>we cant send them back they dont even speak spanish
>people should be allowed into America even though they dont speak english
We cant send them back they dont even speak spanish
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Make America Mexico Again
OMG not Mexico, any place but Mexico!
Good riddance! It was a bad program. And maybe the little bolus of english sanity will improve Mexican politics. People used to burgerland are going to want to change their destination culture for the better. Not like the grasping losers who flood into the first world and then work hard changing it back into the thing they already ran away from!
>we had no right to steal their land
Back you go pedro
>we cant send them back they dont even speak spanish
they now have 6 months to learn Spanish.
>other nation
A group of traitorous morons isn't another nation.
Spanish Mexico took the lands it still controls from native Central Americans (Mayan descendants, Aztecs, Olmecs, others) and never gave it back. This history of the world is the history of the application of force and will across geography.
this is why they have to go back because even though theyve been americanized they will always be mexicans spouting this shit and waving mexican flags
To quote Markos Moulitsas of Vox, "Screw 'em."
>Criminals marching to gain support for their criminality.
I want them out.
If they were not another nation the war and reconstruction was extremely unconstitutional
Also Indians were in Lands claimed by America
There's nothing unconstitutional about defending America against domestic threats
I've watched these people on streams they barely speak English. Plenty of them are pretty fluent in Spanish thought.
>There's nothing unconstitutional about defending America against domestic threats
There is a reason radical republicans were pro secession in Texas v White
I don't care what some retarded politicians thought decades ago
OK please tell me how what Lincoln did in Maryland was constitutional?
Arresting a bunch of Confederate sympathizers? Nothing illegal about that. If we found Isis members in Texas legislature wouldn't we arrest them?
>If we found Isis members in Texas legislature wouldn't we arrest them?
on what charge?
For being affiliated with an enemy of the country. Same as with all these Russia allegations.
You act like these people were just everymen saying shucks I like my southern neighbor. These were government officials, who were working to sabotage the US from within.
cite the law
Also states are guaranteed republican forms of government something reconstruction era governments were not
>levy war against them, or to oppose by force the authority thereof
Literally what Confederates were doing.
>July 24, 1956
Go read the section of the Constitution the law is based on.
Now where's your source that what happened in Maryland was illegal?
> I have a 4.5 GPA
> I am undocumented
> My GPA is undocumented too
Huh i wonder why they aren't carrying around nazi flags.
Everyone knows that's how you legitimize a movement
Stupid mexicans don't know how to protest :^)
>> My GPA is undocumented too
Was it on toilet paper?