Am i the only one that fully supports the UK decision to ban (((porn)))?

Am i the only one that fully supports the UK decision to ban (((porn)))?

I don't get how you guys want to purge degeneracy on one hand but don't support actions like these.

Porn is degenerate and should be banned in all forms.

Young white men are literally being cucked by their own hand, and it needs to be stopped.

>tfw starting week 2 of nofap
ive been blueballing 24/7 yo the pain doesn't stop

Hang in there user.

i think it should not be banned. If you think about it, it is a form of censorship. And it wont really work because of VPN's and other software. so to truly ban it then you would ban them. And then it is a slippery slope leading to major internet censorship

thanks user

on the day of the porn holocaust I will be ready

I've got libertarianism and fascism battling it out in my head.

On the libertarian side, my love of freedom says that adults should be able to do whatever they want, including drugs and porn.

My fascist side says that if everyone does what they want, then society will crumble, and we need to work for what is best for all of society. I think banning porn is good for society, but worse for the individual liberties and I'm struggling to know which is more important.

>yo the pain doesn't stop
Only take about 2 years for the agony to subside, you can do this, we believe in you!!

The British have been putting up with a lot of bullshit but, expect large scale riots if they ban porn.

I stopped watching the 3D Jew-owned porn. In the meantime I made this.

>Am i the only one that fully supports the UK decision to ban (((porn)))?

its a bit too much isnt it?

Banning porn is not going to stop men from jerking off. You have to be literally mentally retarded to think this. All throughout history society has repeatedly tried to shame men out of jerking and it has never worked.

but they wont ever ban it. At most there will be small restrictions. Its like tobacco, if it was banned outright id give up smoking. Shitty half measures is all they are willing to do.

You don't need to ban anything as long as you establish strong enough sense of community and family values.

It'll never be monitored, just something in writing to keep the nannies at bay. British culture is founded on dressing up as a woman and getting spanked.

>Am i the only one that fully supports the UK decision to ban (((porn)))?
Yes because personal responsibility should fall on the individual rather than have a parental government figure make those decisions for you.
This is, of course, ignoring the fact that making porn illegal forces it into underground unregulated black markets.

more importantly it's a violation of the social contract in that the results that will stem from porn ruin our societies which we are merely in custodianship from our decedents

Do you guys frown angrily while watching porn?

it will never be truly banned even if they do go through with it. The internet is always 1 step ahead of government.

(((freedom))) is an (((enlightenment))) meme used by the merchant class to usurp power from the aristocracy. To do this they had to break down the social cohesion of the hierarchical monarchies.

There is real freedom which is freedom from actual slavery and abuse, the they tried to equate that with "freedom" from responsibility, social bonds and culture.

The jew loves the idea of individualism because it allows them to divide peoples, destroy their culture, and when when people lack social bonds and culture they turn to the only sense of fulfillment they know: material pleasure, which the merchant is happy to sell for sheckles.

How many people really know how to use a VPN tho.
Literally this was me a few months ago.

People should be able to buy drugs its their choice and it only hurts themselves, but now i realize that people are like animals that SHOULDNT be able to do whatever they want.

I support the decision to ban porn.

The best way to curb sexual desires is through pouring yourself into artistic expression,
Start painting or carving or writing, hell designing 3d printing stuff too

I assume a large percentange of them will simply become escorts/prostitutes instead.


Or act in porn for America.

Hardcore porn is disgusting and an insult to all of us.

Normal porn is fine though.

I remember hearing 30% the houses of parliaments internaet traffic was porn. Banning it would be met with fierce opposition.

That's it. Jesus Estonia guy you just solved something I've been thinking about for a while.

If you have a strong community, you can have libertarianism, because that community will work together. Libertarianism, like communism and socialism works better and better as the scale gets smaller and smaller.

So I want the strong community of fascism plus the freedom of libertarianism. Which comes first? It seems fascism to me.

Ban porn legilize and regulate prostitution.

>Gadsden flag
>not being a libertarian

it isn't that difficult to use. Took me 5 minutes to learn. People will always be willing to get around government

What do you mean by hardcore porn?

>Not bad
So you won't complain if 4chinz gets shut down for (((hate speech))) right?

