Why are young white males checking out of modern society?

Why are young white males checking out of modern society?

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Jewish propaganda.

why contribute to a society that hates you?

>picture taken on 1985


it's not fun outside anymore


DOTA 2 wont take, my money, house and my 4 children

This plus awesome graphics running at stable 120 fps.

Why go outside and do something productive when I can stay at home emulating doing something productive??

Even if you have a 'high-paying job', you'll never make enough to actually stop doing it nor will you make enough to have a life luxurious enough to make slaving away 50+ hours a week (and having to think about it when you're not there) worth it.

Our society basically has 3 states you can be in:

1. Homeless

2. Middle class with enough to afford food and a 1-bedroom apartment but no time to enjoy anything. In your 40's this upgrades to having a house

3. Billionaire who rules the world

We live in a world completely devoid of culture or direction outside of being the buggiest of the soulless bug men. We serve no higher humanistic ideals with no sense of history, identity, or future. We exist to play out our little roles as corporate equipment. Video games help you forget these things for a while, particularly competitive games like StarCraft, League of Legends, CS:GO, and so on.


Nigger, that's Brett Favre on draft night. Breaking every NFL QB record is pretty far from dropping out of society.

because no white nazi ethno state to make them feel purpose or make them do stuff.

Man up pu$$y



Being homeless, living in a car, and working the bare minimum to survive actually sounds /comfy/.

this picture is great

Life sucks as it always has. Back in the day you at least got to beat your wife or make fun of minorities.

Because a lot of women now expect you to be everything to them, not just satisfied with being treated well and taken care of. I've had enough failed relationships to know. They want to feel good all of the time. That's just not realistic.

Problem is when you get older, you body starts to break down and now you need to cover medical expensives with that little money you are making it.

If we just stayed like we are in our early 20s though all your life and then just dropped dead 80 years later.

Why are migrants checking into white society? There's your answer. Society rejected white men and made a deal with self-destruction. It's pointless to check dying horse if it's dying and waste energy on it, it's not rewarding.

1. Wtf shit game is that guy playing?
2. Wtf is the purpose of intentionally weighing down the controller cord with a fucking cushion?
3. Wtf doe that room have a ceiling fan in the fucking corner?

Looks like jimmy had to pay his first taxes
I earned over 2k euros a month after taxes and it was not what i thought like. Back as a child i was always thinking if i earn over 2k i will have a good life. Thats not true
Normal wage is 1200 or so and people with a pretty good job earn 1500
Just look at what we have to pay
800 for a flat
200-300 for a normal car, gas etc
At least 300 for food, shampoo etc
Then you have to pay 40 for watching state tv, 40 for your phone, if you smoke a pack a day you can add another 150
You have to earn 5k or so to have a decent life but like no one earns that much

Is that NES Open Tournament Golf on that screen?

Because the society humans have created is makes everyone a servant to the rich. It's not natural in any way.

>still spamming this same bread

I make 75k and love my life/job
Own my condo appartment, own a 500hp camaro SS and take 2 months off every winter to travel.
You're just a faggot

There is literally nothing left in society worth doing, exploration, science, politics, music, social studies all of it is controlled by jews. We've hit the wall for human advancement because the intelligent people in the world are too concerned with stockpiling as much money as possible or babysitting third-world shitholes that are doing nothing but holding us back

The comfy lifestyle is under rated. Even the leisure class tennis and golf lifestyle is way under rated. (You need real money for that version though.)

That plus all the demonization of white males so we won't resist Mass Immigration/Cheap Labor means bring on the video games. But wait it gets better.

Now all the anti white male/pro race mixer bullshit is being pushed into videogames just like it was on to TV and Movies. The white males have nowhere left to retreat except for Mein Kampf style literature and white power forums on the internet. You have white self haters who can't escape being demonized without turning to some version of white power.

And the Jewish media acts like it doesn't' know where the recent Pro White movement came from.

Is that some excuse to leave your shit region to forget how shit life is whilst working there?

u just made all that up

t. gen z

4. Work three part-time jobs, vote for Bernie, charge everything to your credit card, post your whole life on Instagram

IRL graphics suck

No. But I'm 33 y-o so have been making 75k for 10 years now..

