Who will run against him in 2020?

Who will run against him in 2020?

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Nobody. There will be a martial law by then and he will stay in power by emergency powers.

bend the knee





Hopefully one of the following
>Chelsea Clinton
>Elizabeth Warren
>Mark Zuckerberg
>Hillary... again

Trump is going to get golly geed in the Republican primaries

He'll be impeached next year.

no one that could win

>Gets impeached
>2 years of Mike Pence
There's no losing

>implying Trump will need more than one term to MAGA
Although, I could see him running again in 2020 and spending the next 4 years uncucking the rest of the world



Can Republicans run again? Because I have a feeling there is going to a good chunk of Republicans running to get rid of him.


But seriously tho, did they chemically lobotomize Kanye??

Mmm hmmm and Pence knows how to keep his mouth shut.

He will win, bigly.

Hmm who could run again for president?

Assad inshallah

Kim 2020

PLEASE let him run again, so you Commies will lose.

I hope this commie fuck gets assassinated, Japanese style

Rich Piana


Maxine Waters


The People's Eyebrow

>Who will run against him in 2020?

Zuckerberg, and hopefully some other meme candidate so we can have fun threads again.

i would fucking die laughing if hillary tried again but it aint gonna happen

you get as many shots as you want at the primary but you only get 1 shot at the general

maybe sanders or warren or someone from his camp. thinking he might not do it himself because of his age

Whoever wins the inevitable clown car primary.

A yuge truck I hope.


thread theme

Gavin Newsom


Yes goy, Mike Pence will serve our interests well.

yaaaassss queeeeen slaaaay

I voted for Bernie and ecven I think his time is over


I can actually see this...

He won't run in 2020. You'll see.....


incumbents dont have to primary ya dip

another Trump.

No, not family, a second Trump from the future.

like what all of you faggots said Obama would do?

Unless someone runs against them. Then they do.

>Hillary runs again
>American people all scream, "How many times until you learn your lesson old man!"
>Bill dies from keks

some nigger or a muzzie

I think you mean Cherokee

>Implying Barron isn't already from the future.

That black bitch in Baltimore that had designated rioting zones

z u c c

lol r u retarded

The delegates Dahnald..I'm coming for them!

Lol. Hes already locked into 3terms.

I want Tulsi Gabbard but the DNC would never go for it. Honestly they have zero chance in 2020 and everyone knows it.

Zuck ?

Tulsi should run in 2024.

He's not going to run again. No way in hell.

The stress of the next 4 years is going to hit him real bad, he'll just say some dumb shit like "My job here is done folks. We did great on starting to make America great again and whipping it back up to shape, but it will be up to the person after me to continue taking us down the path to greatness.I made a great blueprint, it is up to the American people and my successor to decide if they want to follow it"

But basically he's going to say he did a great job and Sup Forumsddit will eat it up, and claim that the results will only be seen in a decade or two. A conveniently lengthy period of time for him, because he'll definitely be long dead before his damage shows up. And all the damage he did will build up and cause a big shitstorm during a Democrat's term, so people will just blame the Democrat in charge and pretend that it's not Trump's policies that did this in the long term.


A Loser. Yet to be determined.

Of course he's going to run again. Beyond everything else, the guy loves to win. Some of the most hated presidents got second terms, so he'd take the odds. He could not stand a defeat by forfeit.

I think the STDs will get him first

You know, that is exactly what I thought a year ago. Now I am not so sure. This guy likes a challenge. The Rats have demonstrated they are the greatest challenge of his life and he has never backed down in his life. I think he lives for the fight and he is having the time of his life. The stupid Rats just gave him what he wanted.

If the Rats were smart they would have shut TFU and let him get bored. But if they were smart they wouldn't be Rats, so there's that.

Ah, Chief Spreading Bull; Liawatha herself. This would be the gift that never stopped giving. After all, no one likes an Indian giver.

Not gonna lie, former Trump supporter here. This is fucking hilarious watching Trump crash and burn.. But in all seriousness we can't let this man get the nuclear codes.

The memes won't be as good though

Most likely Kamala Harris. Me thinks she'll lose to Trump.


I'm hoping Dems go full retard and nominate Pocahontas or Zuckerberg.


He already started his campaign for 2020

Damn. If all you "former Trump supporters" were real he wouldn't be winning. You are just not able to admit you were "With Her" and got outsmarted. Imagine, the "smartest woman in the world" outsmarted by the "dumbest man on earth". The butt hurt must be unimaginable.

Al Franken

I heard the Dems might run one of the Castro brothers


The final boss will respawn what else

the biggest shitposter we can find.
Remember. we want nothing short of total global collapse of civillization. From the ashes a new aryan society will raise.
t. black meme ops operative

DACA. Well played Mr. President Trump.

It's obviously going to be the dumb bitch who "grilled" Sessions.

Didn't he have a heart attack recently?


baba vanga predicted he would be the last president of the USA. she also predicted 9/11 and that obama would be a nigger

doesn't matter. he'll get re-elected. democrat party is in need of a reboot. the anti-male, anti-white branding has put them in a no win scenario.

white male -- nobody votes for him
white female -- non-whites don't vote
non-white male -- women don't vote
non-white female -- whites don't vote

then there is the problem that Democrat men aren't allowed to be alpha because that's sexist. but nobody wants to vote for the cuck.

then there's the problem that the alienated whites getting attacked by their own party start voting for Trump. thus making it even harder for Democrats to win.

then there's the problem that identity politics has made them push unpopular policies. ignore the polls, behind all the social pressure to not be a thought criminal, here's the reality:

1. trannies are unpopular
2. muslims are unpopular
3. illegals are unpopular
4. amnesty is unpopular
5. confederate statues are popular (even with majority of blacks --this one surprised me)
6. free speech is popular
7. political violence is unpopular
8. SJWs & virtue signaling are unpopular
9. globalization is unpopular
10. whites don't want to become minorities in their own country

i could go on. but basically there's no way for them to win.

finally, they will be completely demoralized after 2018. the map favors the republicans GREATLY. even the realistic worst case scenario is republicans retaining majority in congress.

imagine what it would do to their morale, when after two years of hardcore war on trump, they just lose to him AGAIN.


This desu, there won't even be any leftists left to run against him.


Nancy Pelosi. Could you imagine the debates? Kek

The Zuckster

They said Obama would do this, they said Bush Jr. would do this, I can't remember but I bet they said Bill would do it too.


We can't let Bush get the nuclear codes. I mean it's the present year, 2007 folks.

Blueberry pancakes?