>A newspaper photographer from Ohio was shot Monday night by a sheriff’s deputy who apparently mistook his camera and tripod for a gun, and fired without a warning, the newspaper reported.
>Andy Grimm, a photographer for the New Carlisle News, left the office at about 10 p.m. to take pictures of lightning when he came across a traffic stop and decided to take photos, according to the paper’s publisher, Dale Grimm.
>“He said he got out, parked under a light in plain view of the deputy, with a press pass around his neck,” Grimm told The Washington Post. “He was setting up his camera, and he heard pops.”
This is small town Ohio, of all places. Why are cops so nervous, so quick to draw and fire, without first trying to understand and defuse a situation?
In 2013, ~87% of the police officers in the US were male.
Bentley Parker
>You dont pull up behind traffic stops like that and point gun like objects at Officers of the Law. >But why are all of these stories with WHITE MALE officers getting such exposure?
Never pass up an opportunity to suck the boot.
Never change Sup Forums
Carson Nelson
Carson Sanders
why didn't the reporter have a gun? If he had a gun he could shoot back and be all right
It's his fault if you think about it
Grayson Brooks
Better than sucking the nigger dick like you m8
Jeremiah Stewart
>Officer shoots Ohio newspaper photographer after confusing his tripod and camera for a gun HAHAHAHAHAHAHHA
Zachary Rogers
This is AntiFa, tell him you hate him.
Jose Garcia
Jack Green
Is the camera ok? If so nothing of value was lost.
Brayden Smith
>Be american >Get shot
nothing ever changes
Logan Cook
>local news reporting doesn't matter >local law enforcement doesn't need to be held accountable
Dylan Mitchell
they try to shoot their gun at the smallest of offenses because they might not have another opportunity, for example in times sq there was a man holding a knife a few meters away from people, five cops shot him because it was the only opportunity they would get
Joseph Hernandez
so it begins
Henry Butler
>“He said he got out, parked under a light in plain view of the deputy, with a press pass around his neck,” Grimm told The Washington Post. A thousand bucks says the officer's dashcam or bodycam ends up showing the photographer a) pulled behind the cop at a poorly lit traffic stop b) wasn't wearing a press pass and c) ignored verbal warnings from the cop
Nicholas Jones
i agree. You should go park 100ft behind a traffic stop and run around in the dark with a metal pole.
Elijah Williams
>it's okay for cops to shoot people that they didn't attempt to communicate with first >it's okay for twitchy assholes like this guy to be on the streets
Zachary Johnson
Why does the press want to always be at odds with cops? It doesn't even fucking say allegedly which used to either be the law or at least a common courtesy the press used.
They obviously want to cause urban turmoil for ratings.
>"I was going out to take pictures and I saw the traffic stop and I thought, 'hey, cool. I'll get some pictures here.'" He said he pulled into Studebaker's parking lot in full view of the deputy, got out of his Jeep in full view of the deputy and started setting up his tripod and camera. "I turned around toward the cars and then 'pop, pop,'"
>Andy said the deputy gave him no warning. "I was just doing my job," he said.
>"I know Jake. I like Jake. I don't want him to lose his job over this."
Asher Martin
america is 3rd world
Ethan Stewart
>communicate That remains to be seen >twitchy You dont pull up on traffic stops, get out in the shadows, and run around in the dark with a metal pole.
Aiden Peterson
>nervous nelly they are not nervous, they live to be able to shoot someone. It's the high point of their existence.
Lincoln Harris
Robert Gray
Stop letting 80-IQ sub-humans hold positions of power.
Angel Turner
Dab on them fake media, O_Hi-EEUh boo they savages
Oh my boi
Dylan Flores
Christian Johnson
lol my country is a giant piece of shit.
Kevin Powell
>Lügenpresse gets shot one point for the good guys
Christopher Foster
>saying this unironically
Owen Hughes
Ban assault tripods. Civilians have no reason for private ownership of such devices.
Brayden Hill
AntiFa pls go.
Zachary Clark
>you're not free to go about your business any time a cop is near
Jeremiah Phillips
Jonathan Johnson
>not saying this unironically reporters are pieces of shit
Wyatt Baker
>run around in the dark with a gun like object >get shot
Carson Foster
>I worship the state
Eli Sanders
>not recognizing the press for the scum they are
Camden Gray
If someone points this at you in the dark you'd shoot too.
Leo Bennett
Message sent
Hudson Johnson
>i only care because cop was a WHITE MALE
Jonathan Hall
>still trying to push this angle
Daniel Murphy
Michael Jackson
>he doesn't pull up in plain view of cops at night >not mounting your glock with a scope the size of a giant camera lens on a 4 foot tall collapsible tripod for maximum cop killing efficiency
It's like you want to live in a fascist police state
Justin Perez
>tfw a cop was knocking on my door the other day
I walk up on the side of him about 20 feet away to see what he wanted. He reached for his gun. I put my hands up to show him I only had a coffee cup in my hand.
Jeremiah Cooper
Maybe he heard about those cops that got massacred last week for being cops and didn't wanna get culturally diversified all over the pavement.
Landon Myers
no you don't, what do you think it is? A fucking SAW machine gun on a flimsy bipod?
Nathan Bell
Well played pierre
Isaac Anderson
Funny how black cops are never villified. You are suspicious just for pulling behind at night, but running in the dark with a gun shaped object?
Daniel James
Are you really surprised? Cops can do anything they want because they know the good goys will protect them from consequences.
>posts racially charged anti-White Male cop meme >guiz guize i'm totally not AntiFa
Liam Perez
>all these bootlickers on Sup Forums
fucking cucks, all feds are bastards
Camden Bailey
>Why are cops so nervous, so quick to draw and fire, without first trying to understand and defuse a situation?
Many of them (especially in small towns, actually) are roided-up vets from Iraq, who spent a few years over there pushing people around and learning to see everyone around them as a potential attacker. So they make perfect cops in the War On Terror age.
Juan Thomas
>(((Journalist))) killed by police Oh no that suuuucks...
Liam Walker
>Antifa is the new shill >thinking someone can't be against the behavior of the police without being extremist Why do I even come here anymore?
Brody Gutierrez
You're retarded name one thing in the dark that couldn't possibly be a gun. Guy reaching for his cigarette? Could be reaching for a gun. Guy has a black iPhone? That could be a gun. Guy using a camera? Is he aiming a gun?? I hope you get shot.
Aiden Cruz
A cop came to my door and wanted me to come outside and I was like 'uhhhh nope' and he respected it
Daniel Butler
Go back to r/antifa shill
Jacob Harris
says the bootlicker, straighten yourself out slob
John Long
Protip: Dont run around in the shadows with gun shaped objects.
James Scott
Typical AntiFa, no respect for the law.
Isaac Gonzalez
>be faggot >get aids
Christian Sanders
I cannot defend this, these cops need to be hung up from lampposts
Tyler Robinson
It doesn't have to be in the shadows at all. Anything could be a gun in your hand if the cop only looks for half a second before hey lays you flat faggot. Pussy cop and you're a pussy for saying he's not a pussy. Real men give a fuck about the lives of their fellow citizens, it's what keeps society from collapsing into chaos. Fucks like you and this cop do nothing but degrade social cohesion making life harder for cops everywhere, retard.
Leo Miller
Open season on CNN?
William White
Christopher Hill
>the virgin tripod >the chad salvo of justice Eat shit, virgins. Cop did nothing wrong.
Alexander Nguyen
Around cops never relax.
Anthony Lee
Evan Collins
The Eternal Norway Bro.
Leo Brown
>officer should be held accountable >no one cries for the lugenpress
Sebastian Morris