and the country are shit.
You are a worthless person. Probably living on welfare too, aren't ya shitskin?

>If you're critic with your country and institutions you are a baaaaaaad person.

Bootlicking logic at its finest.

Why would someone living on welfare complain about his country? You don't make any sense, nipplefag.

But when it really comes down to it, this is more accurate.
>pic related

Uh-oh , your low IQ is showing. Learn to look at the UID faggot

>There's TWO of them.
You have the same flag and spew the same shit. Am I supposed to tell you apart? For what purpose?

>Hating on Barbosa.
As a Spaniard, this offends me.

Stay mad faggot.

>can't even count
There are actually 3 of us you shitskin rapebaby,
How low is your IQ

we're spreading everywhere little liberal
you can't stop it.

>They're multiplying.
Kill it with fire!

>How low is your IQ
>Posts Alex Jones

Without much success. You can meme a retard into the white house, but you can't unmake his retardation. Enjoy failure, son. Mueller won't stop the tardtrain anytime soon.

>you can't stop it
>it hasn't even begun
>we tried to warn you about ((them))
>but you looked away
>it's happening
This is the path the normies chose. Why didn't they listen?

>Spaniard rapebaby hating on USA

But OP if Sup Forums stays in Sup Forums how can they "red pill the normies"??

They need to explain to people that Sandy Hook was staged, Obama's birth certificate was public record and should have never been kept hidden, and the Earth is flat.

Sup Forums is just the safe space, folks still need to disseminate Alex Jones message

Honestly have to agree with Spainbro here. We have a board for a reason, and I don't really wanna have to hear about nigger hate when I just wanna talk about lego on /toy/. Pushing an ideology down other's throats is only going to make you look bad and will make everyone hate Sup Forums more than they already do.

Wahahaha! Foolish drumpfy bumpfies, you can't un-scoop his TWO FREAKIN' SKOOPS, CAN YOU!? DRUMPF BTFOO! IMPEACH! IMPEACH!

I'm gonna go post lego Hitler just to spite you, you fucking faggot.

>Cannot even answer simple questions
>Laughs instead at memes
In the spirit of keeping Sup Forums in Sup Forums, why aren't you keeping your pathetic retardation confined in a noose too?
I think it's only fair.

>calling some post "Sup Forums-tier" while insulting Romanian for being nonwhite in same post

OP, give up. Sup Forums is reddit as you already are aware of. And what is reddit to this site? Yes, cancer. A pile of overproduced dead cells which is constantly spreading.
Just browse here for maybe true lies, giggles and autism incarnated.

Nice catch user. OP is a professional fisherman confirmed.

Go ahead, I don't give a shit about that. just keep actual political opinions on Sup Forums

>it hasn't even begun
I agree. Trump's evil is tempered by his sheer incompetence. That's the silver lining of that bloated orange tard.

>Hating on the USA.
I like the US of A more than most countries. That's why I hate the retarded president some of them chose.

>red pill the normies
Nobody needs PSAs about shit that never happened.
>folks still need to disseminate Alex Jones message
Alex Jones is just another jew milking the guillible Sup Forumstard masses to fill his own pocket.

Swallow that redpill if your thin throat allows you to. It will save you money and headaches.

Thanks, brother. I'm happy I can agree with you on something even if our world views are very different. I wish you the best.

The "two scoops" meme is specially funny to me, as trump supporters use it to refer to colbert. Yet it's trump who demands to be served two scoops instead of one, like he was a baby boy at his bday party. It's just another telltale sign of a manchild.

Bad Sup Forums. Bad!

In Spanish reads "End"land. End yourself instead.

>Romanian claims to be """white""".
>I don't give a fuck, but call him non white, as it will rustle his jimbos.

Nah. Sup Forums is too cancerous, even to browse ironically.


>Said the German in his cucked country
>even more cucked than the US or even Sweden
>bitter depression that he will never fix his country
>suggests everyone just stop posting
It'll get better user, just not for you.

So much winning! kek

You too, man

Take the rest of your (you)s, you're done here.

We won't meet again.

Excellent news lads. I just heard that OP is leaving and he's never coming back.

As if you'd know what I really think about my country ran by your men.
Be LGBT in your country not mine.

Stop crying stupid baby idiot.