I believe existing porn should not be banned, but it is an indecent and subhuman act to film copulation between humans, therefore people engaging in this beastly behaviour should be punished going forward.
To me it is similar to pedophilia.
You may say that I as a Libertarian must recognise that there are willing adults engaging in it.
But I do not believe that women are full fledged individuals who should have all rights.
I view them as something between children and property, depending on the situation.

>Libertarian flag
If we are going to start banning shit at all why not start with cigarettes they do nothing but harm.

That's not what the brittish should look into

They should kick out all immigrants first

my pragmatic side says banning porn will be as successful as banning alcohol

It depends on the censorship. It's not 100% good and 100% bad.

>Gadsden flag
>wants censorship
Change your fucking flag man

uk posters is your govt in a flame war against porn there better be a better explanation

uk pol enlighten

Hardcore porn is rough stuff.

Indeed, no fap is stupid, men will always fap no matter what. No porn is good however,

100% for banning major porn companies and websites

I always figured Brittish people laugh historically durrimg porn, making bawdy jokes durring the sex scenes and giving a standing ovation after the climatic money shot.

Get a fucking wife asshole

I support it, porn is a Jewish cuck trick, it's done nothing but encourage a generation of cuckolds and niggers half breeds.

It's a step in the right direction, look at our country before porn, people were normal and good. Now? Just cucks. Fuck porn, it's for cuckolds.

>Censorship done by leftist aka jews = bad
>Censorship against things/ideas that harm our people and our society = good
Is it that hard to understand?

It is a valid position to take as a Libertarian, see tl;dr it depends on if you view women as full fledged individuals with all rights or property whom you can only possess provided you have follow certain moral standards. (like children)

can't wait for the day when we can "walk around" natural roastie womb

>Only take about 2 years
then your balls forget how to work and you get ED. You should jerk it once a week to keep T up.

Does anyone else beat their meat to some porn and after they are done continue watching the video regretting their life choices?

Can you give an example of when censorship would be good?
Also, checked

What about 2D porn? Are they Jew owned?

Censoring porn.

Yes, because censoring ideas only allows them to fester and grow in the dark corners of society.

Every time. I hate that I'm addicted to porn.

Censoring genitals like the Japs do?

make something you can digest without being an autist or crazy. True or not thats some tin foil hat shit.


>mfw the porn industry turned Family Guy and other things into porn movies
>mfw they've made a fucking porno about Brexit
Is there nothing these disgusting animals won't stoop to? It sickens me, a fucking asteroid needs to hit this planet soon and wipe everyone out.

No, I mean completely banning it.

The way I see it 2D and 3D aren't as bad since it's all virtual but is still bad influence in the end (especially with rape or weird fetishes).

South Korea is the only "western" democracy that banned porn to date.
South Korea is literally run by a combination of feminist cult and (them).
NORK better nuke them.

Unless you shoot those who show signs of believing in those ideas... I don't remember communism thriving in Nazi Germany's underground...

Let's hope David Davis withdraws from Merkel's union in time. We don't want to get her in a sticky situation.

>libertarian flag
>cries about people doing what they want

Pick one, motherfucker!
You can either be an authoritarian autistic lemon and scream about banning shit you don't like, or you can fight for liberty and come to term with the fact that people want degenerate shit because that's how the world works.

The point isn't to ban degeneracy, it's to recognize it as such and keep it in the places where it's supposed to be, instead of being made acceptable and public.

>True or not that's tin foil hat
Pic related kike

captcha synagogue bellevue

It is not censorship, the mere act is as indecent in its consequences like raping a child.
Women cannot consent for they are not full fledged individuals who can even understand the harm it will do to them.
They are fully dependent on a man providing and leading them, at least that is true for most women.
It has always been like this and it will always be in the future.
Since this is the case they are more like children/property and cannot consent.
Men create the moral framework and civilisation itself, hence we have to police each other that each one of us doesn't abuse and degrade our most important resources, women and children.

Oh God no.


yeah but then you achieve a fascist system where anyone who disagrees with "disappears"

I also fully support the ban.
I don't want another generation of handcucks fucking things up with their leftist bullshit.

