
For those of you who are protestants, can you tell me about Protestanism?
How does it differ from other forms of Christianity like Orthodoxy or Catholicism?
What are its advantages?
I want to know your personal opinion.
What is this famous protestant work ethic culture I often hear about?

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Come on.

Protestants refuse to put faith in the church because to do so is idolatry. There isn't much difference between protestantism and simply nondenominational christianity. Different 'branches' do hold different interpretations of things in the bible, but that is largely of little consequence. The important thing is they believe in Jesus and the bible above all else, including any man or priest. Catholics think protestant fallibility is a disadvantage because they incorrectly presuppose their church is infallible. It is the recognition of the fallibility of your local pastor that is its advantage, and why protestantism is actually the least likely to obscure truth, something which is a big risk when you see an institution comprise of fallible people as infallible. Never trust anyone who says they're always right.


Hi Southern Baptist here, the main difference is obviously the rejection of the Roman Catholic Churches authority, which you also rejected in the great schism.

Personal bond with God. No vatican bullshit and papacy.

How Big protestanism in US?
Is Majority of people catholics or protestants?

Protestant as far as I can tell. I don't even know where to find a catholic church, though of course there are catholics here as well.

>inb4 catholics come in and start shittalking each other.

Christianity is a gift to liberate people from any and all sin that religion or ideology can come up with to put you in debt of guilt to them. Jesus Christ was fighting globalism 2000 years before it became cool.

Jesus Christ was born in the time when the Roman empire was born. Augustus was the founder of the Roman Principate and considered the first Roman emperor, controlling the Roman Empire from 27 BC until his death in AD 14. He literally decreed that the entire world would be registered and taxed by their globalist empire.

Jesus Christ was then killed by religious extremist jews and the roman government for simply speaking his mind. Blasphemy was at that time the word for hate speech. The people had the choice to release Barabass the thief and murderer, or Jesus Christ. The jews manipulated and paid people to vote to release Barabass instead of Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ was then crucified together with two other bandits.

This all happened exactly when the Roman empire was formed and all the world was sentenced to be taxed. The events at the time of Jesus Christ are mirroring the events of today.

"Luke 2:1
And it came to pass in those days, that there went out a decree from Caesar Augustus, that all the world should be taxed."

Kek is the answer.


No surprise probably.
As I understand it people who were first immigrants were also christians who wanted to get away from Catholic church.

I find it strange though that even in my city we have Catholic church (right besides Mosque)




> protestantism


The Catholic Church is the would be result if Jesus fell for the temptations. The Church literally and not at all figuratively; wanted to be God. The ultimate blasphemy.

Get out of here, heretic.

If there is a god with such name from Ancient Egypt then he probably sighs at every person who try to worship him in a wrong and I would even say offensive way.

I find it strange that by looking at tattoos of South american criminals they should be pretty religious yet they won't stop before killing an innocent for a mundane reason.

Because south americans worship Mary with skull instead of human face. This should tell you something. Worshipping Mary in the first place is heresy, but they are taking it into another level.

Correct, Jesus Christ liberates you from religious and ideological extremism that allows authoritarians to tell you how much to sacrifice and who to kill to achieve salvation. We went from human sacrifice to freedom from religion thanks to Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ was killed by religious extremists and the government who wanted to continue using religion to control people, tax them and own them through religious sins.

Atheism doesn't protect you from authoritarians who want to dictate what is morally good and then take everything you have because of "privilege". With Christianity you have the ten commandments and salvation through Jesus Christ. The ten commandments are nationalistic and libertarian in nature and thanks to Jesus Christ nobody can force their religious dogma on you.

The Catholics did for a long time but that's also why they didn't allow people to read the bible for themselves to find out what the bible really said. Liberalism and humanism grew out of the church once the printing press allowed every person to own and read the bible for themselves and the truth could no longer be controlled by the priesthood. That's when the governments started abandoning the bible in favor of political ideologies spread through mass media instead of using religion for control. The mass media priesthood worked all the way until we got the internet which again liberated the truth from their controlled mass media. Like the jewish extremists killed Jesus and the Catholics hid the truth again we have the governments trying to murder free speech on the internet and control it through new institutions of control such as Facebook, twitter and Youtube with added censorship and banned heretical topics which aren't allowed to be discussed or criticized.

Are you a protestant?
How does it feel to be religious person in the country with big amount of atheists?



I feel like a minority. I'm not afraid to talk freely and people never agree with me. However when I meet them again after a few months, or years they repeat what I said to them but they forgot that it was me who said it and that they were arguing against me. So never be silent, just talk freely and let it work inside them eventually they understand.

Huh, only look at that. Looks like your Kek didn't bless you with his favor.
Shameful display.

