Once upon a time, Sup Forums was a libertarian forum. Why have you allowed the statists to move in and take over?

Once upon a time, Sup Forums was a libertarian forum. Why have you allowed the statists to move in and take over?

Join or die.

So this is the power of anarcho-fascism.

12 year old autists flooded the board

This place was a natsoc factory you mean?

underrated faggot

The dogs will fight among them self but work as a pack against the wolf.

>I understand how to take advantage of people and recruit them for causes that mean nothing to them

t. US government

Because Gary Johnson didn't know what the hell Aleppo was, and Shillary had to be defeated at any cost.

Hasn't been that way for at least 3 years, OP. Once the stormfags left, there was a libertarian era, but our time has passed. Now all the kids and their memes are into being nazis and praising some questionable figures. Maybe it will come full circle one day

He has become one with the fasces as the most dangerous faggot.

yes and no

It's difficult to have liberty if there isn't a nation state within which to live and pursue it.

Same reason you allowed them to take over the government.

They outnumber you ten thousand to one.

Those are ancaps. Libertarians believe in a smaller, less powerful national government with stronger state level governments. This allows for more local autonomy and for local cultures to remain intact. They also generally believe in letting people do what they want as long as it doesn't hurt others.

Extremes will always rule. It's a matter of life and death.

I think your post is well phrased, and I happen to agree with Libertarians on virtually all key points of view. However, coming out of 28 years of neo-con control of the US federal government, and the 1.5 generations of deep state appointments by those neo-cons, there is a lot that has to be done at the federal level first: the proverbial draining of the swamp. That has to happen in order for an effective and enduring return to states' prominence to be possible.

Yea, I hear ya. You'd be surprised how many people like the sound of libertarianism when you say it like that. Unfortunately, the party isn't ever going to win big due to the dem/rep dynamic the two have fought hard to maintain. It's an attainable goal though, and I honestly believe that our nation's founders would have wanted exactly the kind of government that I alluded to earlier.

As I'm sure you already know, the push-and-pull between the feds and the states is a struggle that is literally as old as the nation.

Sometimes I wish we could split the country into this many smaller countries. Tasmanian people don't want to be part of the great yellow and brown experiment.

It has been always Natsoc.

maybe /news/ was 50/50.

It's a fucking anonymous platform!
If you have no platform anywhere else, this is where you go...

..and it seems that the side with less ability to attain such platform are currently the fags here.