Is it time to move away from this? Policies have been getting stricter since the large waves of Europoors and for good reason. Obviously legal immigrants are dandy but we are getting full and losing more identity than building one.
Would it be hypocritical to end the age of taking "poor, huddled masses?"
"nation of immigrants" identity
The "poor, huddled masses" was added by some kike poet long after the statue went up. The statue is simply a symbol of friendship with France.
>a symbol of friendship with France
ew, sink the thing
>build 10/10 statue for burger bros
>a statue that symbolizes freedom
>a wild jew appears
>mind if I put a small plaque on the statue?
>burger bros answer: sure why not?
>suddenly the statue turns into la statue des immigrés
Fuck it
Why the fuck does no one understand the difference between legal immigration and illegal immigration?
Why is the statue of immigrants so sad?
France has only been faggy since the war. They can bring it back.
Thanks Pierre.
Both are antiwhite, so I don't care.
It was drawn by a leftist.
The fuck is he sad about lmao
italian immigrants were stacked on ellis island, checked them from feet to the hair for illnesses, needed a permit to enter and most of the times the officers took their surnames wrong because they didn't give a shit (Al Capone was Caponi, originally)
Immigration has always been regulated in America, this won't change even if they cry about it
You left out a word
The people who passed through Ellis island, were legal immigrants. I know no one will understand this post because it's not written by an eighth grade special education student, but: governments actually need to have an idea about how many people reside in areas for more reasons than I care to list. People who use the services provided by the said government should gratefully pay taxes for the services they provide. Should the fire department stop providing a service to illegals because they don't pay?
Just change the laws, if you have such problems with them. Posting endless threads about the same shit just makes me want to export Mexicans by trebuchet.
Legal immigration takes decades and favors nepotism and not personal merit on a case by case basis
Jumping the wall is faster.
thank you very much for statue
10/10 statue
>Would it be hypocritical to end the age of taking "poor, huddled masses?"
no, because this was never how immigration in america worked
Legal immigration is no longer dandy. It all has to stop. We have to regain some identity and to restore job opportunities to our masses
i'm fucking sick and tired of people treating that shit like it's been the gospel of the united states since its inception, conveniently ignoring that our wave of shitskin immigration is a fairly recent phenomenon and for most of our history we told them to fuck off
>legal immigrants are dandy
get out of here with this nonsense
we are going to limit ALL immigration not just the beaners...
>Would it be hypocritical to end the age of taking "poor, huddled masses?"
When the "poor, huddled masses" want you dead or at the very least want to be taken care of for free so they can breed and vote democrat, then no, it isn't hypocritical, it's in favor of preserving freedom and the American way.
Chinese and Japanese exclusion acts too.
"she" appears to be constipated, no more immigrants to dump?
This. Remove the statue because the French have turned into fags and America doesn't make friends with fags
it cracks me up when one burger turns to another and says
"I'm an immigrant, you're an immigrant, we're a nation of immigrants."
I was born here.
I'm no more an immigrant than I am a pioneer, Puritan, or pilgrim.
>that pic
No. It's time to become a nation of LEGAL immigrants, and stop owning slaves while calling them "dreamers."
Reminder that it was corporations that made America rich, not "white people", and they want mass immigration
>Thinking you're "superior" because of the merit of being lucky to be born where corporations set up their headquarters
>Thinking that you get to tell corporations what they should do, and who they're allowed to bring to the country
>Thinking that you're entitled to their money just because you live on the same country where they're based
>Not understanding how capitalism works, but shilling it as the best thing ever
And this is why big business pretty much all fucking hate white Americans and want all of you gone
It's another dark day because the president is making congress pass laws instead of unilaterally decrying immigration policy which is illegal?
It's a a dark day that America is following its own legal frameworks?
> thinks Trump is anti-immigrant
> because the media keeps telling everyone Trump is a racist Nazi white nationalist
> ignores the fact Trump is married to an immigrant
shut up loser, its the shitskins, poo's and nigs that think they can tell what businesses can and cannot do and not think the business will simply leave if the environment is not economic friendly anymore.
Let them bitch, it's all they can do.
I can rest easy knowing the best medicine tastes the worst. They'll get over it.
>Reminder that it was corporations that made America rich, not "white people"
>Reminder that it was the car that ran over those people, not the drunk driver
>Reminder that it was the knife that killed Nicole Brown, not OJ
sorry but what point are you trying to make?
>immigration are good for the economy
You must be a retard. Yes corporations want immigrants because of their lower reservation wage but they don't give a fuck about the negative externalities (increased criminality, increased unemployment, congested public services...) actually ruining their country. And after 30 years of that shit they'll wonder why taxation is rising and throw a tantrum for tax cuts.
Corporations, just like politicians, never thing about the long term effects of their act.
Wow, that's racist.
As a woman she's upset she can't bring more dark males to her country.
We had extremely selective immigration from white nations, for a white nation. Time to go back to our roots.
>Policy should be based on a giant statue of a pagan goddess given by French Freemasons with a poem on it written by a NYC Jewish woman.
That poem wasn't even there originally. It was stapled on to the Statue of Liberty in 1903, 23 years after it was finished.
Nah goy, your destiny is sealed. America is a eternal melting pot.
Dark day? Did more darkies make it through the border?
Every single nation on earth is a "nation of immigrants."
The USA is a nation of laws, and it's time to imprison and kick out the lawless democrats and return to being a nation of laws.
whore of babylon being sad is a good thing though
She's technically a light bearer, or lucifer.
We are a nation of citizens for which anyone, provided they can prove they are not a burden to society, can become one.
>Thinking you're "superior" because of the merit of being lucky to be born where corporations set up their headquarters
Well, white men created the system of free enterprise which allowed America to prosper. The big corporations now want immigration because of the cheap labor. More people = more supply = lower price. How's that for understanding capitalism?
Yeah, try getting into America legally as a white European. Hint: nope. Trust me, I've looked into it.
the whore of babylon makes false prophecies and wonders to make you stray away from god and trick you into sin. she is the one trying to get you to worship lucifer/satan.
i heard her being connected with the number 11.
>The number eleven is important in that it can symbolize disorder, chaos and judgment. In the Bible
10 being (gods) perfection and 11 going transgressing that (and his laws)
now count the rays going out of the statues crown. its 11.
weirdly 7/11 relation seems to be some important symbolism i didnt quite understand yet as it can be found in numerous monuments as in the pyramids for example
(this shows a lot of them even if not focused on that special relation)
> the number 7 is the foundation of God's word
>Seven is the number of completeness and perfection (both physical and spiritual). It derives much of its meaning from being tied directly to God's creation of all things.
only thing i can think off taking the god abiding people, the believers and gods word (7) and transforming/corrupting it into sin/sinners and twisting around gods word to make people sin