Where my Carolina Bros at, Columbia here, how fucked are you gonna be when Irma comes in and rapes the state.
Yankees fuck off
Carolina Thread
>Pickens CO.
Ill be fine.
Center north Piedmont of NC here. Probably gonna get some rain.
Here is hurricane Hugo, from 1989 path looks very similar to irma
Charleston Reporting
Hugo veteran.
I hope Irma hits here.
The Charleston I grew up in is dying, and Charlestonians did such a great job making the city amazing, and we've attracted to many wealthy northern liberals who are fleeing NY, but want to bring their shitty values with them.
We need a hurricane to drive them out.
Also, College of Charleston is now, and has always been, a shit tier school, but it's overflowing because Charleston is so great.
I want Downtown 5 feet underwater and send these carpet baggers packing.
I'll be the one eating Pancakes
Rock Hill reporting.
Citadel grad here can confirm cofc has always been shit
NC here with a preemptive
>fuck off we're full
Myrtle Beach here, really don't want to go through the same shit we did last year....
Let Florida and Texas get fucked.
Is it even slated to hit the Carolinas? Seen nothing at all so far that suggested it will. Still people are hitting the stores I guess. Also love some tar baby's pancakes good eating.
Wan't that bad, Carolina Forest was ok.
The projected path is dead center into Florida, but these forecasts are far from certain especially when it's a week away from U.S. landfall.
Ah ok. I'll stick around until Saturday if shit looks dodgy I'll fucking head for Winston or Statesville or something
didn't have power for 3 days, couldn't work, couldn't shower, and ate nothing but tuna fish sandwiches the whole time. boring as fuck, no thanks.
Should've stocked up on liquor beforehand
I like doing stuff when I drink, not staring at a blank wall. I read a lot though, maybe I'll hit the library if it starts getting close.
3 days? I was without power for about 3 hours. Sorry user, I'll invite you over if it happens again.
There are fewer things in the world as funny as getting a bunch of Citadel graduates drunk and listening to them tell stories about hazing plebs.
I'm flying down to Columbia from CT on Thursday for a job interview with the State Govt. Wish me luck in getting out of this thundercucked wasteland.
Just hoping I don't get stuck for Irma.
Im in NC right next to the ocean (Onslow Beach) so i may be fucked if it doesnt slow down by the time it hits. Im on a military facility though so if anything did happen theres a lot of logistical support.
Can always go down to Ocean Drive and watch sharks swimming in the beachwear stores. That's fun when drinking.
Near Charlotte on the border of SC here. Thinking we will be clear of Irma fuckery
>I'm flying down to Columbia from CT on Thursday for a job interview with the State Govt
Don't do it. Please don't. I am warning you. South Carolina's state government is nigger nepotism: the state government
please, please, please listen to me. You will also consider Columbia a disgusting, horrific city being from CT, and it is violent and there is nothing to do.
I am trying to stop you from making a mistake please listen
me too nigga
you should go get Zeitouni the lebanese restaurant in ballantyne, im fucking telling you dawg
its my first job out of college and i don't have the resume nor the grades to turn it down. I don't plan on staying long but its cheap as fuck and my girl just got a job in a hospital down there. Just need that first job experience then i can do what i want
i appreciate you looking out though, i'll be aware of what im getting into
im going to draw you a map. whether you live by this or die by this is up to you. be back in like 5 minutes in mspaint
trust me i am from this city, it can be an ok place to live, but mostly its not...brb
Eating anything but BBQ, or Pancakes in the Carolina's....
You and your Sandnigger Guacamole Shills have to go back!
Just double checking to make sure everyone has their sweet tea properly stocked in case of bad weather.
maurices is fucking awful dude and its honestly an insult to bbq please dont pretend like you understand bbq and post that pic
gotta agree with this guy, Speedy's is where it's at
That Sauce tho
>Tfw live 100 feet from the beach on a Barrier Island
>Tfw This hurricane could BTFO me
I don't want to live in this state anymore
fellow Columbia here. I dont want a fucking Hurricane to hit, because then I have to listen to 10,000 nigger mammys cry about the Government isnt doing anything to help her and her 10 kids. Meanwhile us white folks are grilling with our neighbor with a cold beer fresh from our Yeti cooler
I can have a cold beer and grill while watching Houston get ass raped again by another hurricane
Beaufort standing by
sack up and hold the line protect the rest of us
Dude, he is telling you all of this because you are a Yankee and its pretty common for us to tell all Yankees to go home
since you are not here yet, He is just telling you "Yankee dont come"
Yankees are called carpet baggers down here. They take jobs away from good Carolina boys and bring their liberal mindset with them.
If they like their liberal ways so much, maybe they should have stayed up in the liberal North
no liberal mindset here, that why i want out
How much help do the people get who lose their homes? Does the government reimburse them at all?
well, Columbia is a pretty decent place.
since you are straight from college, you wont mind an apartment. Stick close to USC campus at first until you learn the lay of the land, branch out from there.
Neighborhoods are pretty strange here. You can have a decent neighborhood right next to niggerville.