What are your views on your country's domestic policy?
If you against it do you speak yourself out and if so how do people react?

The misconception most promoted is that Protestant is a religion (its a category), and then pick out a heretical/liberal cult that doesnt follow Christ and suggest it is representative of all Protestant religions when its obviously not.

Religiously, a key difference is believer Baptism with full immersion, as opposed to infant baptism with a sprinkle.

Another is we only pray to Christ and not to mary/saints. We believer intercessory prayer should only be among the living praying for each other.

The biggest core difference though is Sola Fide which gets argued into the ground in these threads.

Think me a heretic all you want, but I love Christ, was baptised, read my Bible daily (yes for real), and carry my cross daily.

To guess, out of Christians it is 75% Protestant (Majority baprist with Pentecostal 2nd), 20% RCC, and 5 to 10% orthodoxy (Greek majority coptic/russian next). There are many mormons and Jehovah Witness but they arent considered Christian as they reject the Trinity/Godhead and rewrote themselves a new bible.

No pope

CHECKED Praise Kek.

Proddies unironically worships the Bible. This is a way for them to get away from idolatry

All Protestants are cucks except for Southern Baptists.

You got your question answered so instead of making a new thread, I might as well put this here. Protestant here too, really fresh one too. Protestant Christianity is the biggest religion here, obviously because of the Swedes. I recently watched the case for Christ, it opened my eyes how atheists like me behave. I still don't support our church, they have left God long time ago. I've been such a fool

>They for get they were arguing against me
Too funny, always testify your faith.

This video does a good job looking at some major differences:

Calling Jesus a "Kike" is an oxymoron, pic related.

Tell me more about your convertion.
Is there some specific branch of Protestanism that you have joined? Does it have specific name?

Kike on a stick.

Praise Thoth the palindromes command it.

I can never find a stream for that movie ;'( if it's the movie you're talking about

Am I cuck if I hate fags, catholics, niggers, gypsies, germans, russians and I'm pro-gun?

fellow true Christian reporting in

it is HERESY

rapture is fake too

Well I've been interested about Christian culture for a while but never actually believed anything. I was the typical science rules no God atheist, obnoxious one. It is part of my ancestors heritage so I looked into it, but just very recently accepted that God exists.

And no, not special Protestantism, I just don't like how our Church hides illegally refugees that have to be deported. And they're promoting anti-Christian values so that's why I don't go to Chruch

kys gnostic shit you absolute tool of satan how about you actually read the Scripture you smelly piece of shit you will burn in hell you will be boiled in shit for eternity

read Irenaeus "against heresies" or be condemned spawn of satan

Yeah that movie, it was great. Convinced me that Jesus will come back.

It is easy to admire high white Protestantism like Anglicanism and Lutheranism. Especially clerics that take a preventative interest against jew subversion in disciplines beyond theology. Pre-Vatican II Catholicism can function soundly if it is white and not too poor -- specializations like SSPX can generally be read as culturally serious. Ecumenical egalitarianism is an obscene core error in all of them. Also, the Pagan complaint, which is vastly more worthy of clerical attention than the pseudo-ethics of world judeo-niggerdom.

You mean your new Protestant church one?
Why don't they send refugees back?

>rapture is fake
Matthew 24:40-41 speaks of the unbelievers being literally left behind.

Praise Kek.

Christ is a tool of the demiurge. You're a moron. kys.

I'm totally against it. It is against the ten commandments and the message of Jesus Christ. They are creating hell for our children down to third and fourth generations. By inviting all these muslims who are led by temptation for our wealth, nation and women, they are ensuring that their children will live in suffering. Even if there is no god or hell their actions are condemning their own children to live in hell among the muslims.

"The LORD is long-suffering, and of great mercy, forgiving iniquity and transgression, and by no means clearing the guilty, visiting the iniquity of the fathers on the children to the third and fourth generation."

The message of Jesus Christ and the bible is a message of liberty and protection from evil forces who need your invitation to do harm.

they are very based, make into great whores.

48.9% Of Americans are Protestant 23% Catholic, But some states are more Catholic and some states are more Protestant.

Yeah and because they seem to be in love with Islam. I have no problem helping those who actually need a safe place to stay until war is over but this Church is hoarding these people who only want free money. If you've seen any articles about Swedish priests removing crosses for Muslims, it's basically same for us

no you piece of shit rapture is obvious heresy thought up in the 18th century by you sectarians with your hundreds of sects

If only you niggers would actually read up on early Christian history and realize how retarded you are.

you will burn in hell, filthy fucking idolater, you may laugh now, you wil scream and curse in eternity in the afterlife you pitiful fool

more of this

So why do you post with Templar's flag?

You will see, the protestant nations will be the first to succumb to islam.

