THIS is how you know we lost the republic

U.S. Virgin Islands Gov. Kenneth Mapp signed an emergency order allowing the seizure of private guns, ammunition, explosives and property the National Guard may need to respond to Hurricane Irma.


to be replaced with what, Mohamed?

Sue him.

I think I will!

Anyone know what a .22 pistol does to a hurricane. I know it's a small round, but I heard they bounce around and fragment in the hurricane, destroying its brain.



That, is a mini "garden plot" order, stripping you of all rights.

What a faggot

That's a territory, they can do dumb shit like that. After Katrina hit New Orleans and the dumb fuck mayor ordered all firearms seized, most southern states passed laws to make seizing guns in a natural disaster illegal.

That's not reassuring, and they are US citizens. Chipping away.

For a Hurricane you need .45 ACP minimum. The real reason that Democrats put so much focus on coastal, urban areas is because they want Americans in the path of hurricanes disarmed in the face of weather warfare so (((they))) can push authoritarian policies.

oh, really? Is there a /k/ related thread, I really want to know. They said "...they'll never come for our guns because...", right?.

This. Elaborate on the garden plot user. I'm mobile

>Is there a /k/ related thread

Chad Americans don't care about the Virgin Islands


>seize guns to respond to a hurricane

It's like, having guns is okay except when you might need them to protect yourself and your property.

Here comes the hurricane! Shoot it!

Hurricanes don't kill peopl. Guns do.

A few years back some rednecks in the Midwest unironically mag-dumped into a tornado that trespassed onto their property. I'm sure this confiscation is under some ordnance that stemmed from that.

Ive said it once and ill say it until I lie face down in a pile of my own brass casing: