Is he right?

is he right?

Mostly true
Any country and any person that hasn't adopted/isn't advocating for some form of social democracy with an extensive welfare state and social safety net to provide and care for the average people is retarded

Fuck off Reddit fag

ITT: desperate shills being desperate

>they're selling their labor in return for less money than its value
Do these retards seriously think labor is the only variable in making profit?

Yes. It's lead to globalization.... and it always will.

They are lazy and stupid. They deserve it.

He's right but left wing groups these days are a bunch of fags, betas, cucks and feminists too.

This is why we need a third position. Fuck globalist capitalism and fuck commie beta gay shit.


Yes, he's right. Alpha Chads are bosses and CEOs.

> If I call everything that disagrees with me a shill I'm right without needing to argue
Name literally any of the countries deemed overall nicest to live in at this point and they all essentially boil down to social democracies or something which shares a ton of traits with social democracy.

>bosses (alpha males)

no not alpha males just people that are lucky they got that position.

Stop being cucked by the (((international elite)))


Well he's technically incorrect.
They're selling their labor for what it's worth and the boss is smart enough to profit off it.

They're not selling their labour for less than its worth, what gets knocked is your employer's fee for finding you work and taking the risk. Plus, you can pack up your shit, go home at night and forget about work, your employer can't, that's his life.

Do you believe they are CEO's because they are alpha, or are they alpha because they are CEO's?
I would argue that most successful people are betas to begin with, but become alphas as they gain wealth and power. If you were an alpha from the getgo, you're much more likely to become middle-class.


>selling it for less than
>its value
Thats not how value works.

>Name literally any of the countries deemed overall nicest to live in at this point
yeah u should name some
like the netherlands where the sad people kill themselves and the rest are on anti depressants

He is incorrect.
Unless they are knowingly taking less pay than others for the same work then they are not selling their labor for less than it's value.

>its value
What's value? Labour isn't inherently valuable, e.g. getting a gender studies degree.
The value of a product is determined by it's initial startup requirements, the labour that goes into it, and the additional overhead (maintenance, components of the product, renewing the initial setup).Modern companies prefer cloud service so they can shift the cost from capital expenditure to operating expenditure to balance the books more evenly.

Now fuck off. It's funny that shills are pushing the value paradox while their masters are using the magical increase in value as an excuse to migrate low value labour from bumbfuck 3rd world countries.

No. I've ran a business that I owned. I sold it as well. Owning a business means putting 60 to 80 hours a week in. Employees dont recganize this because they don't see the calls I am taking while at my kids gymnastics or while I am sitting down for dinner. They don't see me lining up clients at 5am for them to see next week. They think clients just show up. And they work from 8am to 4 pm and that really all there is to it. Employees have decided not to open their own business in exchange for more freedom. Nothing is stopping anyone who wants to open a business except maybe their own excuses. I sold my business because is decided I wanted that same freedom. I work 2 days a week now, at least until my kids are older. Deciding to be a employee or employer has less to do with beta/alpha and more to do with where your priorities lay.

I don't have to spend time marketing it, selling it, making it, or regulating it, all I have to do is put it on a shelf.

I didn't have to mine the resources, melt it down, manufacture it, or ship it.

I almost guarantee you the Netherlands has a lower use rate of antidepressants than the US does.
> yeah u should name some
Germany, Finland, Denmark, Sweden, Norway, France, Italy (parts of)

So where do socialists fit in to this? What are they? The dirt everybody walks on?

Depends how much money you make


the average worker with 3000€ / months before taxes pays about half of that into a system, that he doesn't really benefit from. and he can't escape that.

unless he takes care of his pension privately, he will receive so little (once he's done working at 67 years old) that he either has to rely on additional assistance (which barely covers anything) or he will have to continue working.

non-private healthcare is abysmal. you're treated like a second class citizen if you're not privately insured. imagine you feel sick and you have to go to the doctor and wait in the waiting room for 3-4 hours alongside several other sick people, just to get a checkup for 5-10 minutes and a receipt for some pills on your way out. if you weren't sick before, you're definitely sick after that ordeal.

social democracy sounds nice on paper, but it really isn't.

He is right. Every country needs its beta males to do the majority of the work, go home to their plain wives and make babies. Without them the society would collapse into Alpha male infighting and selfishness. As much as betas are pussies sometimes, society can't survive without them.

finally a german who realizes it

i dont know. you have to do something to survive and if you dont wanna be a farmer its working for a wage.

The boss has many things to deal with, while the worker just does his job and leaves.

No, kill all communists.