Heresy always leads to islam. Just ask the bosnians and the pomaks.

But do you know why?
We saved the great-grandfather of this jew who fled from Slovakia in the 1860s to avoid assimilation into society. They blamed antisemitism for fleeing Austria-Hungarian empire. She spent her youth as an activist in the socialist youth party. She became chief political editor for the largest socialist paper in Sweden. She says that anyone who oppose mass muslim immigration is a criminal. In 2008 she studied to become a priest and when she graduated she got a high position within the Swedish state church. She started a church publication called Seglora Smedja that name and shame Christians and priests who are politically opposed to socialist ideas within the church to have them persecuted and fired from their job.

The Protestant churches were probably easier to subvert than the catholics. But just remember why you're there and why you go - to worship God. There is no need to like everyone in your congregation, nor would you expect a hitler rally either, but just know why you go. I dont like many at my church but the sermons and Bible discussions are great.

Pope != God
Icon worshipping -> Hell

I don't think it means they're always right inasmuch as it means that priests can indeed things on earth by agreeing, such as a marriage being bound on earth by having an agreement. That's biblically accurate but you can see how it's resulted in the Vatican becoming a shithole.

why not? Meme flag means nothing.



It's like Catholicism but with no central leadership, no saints and less emphasis on the Trinity. If you don't like your pastor or disagree with him, you can just find another who you think has a better view of Christianity.

Amen, stay strong.
The Bible clearly contradicts you.

Sola Fide isn't even a problem. Faith without works is dead because faith implies works; it's as simple as that. The catholic church has equivocated "works" with whatever they say they are, by taking advantage of the ambiguity of "salvation by faith alone." When a protestant proposes this, they should mean faith is the only necessary antecedent in a chain of consequences of faith, such as works. Catholics have interpreted it as meaning the ability to have faith without works -- a misrepresentation of what it means to have faith -- and concluded they get to decide what these necessary works are as a corruption of faith itself, exactly like satan would do, who would, of course, be the subversive head of a popular branch of christianity and subsequently demand to be idolized (worshipped) all while tricking people into believing they're on the righteous side of things. And what's the argument he tells catholics to use against those who protest?: "How dare you question my authority. You will burn in hell."

It's the biggest religion in the country. Is about 50% of the population on the coasts, fighting with Catholicism and Islam, with sprinklings of other religions, but is like 95% of the religious population in the Southern US.

Meme flag? Oh gosh, you are a child.


I'll try to make this simple.

Religion give the authorities the ability to create sins and thought crimes to leverage guilt. The guilt is then mined for taxes and punishment for those who who blaspheme or commit hate speech.

- Lucifarian
- Jews
- Catholicism
- Marxist
- Feminism

The only protection against these people who constantly invent new sins and guilt is Jesus Christ who completely wrecked the guilt mining business by declaring all of us free of sins. In addition the ten commandments says nothing about being a good person according to modern ideas of good. The ten commandments are only there for your protection. If they lust for your women, wealth or property they are transgressing against what God considers good.

protestants with their false adagio 'saved by faith alone' will burn in hell

filthy jews too self-absorbed to do good works your heresy is the disease of the century you fit right in with all the other self-absorbed people

so go ahead look for cheeto resembling Jesus while watching porn and touching your dick with your cheetos stained fingers

Btw is Islam growing in US lately?
Is it just temporal event caused by fashion or is it serious?



Praise kek

How does this make you feel KIKE

Trump is gonna turn ur flag into Palestine and ull have to shitpost from Palestine.

>will burn in hell
lol see

The trinity is central to Baptist belief. It's fun to misrepresent those you disagree with huh? Even when i am asked what catholics believe differently i try to give them an accurate description

Except if you have faith in the Lord Jesus Christ as your personal saviour, then it is literally impossible to not do good works. You catholic pagan apostates have corrupted the Word of God for too long. It's time we put an end to you.

>Never trust anyone who says they're always right.
Good news, the Catholic Church doesn’t say they’re always right. Papal Infallibility it limited to an extremely specific criteria: it must be directly related to matters of Faith and Morals, it has to be explicitly said that this teaching is being enforced with the full authority of the Roman See (speaking ex cathedra), and it must be used solely for clarification of existing doctrine. It can't 'make up' a new dogma. It requires existing church doctrine as its foundation and is a tool for better defining it for corner cases or scenarios that weren’t foreseen at the time of the original’s conception (changes in human understanding of technology & science). With the exception of saint canonizations, Papal Infallibility has only been invoked twice within the past century. Popes expressing their personal viewpoints on theology/politics are just that: their own, human, FALLIBLE opinion.

no you dip^shit it is you who has a warped view of Scripture

you really think that 1800 years of Christianity can be thrown away until your pampered ass came around and cherry picked some lines from it to ensure your ticket to Heaven.

>Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of God."

better do some good works pampered one, as you will not magically be taken your fat ass up to Heaven I can ensure you that

when the Great Chastisement comes the good will fall with the bad, the difference is of course that they will reach the afterlife, what it is all about

If you want to know about Protestant work ethic, read the thinkpiece "The Profit in Work's Pleasure" by Wendell Berry.

you will be the first to perish in the coming Great Chastisement, oh great dragon

it will be the only thing that will finally open the eyes of your heretical kind

it's in the air

Yes, It gets hammered to death in these threads, but it brings no believers to the cross to scream and fight with catholics.

Saracen dont come around these parts.

One of the main reasons why we're protestant is because we don't believe that you can buy your way to heaven.
catholicism is literally merchant tier heresy

>Guy asks about protestants

Sorry that I hurt your feelings. I'll ask God for forgiveness later.

It's mostly just reflective of an increasing immigrant population. Conversion rates are fairly low, and we get more second generation immigrants than they get Americans.

here, the filthy heretical Dutchman, who screamed "rather muslim than catholic (liever turks dan paaps)".

I hope your nation will vanish overnight like foretold in the coming Great Chastisement.

I can only be glad that we don't share a country with you, and that we succesfully removed all heretical calvinist scum back in the 17-18th century.

You didnt even quote the Bible.
The catholics will have to work that out on their own, i wish them well. I dont enjoy bashing them, even they bash us like this belgium guy. That hate is not reciprocated.

You're just inventing new sins and laws that lead to death. In the garden of Eden there was no laws except one. Don't eat from that tree or you will die. Then Satan lied and said, if you eat from that tree you will know right from wrong and become like gods.

Just as Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden after they believe the lie of Lucifer who said if you eat from that tree you will know good and evil and become like gods. The first thing they did after eating the fruit was to hide because they felt ashamed to be naked. They had created the first rule of their new religion and had left God.

The children of Adam and Eve was Cain and Abel. Abel was more successful raising his herds of animals while Cain was struggling. This made him jealous and lustful of Abel's prosperity so he killed Abel.

To put it simply, Cain was a marxist who believed in equality. You don't need religion to create evil laws and Jesus Christ protect you from both religious oppression and non religious oppression since they have the same evil source.

Marxists love Islam because the muslims are called by Muhammed to find the sinner and murder him. They are doing the work of Satan, the reaper.

>rewrote themselves a new bible.
I don't know about JWs but Mormons believe in the old and new testament but with the addition of the book of mormon, they didn't rewrite the bible.

jews, not better than jews that is what you are

no wonder John Hagee is screaming that the jews are the chosen people even after the new covenant, that the Romans killed christ, that God will smite everyone that goes against Israel.

Collaborating with the most cursed people on Earth, the literal spawn of Satan, Satan's Synagogue. I would expect nothing less of you heretican blind fools. Go eat another hamburger, go check your bank account again, think that only by faith you are saved, foolish ones.

>That hate is not reciprocated.
I've been in enough of these threads to tell you that's wrong. There are trolls on both sides and you never know which ones will pop up on any given day.

In response to , this is another common misconception about Catholicism. So firstly: Catholics don't believe that one can buy their way into heaven. The subject of indulgences is often where this originates. But in order to understand that, one must first understand the Catholic teaching of Purgatory.

>To put it simply, Cain was a marxist who believed in equality

stopped reading here, your place is in hell for sure

you are a jew, just like a jew, remember: Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of God.

go ahead twist and turn all you want, that is where YOU are going to end up, hypocritcal one

>You didnt even quote the Bible

stupid ass

Matthew 19:24

filthy serpent tongue


They put the Book of Mormon above the NT, which clearly contradicts the trinity and Christ among other things. I dont like to bash mormons though, and if you are one feel free to restate this better

You're correct that the jews are gods chosen people as a bad example for the world. However, jews are still waiting for Jesus Christ and can become christian at any time.

The muslims have already rejected him. Muhammed rejected Jesus Christ. Islam is anti-christian in its holy scripture. It is impossible to be a muslim and accept Jesus Christ.

>Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of God.

Because a rich person believe his wealthy donations is what get him into heaven. He is blinded by his wealth and believe he is better then the poor people who were considered cursed by god.

It's pretty obvious that you have no faith and have just been paying for your tickets to heaven. Get saved and start praying to God the Father and not whomever the Pope Paedophile has venerated or venerealised or whatever. The Church - any congregation and denomination - is not infallible. There is not one who does right, not one. How, therefore can you claim infallibility when you're so obviously prone to massive sins such as widespread and organised paedophilia. Wake up, smell the salvation.

>Southern Baptists