The code word for a white neighborhood here in Columbia is "established". Other neighborhoods not for white people are "ethnic".
place im looking at is on tryon street like 2 blocks from usc baseball stadium
>south caroleans
>fucked by a hurricane post-hugo
Irma is chicken shit compared to hugo. The only ones who are at risk are trailor park trash on amigo avenue.
It's law to have hurricane insurance in South Carolina, at least when you live near the coast.
But aside from downtown charleston, nothing really happens.
I'm 20 miles from the beach.
Anyone here remember the hype of Flyod a few decades back? And how it was a joke?
Not a terrible spot just watch where you go, avoid certain areas, Columbia can get pretty niggerish pretty quick
Mt. Pleasant reporting.
3rd Battalion, India (Old Corps / Pre-Girls' School) + Hugo vet.
Got my hotel room reservations in the upstate.
I'm not worried so much about Irma as Jose. Going to keep getting my preps ready just in case.
Irma's not coming it's fine
Say hey if you see me colafags
So the people end up homeless? Do they get put up in hotels or anything?
>live in a concrete house without any trees nearby in a white neighborhood on a hill
My family survived the nuclear explosion of '83, so I think we'll be fine.
Charleston here. We need this to drive out all the faggot hipsters and northern and Midwest transplants. Our beautiful city is catering too much to tourists and attracting faggot liberals.
>tfw you live on the first floor of an appt known for flooding and at minimum there's gonna be a lot of rain AND have a 300 word essay due tomorrow at 10am that you haven't even started yet
I am so fucked
300 words is like a page and a half come on now big guy
300 word essay is easy brah. Use synonyms and ssay the same shot over
We haven't been hit by a big hurricane since Hugo, everything that's hit us has done nothing.
There was a hurricane that hit recently, I forget it's name, and even though power went out, waffle house was still open.
Fort Mill SC / CLT NC reporting for duty.
Myrtle Beach reporting in. I'm debating whether to go to Ohio where my family lives. I really don't want to deal with no power for a days or weeks again.
Pawleys Island reporting in
Let's just hope the old buildings survive.
North or South?
From Charleston but in cola now. This city is ass and our state/local government is real quick to bend over and get fucked in the ass by nigger dick. Your job will be to figure out how to give gibs without running out of gibs while maintaining the tolerance of your boss' voter base.
Unless we have another Hugo-type storm. We were hit hard near Charlotte. No power for 3 weeks.
Yeah. The Waffle House here remained opened throughout the storm.
Who here is hoping ashley phosphate and west ashley is wiped out?
Had a nigger try to scam me by running in front of my car, didn't work because I have a clean accident record AND they were jay walking, so they got fined.
Mount P? Go back to where you came from. Snobs from the north ruined that side of the city.
im environmental science, luckily none of that bullshit. just getting regulatory experience telling people where theyre allowed to put their garbage so i can do environental consulting eventually.
Liberty SC here. Representing the whitest county in the state.
>Pickens Co.
.....I was just there haha I probably did see you
>Everything that's hit us has done nothing
Except for ya now the flood that shit in cola
In Cherry Grove hanging by the pier
I like in ballanytne, any good bar suggestions?
Stop and get some pancakes user they damn good
Also forgot to mention, niggers broke into my car during last's years hurricane. The nigs went on a scavenger hunt moving from neighborhood to neighborhood to go looting when the evacuation order was given.
What did ohio do to deserve this?
bah and pshaw
whole lotta nothin' just like Irma's gonna be
holy fuck, I'm 10 minutes away from you user.
We have castle doctrine for a reason.
Whole city flooded wtf u smokin, I work for the FD shit wasn't good
I would but I already went to Hoskins this morning
Charlotte here, having a nice time.
They did it at night, this is a good neighborhood and never had that problem before so it took me by surprise. Rest assured, I'll be ready next time.
hahaha! I'm from South Carolina. To prove it, I watched the Fridge play for the Bears on a black and white tv.
I feel your pain! Everywhere I go around here, folks hear my accent and ask me where I am from. I tell them, "Here!"
yeah crazy small world i guess
Did you take the shuttle or just walk past
>Except for ya now the flood that shit in cola
So basically, it's like every time there is a light drizzle in downtown charleston?
Why does the SC flag look so much like a random middle eastern shithole flag?
Are they trying to be Carolinastan or something?
Lexington reporting in. This place sucks dick I wanna go back to my homestate up north
Lexington NC*
It's one of the most if not the most aesthetic state flag
I thought SC was more conservative than NC? We're getting fucked by progressives in Charlotte. And the nogs of course.
We got trees, and Culture
>maybe I'll hit the library if it starts getting close.
What makes you think the library is going to be open at that point ?
SC is more conservative. We've got no Soros bullshit as far as I know, but NC has "progressNC" or whatever the fuck it's called in Durham. Meanwhile we've got the biggest bar right here in Cherry Grove on the beach flying the Trump flag high. I would love to see these antifa fags come down this way tbqh.
It's a fucking crescent over a palm tree.
That's pretty blatant of a "We wish we were arab" message
Can your state do this? didnt think so
They all live across the river in Savannah.
That fucking town is just one big liberal arts community.