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What argument is that? By that logic Germany could occupy like Boston and be like "but you own 99% of the US, stop hating us".

>South Sudan
Muslim =/= arab

Jews are a blight on the earth so any space they dwell in would be occupied

theyre not complaining anymore, palestine is a state.

If the 99% of america would expulge all the germans into tiny boston and the bostoners wouldn't get citizenship in america, but rather be held as hostages, yeah

Israel is overlain on top of the arab area. they made the distinction. a semite is a semite is a semite in my view.

they speak arabic as first language and are in the arab league
by your logic only saudis are arabs

>implying jews aren't arabs
>implying middle east is africa
>implying size matters
>implying most of this shit isn't a big desert
>implying you do'nt fuck goats
>implying you're not a filthy jew

>implying that flag isn't RARE

But Mudslums and arabs are running out of land to turn to shit.

Aside from the map being questionable, Israel doesn't deserve to exist. It should be turned into glass and the glass made into cathedral glass.

I would be 100% okay with that. Germans among other continental Europeans ruined the US with their servile instincts. In an ideal universe the US would have never taken in immigrants from Europe, the blacks would have been sent back to Africa after the end of slavery, and America would be a nation of Anglos with some Scotch-Irish and French-Canadian exiles.

You guys know Israel has it's own subversive SJW/diversity/miscegenation-pushing left, right?

South Sudan isn't even Muslim, that's the reason they seceded

then crying on the basis of their religion is more pathetic

>crying on the basis of their religion
who's doing that exactly

Fuck Arabs and fuck Israel.

>Go into someone's house, preferably their kitchen table or bed
>Directly stand on them
>Currently occupy about 5% of their land, depending on your surface area and the size of their house/land
>Now take a massive fucking shit on their bed or kitchen table while they eat/sleep
>They complain about this
Like wtf why can't I just occupy space in your house and literally shit up the place?

I'm out on Eastern European colonization of Palestine,gaza,Lebanon,Syria and Egypt

>Western Africa is the Middle-East

We are goy and need their guidance, they are god chosen people after all

The Jews have a greater claim to Palestine than any arab though.

If that's their agenda, why dont they come out with it more, something to be proud of.

the only people who get mad are racists and fuck them


>invade another country
>take their land away
>it's ok though because ''arabs'' have other countries
Yet Palestinians don't have a country anymore.
Really made me think.

You're a retard. Anglos are the most servile race on the planet. Its why they've been a pawn of the Normans and then the jews.

The only thing jews have a claim to is a gas chamber

The red does seem out of place in that sea of green. I mean, just by common sense you'd think that red part would be green like all the land surrounding it. Something funny must be going on there. It's like the red part is occupying the space that would otherwise be green.

Arabs: people from Arabian peninsula.

Sudanese are Nubians.

Am I harming your body if I cut one of your fingers off brudi?

they speak a variation of arabic as a first language

Green Area is Europe
Europe complains that arabs and black people are occupying sweden

latinos : people from Latin southern europe.
south americans are native american


>An Arab is a person whose language is Arabic, who lives in an Arab country, and who is in sympathy with the aspirations of the Arab peoples
This is confusing at least.

>1 post by this ID
as a murikan, how could i be reasonably expected to offer support to a country, or any group of fuckholes for that matter, that clearly does not support me and mine? the kikes are actively working against my interests and they want that i should cheer them on. fuck every last one of the lying cheating fuckers, hope they get culturally enriched with the blessings of allah, the goat fucker.

kek are you watching rick steves Europe too?

Why not move Israel to Wyoming or something?
Why does it have to be over there?

What flag is that?

you already have one there, new york
no one is shit enough to deserve to suffer all jews on earth in his country, not even americans

Because we need a place where Christians will be safe, I think it should have kept it as British Palestine though

Agreed, we need to remove all Talmudist Kikes and Muhammedans from this Earth

>conquer Christian land
>jews conquer it years later
>it's muh land! REEEEE fucking JEWS!!!!

Christians are protected under Assad. Christians were protected in Saddam's Iraq. Christians are protected right now in Iran.

Meanwhile, Israelis are ethnically cleansing the Christians right alongside the Palestinians. It's illegal to proselytize Christianity in Israel. You cannot immigrate to Israel unless you give up Christianity and become a jew

Jerusalem is the key.

Paki Muslim terrorist, when are you going home?

I agree with you, but the retards on Sup Forums don't know the right terminology.

classic goy hating out of his inferiority complex

arabs are divided and their countries run by jewish collaborators like saudi royal family.

I don't have an inferiority complex, I think I'm superior to your animal like species

So it's okay to steal stuff from other people as long as they have a lot more stuff than you?

Ironically Christians are the most persecuted group there.
Both Jew and Muslim will align to suppress Christians. Then go back to whining about each other.
Basically like they do everywhere they go together.