1. Looks like an old golf game
2. So it won't wave in front of the screen
3. It's possibly that the fan was there before the bookshelves

>t. Gen z
So what youre saying is millenial and prior will understand cushion weights and cornered ceiling fans?

what job lets u take 2 months off in the winter?

Since childhood people don't give a fuck about me or hate me.
I stopped giving a fuck. Why even bother to appease people that are always trying to see the worst in me or screw me over?

Fuck this shit, i'm staying home and play some videogames.

Why does this same thread keep being posted?

Honest question. Why this thread and not a more interesting topic?

because they are depressed, due to being surrounded by brown and black people. At least Trump has given us hope.

This Nazi gets it and is on top of his game!


Wtf are you transitioning on us over here or what?

Because it offers them nothing.

All the fruits of labour go to the Jews. Sitting out and waiting for the system to collapse and the progroms to begin is the best move.

I don't have the same situation- I make enough for a new build 3 bedroom house, support my wife who is going to be having our 1st child (I'm 29, she's 25) I have a surplus to buy 1oz Gold Britannia or Eagle each month and enough left to have fun.

I came from a working poor background but now I'm middle class. I'm due to get a raise at the end of this month for achieving all my goals within 75% of the time etc. I imagine myself being upper middle class within 2 years and lower upper class within 10 more.

1) Homeless (available $0-$20)
2) Working poor (available $20-$100)
3) Working class (available $100-$1000)
3) lower Middle class ($1000-10,000)
4) Middle class ($10,000-$50,000)
5) Upper Middle class($50,000-$100,000)
6) Lower upper class ($100,000-$500,000)
7) Upper class ($500,000-$5,000,000)
8) High upper class ($5m+

This would be my view on Classes.

>2. So it won't wave in front of the screen
I don't see how that would even be an issue. Never had to do that when i was a kid

Why would I contribute to a society that actively works against my best interest?

>lee trevino's fighting golf
I played that game tons as a kid

Some people are more passionate about gaming than you are, user.
I'll bet you plan where you come when you masterbate.

How much are you paying for each bullion coin and why are you investing in gold that is not on the 1300 dollars range.


>keeping real gold at home instead of investing in bonds

Absolutely jewish.

>most interceptions
That's the only one Brady is not going to break

> oh look he will be upper middle class during a a world war and lower upper class in the Uk caliphate


Fuck off, I see this thread everyday. Because society is heavily against them

I'm not "checking out" of modern society, I'm using the marvels of it to make myself happy instead of using it to support and please a woman who will never be satisfied.

What's wrong with that exactly?


Wow you must have crippling debt that your rich parents pay off

Oh this thread again. Sage

I've been buying gold since it was £700 per Oz - I cost average.

I currently pay £1,080 for an Oz.

Fuck bonds - if you don't hold it - you don't own it... the Jews can take what they want, can't get my gold if the bank doesn't know I own any (Cash only fellow Goy)

What's the best place to hide your gold and how do b you know what you're buying is truly real gold?

Most video games are full of simulated people that act grateful when you fulfill their requests, act impressed if you perform feats of skill, and so on.

People in real life only respond with grudging acceptance at best, and more often made-up reasons (to hide the real reason, jealousy) to hate everything you do to help or entertain them.

Because baby boomers refuse to retire and relinquish control.

LOL what a waste of money. How much in dividends does your gold pay?

Kek, yeah Brady is GOAT

Remember its not hapiness unless your parents, wife and her children say so.

It's too expensive and difficult to even scrape by now. A shitty, old, asbestos filled house costs 400k here, and that's considered "cheap" for Australia. Why the fuck would I work my ass off to take a loan out to pretend to own a house?

>can't get my gold if the bank doesn't know I own an
Problem is, the bank (and the goverment) does know you have those.

That s why they issue a serial number for each coin/bar.

Your name is on your database already.

If in the otherhand you are buying coins without a certificate, you are throwing the dize this gold is not just a piece of lead and aluminium coated with gold.

>t. whiny gated community babby

work is a part of life and has been for all of human history. you don't have to hate your job either. i make 6 figures, own a house, starting a family, and still have time for vidya, skiing, music, and other things i enjoy. you're just a worthless, flaccid trumpcuck who would rather blame others than take responsibility for yourself. sad.

Gee, almost like it was engineered that way ...

I tried to break out of the system - maybe get a hunk of land. Enough to farm peacefully and I'd work part time to cover the bills of a family while my wife teaches and spends valuable time with the kids. Maybe one day.

Because Society says we are worthless fucking white males.

Modern society fucking sucks and there's nothing we can do about it at this point except wait for the inevitable collapse and then start over.

This is horribly inaccurate.
NPCs are faggot and keep repeating the same faggy phrases.
Playing other players is where its at. Unfiltered, unchained humans in a simulated world

Not unless I move back to America - Fellow White Brother - bad thing to try to laugh at your brothers situations wherever they are in possible need.

Thats why you fuck black men instead

im not check out im just waiting for the race war

That's not banter and you aren't Carlos

>I work for my daddy and he made a do nothing 6 figure a year job for me where I work hard 4 hours a week, youre just lazy, that's why you don't have what I have!

Why wait?

I don't need their shit.
I have my 20 hours a week job, a low cost appartment and whatever toy i care enough about to save up for. Most of my life is vidya now. And i like it to stay this way.

I knew it.
Only niggers ans jews invest in real gold.

Niggers because of the novelty of it, and jews because is easy enough to carry went in a hurry to flee the country they just got kicked out again.

>projecting this hard

i knew nobody at my job when i started--in fact i found the listing through craigslist ~6 months after college which was in 2010. cry more bitch faggot, or better yet, get a fucking job. it's not that hard. the irony that Sup Forums sucks republican dick 24-7 these days, a party that rests itself on a platform of "self responsibility", while simultaneously complaining that wahhhhh work is too hard, is fucking hilarious.

I remember Dad and my uncles playing a Genesis game on one of their new tube big screen TVs late into the night.

Those were better times.

No... I went to trade school.
My condo is worth 175k and my car 25k.
And I've made almost half a million net in the last 10 years

Only buy from trusted dealers, you can get testing acid, wights etc. Hide anywhere that you feel is safe - better to make a hidden compartment and never put more than 20% together at any one time - just in case.

When Marxists hated the rich, the rich left. Now Marxists hate white men, so white men left. It's not rocket science.

user, jokes aside, how much are you paying per gram?

I think you are paying more than is worth on this.

Sure, but NPCs still give more validation than PCs ever do. It's sad that imaginary praise is all I can get, but it's better than getting shit on over and over like Charlie Brown.

>posts picture of brett favre

Because society is a cesspool of filth. This is why some women are too. My family has checked out. Who the fuck wants to raise a family in the shit?

Because it sucks. We're given a shitty deal.


Up quite a lot since Brexit pal - up 46%
Good returns - YouTube Mike Maloney - hidden secrets of money

>projecting this hard

Why do you keep making this thread?

Sure thing, California boy. Hold on tight, wouldn't want daddy's coat tails to slip out of your soft girly hands as you ride them off into your delusion of grandeur "successful" life.

give me one reason to "check in" and ill consider that isnt marriage and working a slavewage job.

why the fuck would i "check in" i sleep with girls from tinder but any connection other than that is nearly impossible. i had a gf that i lived with when i was 19. she didnt cook she didnt clean and she constantly bitched about everything. it would be an acceptable trade off if they actually provided something that i needed. but fuck them, i can take care of myself and my own place. they offer me nothing i cannot do on my own.

No one is checking out of society girls are kicking our asses in service sectors how can you ask a lion to be a gazelle

Dividends? You're either retarded or a boomer. Nothing pays a dividend anymore and you're hanging your cock out the window on the market if you're attempting to live on dividends. Market implosion any day now. t.Muh Dividends

>Even if you have a 'high-paying job', you'll never make enough to actually stop doing it
true for most people..but not all, myself included.

If you're fucking girls on Tinder make sure you have a hidden camera running in case any of them try to blackmail you with a false rape accusation.