*blocks your path*

*blocks your path*

>time to die, fascist

wat do?

Probably kick him in the dick while he's taking a whopping 10 seconds to pull out his weapon. Then proceed to call "her" him until he jumps off a bridge.

>shoulder wider than hips


Hold her down on the floor and change her diaper.

A person could empty a full handgun mag in to her before she even had her finger on the trigger.

i dont live in a 3rd world country where people run around with guns in ther backpacks, so that scenario is foreign to me. sorry. :)

When Merkel gets reelected you will find out what its like in due time.

ask him to take a shower

greasy ass hair

Showing incredible fast speed at which it can deploy it's gun


>walk past
it's a woman goddamnit, like she could achieve anything, even if it was as simple as pulling a trigger

*Unzips dick*

>it's a woman

That's not a woman Bernd

I ask if we can settle down and talk about our differences over a bowl off eggs.

cash me out side how bout dat

Punch her as soon as I see her quickly reaching for her backpack?

Teleports behind her and sucks her cock

Pay nothing personal kid

I could have given her some Irish eyeshadow in the time she spent fumbling with those meme-y pop up sights and safety

*unzips dick*

Kick "her" in the balls

>we're going to fight with our guns so that the communist government could take them from us

meh, looks feminine enough, I've seen things that classify as woman which clearly looked worse, so

who's that guy in the pic? Looks cool.

Put me out of my misery. I'm too much of a coward to do it myself


If this happened in this country that's probably an airshit gun and I would have nothing to fear
If it happened in th US I could probably draw a handgun before she would get that set up

>7 seconds to draw
>Within that time I could whip out my pistol and ice him

Give it 5 years.

is that the navy seal guy who went insane and became a "girl"?

That adams apple says otherwise, friendo

you got the right idea leaf man. that trap needs to know what a real man feels like

problem solved


It's time to stop posting about dippers user.

It's time for you to stop living user.

the original faggot

Nice toy

I can fire my pistol before she even gets her bag unzipped.

Explain that he's not a woman; he's just a faggot with a perversion for tricking straight men into thinking he's a woman in hopes of dragging them down to his level of depravity.

remember not to spoonfeed

that time came long before...

Take it and beat her with my cock.

>taking the time to pull out a smg in front of your average right wing ""nazi""
>expecting not to get a round to the head from their CC as soon as they see the stock coming out of the backpack.

normally I keep a bunch of fucked up images but I can't with this one. The sadness on the poor dogs face - he knows - and he no longer cares.

Can you CC a rifle? Maybe a dumb question, but I've never heard of it before.

Faggot gets killed by a superior real white man Seals suck the worst of special feces

It won't be foreign for long habib