I hate the Muslims more than I hate the Jews desu

then why you be hatin'
you hate us coz you anus

why arent we funding the muslim nations to wipe out the trouble maker Israel in the region which is sending lying jews all over the world to spread their diversity bs everywhere but Israel.

Maybe in Sudan but in Somalia their native language is their official one. Arabic is spoken by those educated in urban environments but a sizable majority don't speak it at all.

Because the muhammedan is a beast, he's an idolatrous violent animal who's a follower of Satan, Muhammed was possessed by Satan, who disguised himself as an angel of light as predicted by the Bible
2 Corinthians 11:14
And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light.
There has NEVER been a society that converted to Muhammedanism voluntarily, all were conquered and genocided and forced to convert.

why don't WE wipe out the talmudists and Muhammedans ourselves?
This enemy of my enemy is my friend none sense needs to end, look what happened with the Cold War! We helped the Soviet Union and they stab us in the back

>wanting more jews in America instead of zero

Are you lost or something?

>all arabs are palestinian

retarded kraut faggot kike apologist. fucking get genocided already, rabbi herschel schweinowicz.

hover your mouse over his flag, and its uncommon at best

arab is a language group, you might be confusing it with semite.
levantines are also arabs, because thats their first language.

Israel is the beach head for Democracy in a land filled with savage muslim caliphates.

The fact that their very existence pisses off the muslims every single day makes the whole existence of the whole nation worthwhile.

>what's Ashkenazim and Sephardim
>being this bad at geography
Most of the Middle East is in Asia. Egypt is the only middle eastern country in Africa.
>it's mostly desert
True, but not all of it and desert climate isn't that bad desu
>Jews fuck goats
user, where do you get that shit?

Jews and Muzzies are gonna kill each other.

That is why we let them setup Israel.


Us gnostics are gonna get our Revenge.

>me invading your room
>WTF you have like 99% of your house
real genius, hans

Jew shouldn't exist at all.

the point is the arab's "house" is the arabian peninsular, not the entirety of the the middle east and north africa.

Syria and Lebanon aren't arab you stupid fuck

>go to an Indians house
>it facing stinks, there's shit everywhere, some woman's getting raped in the corner and nobody cares, there's bugs everywhere and the toilet doesn't work
>occupy the washroom, clean the walls and floors so they're sparkingling white, repair the pipes all the plumbing is working again
>the Indians see this and get mad and start shitting all over your walls and floors
>you get mad and go to the living room and force the Indians out and start cleaning it up, redoing the floors, put up crown moulding and new wall paper

I really thought you were Suriname

their muslim populations at least have a significant amount of cultural and genetic arab influence.

I will concede that but please do not conflict secular or Shia Lebanese and Syrians to dirty inbred arabs

Israel is a containment country like /mlp/ is a containment board. It needs to stay and that's why USA aids them, for containment.

>what is south east asia
>what is africa

Muz brotherhood is masonic and under the thumb of the jews, half of that territory is "arabic" its a fucking language Syrians and Northern Iraq is not Arab....Palestinians COMPLAIN because they were genocided out of their native lands with terror and illegal invasion of psychotic rabid Zionist hordes of shit. They were told you have no culture or history much like Whites are today including insane lies about THEM being immigrants from Arabia LOL meanwhile they had documents and towns named after their great great great grandfathers and hundreds, thosuands of years of history there. 57% were Christian they were massacred, the Arabic old mus countries of the ME were once appaled and offered weak sabotaged resistance in 1948. Hence Israhell was born THE END

Made this for you

kikes aren't contained at all dipshit
they're doing more damage now than ever before

>go to someone's house
>start messing with shit
Yes, this is something you shouldn't do. Also Israel isn't doing what you're saying anything unless trying to take over while pushing other people out/killing them counts as putting up new wallpaper.

I hate talmudist kikes as much as the next guy, but if I had to make a choice, Arabs or Israel I would choose Israel 100% at least they built a decent country where your head won't get cut off because you took a shit that looks like Muhammed

carpet nuke the Middle East and Africa


You have to work on your grammar, drawfriend

Well what? They are occupying their land. If you own a land and I just decide to take part of it and my argument is "well you still have the rest of it." That's not a very good argument is it.

>You have to work on your grammar, drawfriend

I'm a regular Nazi, not a Grammar Nazi.

We need to conquer Saudi Arabia, don't do anything to the people just move all our most degenerate lefties to Mecca
The fags, the whores, the sodomites, the gender confused, the nigger loves, the liberals, the communists, and let them do ANYTHING they want there. Islam will be destroyed in a generation

muh west wall

>sees flag
Really makes me miss Hitler

>this gay flag

They bought it fairly from the ottomans whose terrible policies caused this situation.

I mean, it is on their land right?