Porn is a Jewish method of controlling and pacifying men, we all know this. So why the fuck are people getting so butthurt that its being banned?
What, faggot, you addicted? Well boo hoo kid, go get fucking laid or something.

>instead of taking the initiative and using sheer will to quit porn, you just have the government ban it for you
Its the pussy way out and only represses the degenerate desires.

Has pol turned into such a circle jerk bureaucratic bullshit no brit knows why it is happening, yet its because degeneracy ..just like politics

Im looking at you brittard

>Oy vey the goyim are starting to reject our (((ideals)))

I support it.

It's funny isn't it? Most us actually support this idea. I also want Muslims banned, hopefully they will be but I won't hold my breath.

>and giving a standing ovation after the climatic money shot.
That's Americans.
We just twiddle our monicoles, look down at our cocks and say "toodle-oo old chap" and put our dicks away

I agree with you user. Porn is disgusting and psychologically damaging.

>liberitarian flag
>wants to restrict things

eyy how about you get some other flag faggot. if you want to hide your real flag just put on pirate if you dont know the bloody meaning of the one you equipped now

ban child marriage first at least

>It's funny isn't it?
Funny that a bunch of fucking nerds and third worlders are spamming this shit constantly, making out its somehow bad?

Its a bit funny, yeah. We have self proclaimed American "right wingers" actively advocating for a Jewish industry to continue botching the minds of their youth and men overall.
Shits fucked.

Yeah because you shouldent be able to get off however the fuck you want if you dont have a partner for a while.

>ban/outlaw hardcore porn
>hardcore porn finds a way to continue its availability for consumption to chronic wankers desperately seeking out the tawdry low level stimulation required to achieve their 3-4 daily orgasms
>only now the girl is 14 and they kill her at the end

Fuck that noise, where's the legislation demanding quality control and doing away with the ceaseless flood of unarousing tattooed skank shit?

Reduce its usage and jail the addicted degenerates?

This. Wanking off to a guy pleasuring a woman is cuckoldry.
Did you tingle your todger to BLACKED or full-on cuck porn today?

You need porn to jerk off?
Its mandatory for you?

Congrats, you're an addict. You're an addict to watching men fuck women you think are pretty.
You're fucking pathetic, you cuck.

Supporting censorship of any kind while ZOG is still in control is suicide. The first porn sites shut down are going to be imageboards like Sup Forums.

You have serious issues if you need porn to masturbate.

Sure. What's so bad about it? As long as the system has the well being and preserving of their nation as its objective, I don't see how making people who "disagree" with those ideals disappear is a bad thing.

You have to go back, Achmed.

>The first porn sites shut down are going to be imageboards like Sup Forums.
So? I'm not going to put my love of this place above the overall good.
I'm not a selfish fucking leftist, "MUH FEEELS".

>doesn't persecute child molesters
>bans videos of consensual sexual intercourse

god damn that's wholesome

A few of you are poining out thats its a double standard that i advocate for censorship while having a Gadsden flag, and the way i see it i don't want me and therefore my people or nation being harmed by certain melicious factors, porn being one of them. The way i see it porn violates the NAP by degregading and hurting society and therefore any individual in it.

It's not about censorship, see

Having sex > porn > anything else

The Rotherham lot who were caught were imprisoned.

Right, so stop being a cuck and watching other men fuck women, for fuck sake.

You're as poisonous as your wildlife, you're a lost fucking cause as a people, founded by our criminal cast offs and scum, is it any wonder why you degenerates love porn? You're on par with the filth on Pitcairn.

I agree with you, I believe it should be banned it's damaging to society and has done nothing but caused rot and damage and actually empowered the degenerate, like those into cuckolding, these people dare speak out in pride of their disgusting affliction, empowered by porn.

Porn has been nothing but damage to both men and women, it has been allowed to flourish and damage interpersonal relationships and traditional courting. I can go on and on and on but you know what it's done, it's why you want it banned as well.

An abomination of an industry, pioneer'd by yids to destroy the nuclear family and normalise degenerate behavior when really such behavior should carry the death penalty. I'd go as far as burning people alive for watching cuckold/other porn. Burn them alive!

it's 2017 and these idiots don't know that VPNs exist