Can we please just agree that Buddhists are the real terrorist's and not Muslims...

Can we please just agree that Buddhists are the real terrorist's and not Muslims. The ethnic cleansing happening in Burma proves it.

We need to just admit that the violence being perpetrated by the Buddhists in Myanmar, is primarily caused by Buddhism. Don't let the mainstream media trick you in to thinking otherwise.

Other urls found in this thread:

burn pigs burn

all brown people are livestock incapable of thought, if they adhere to any ideology it will inevitably be used to simply slaughter other humans.

i don't care about this or these people because actual humans have moved past this behavior

how long are we going to let it fester, that we can't simply speak the truth, white nations are superior


>says the biggest warmonger on the planet

>all brown people
myanmar is yellow though pal

Suckdick Khoon, aren't you late for nightly prayers?

Americans are easily the most brainwashed of all, though.

Radical Buddhism MUST be stopped.

No, Achmed. Kebab must be removed.

>Mass removal of sandniggers and goatfuckers
Sign me the fuck up senpai

Muslims attack everyone constantly all over the world. They never stop.
Eventually people snap and you get people who freak out after awhile.
It's the same thing with the Crusades. Christians got poked for hundreds of years and then they freaked out.
It looks like some of the Buddhists are flipping out now.

Wtf I love Buddha now.



That's because America is 56% brown by now

the shitskined muslim is invading buddhist lands like he's dooing with christian lands. no cruelty done to a muslim invader is unjustified.

>Literally the aryan doctrine


the Buddhists are like the epitome of a peaceful outlook feel that Muslims need to die ....

So we christians should already be on that page a while ago.

You do know that picture if from a Muslim attack on a church in Africa where they burned the people alive inside the church. You do know that right?

I don't get why people shit on Buddhism as it is basically The same framework as Christianity

those people on that picture are not rohinga though


Why would I care what Buddhist do in Myanmar? I couldn't find the country on a map, no need to get worked up about what's going on there.

good for them i reckon aye


This is payback for ISIS DESTROYING Buddhist statues. Real Muslims supported ISIS' actions.

fuck off haji you play with fire you get burned

Is that not their equivalent of helicopter rides?

Not quite yet. What a lot of people outside the south west states don't know is a lot of the legal immigrants from Mexico, Central and South America are white. The census has a special category for white Hispanics that they don't add to the population of whites for some reason. They are a protected class of white people.

I went to google it and look at the lies

I like when Muslims are ethnically cleansed in Myanmar. It reminds me of elephants.


I agree it's not Muslims that are the problem, it's everyone else! We need to be more open minded about Islam. It's a the most peaceful, feminist religion that has ever existed.

This. If you guys didn't know the Muslims are trying to push the Buddhist out of their historical land and over run it with Muslim ideology. Islam belongs in the middle east.

Tbh is the only correct way to deal with muslims, you dirty paki nonce. Bless the Burmese for doing the world a favour. May they burn every last one of them.

>be muslim sandnigger
>get beaten and raped for years because the goat died
>grow up
>move into historically buddhist lands
>kill people there and continue being a sandnigger
>buddhists arent christians and so they get tired of your shit and slaughter you
>m-m-m-muh genocide!

Buddhism is actually pretty based.

Except without requiring you to prostrate yourself to a sky kike

>I couldn't find that country on a map

Buddhism is the final red pill

Those Buddhists are doing the Muslims a favor by letting them reincarnate quicker so they have another chance to hear the words of the Buddha and attain nirvana.
Besides, all existence is suffering.

>brown people
U wot m8

Sorry faggot thats bangladesh army and officials dress not Burmese


I kek'd harder than I thought I would.

Buddhism basically came from Myanmar.

>white nations are superior, we must spread our buttcheeks for islam not fight back against it

where the fuck do you think you are? CNN?

Its almost like google has a liberal agenda or something
>welcome to 2015

nigger the Buddha was Indian

Burma, China, Thailand and Laos should forcibly genocide as many Muslims as they want.

there should be countries that are near mono- religious. Majority Buddhist countries, majority Christian countries, majority Islamic countries etc etc.

Islam has no fucking place in North East Asia.

google is the Illuminati bruv

>tfw rahowa actually happening

That pic is from a fuel truck explosion in Africa. I remember it being on Bestgore years ago.
P.S. You're a Faggot.

The final redpill is combining the Buddhist mindset with European Pagan teachings and old Christian morality and discipline.

This pic is from Africa

Buddha was. The religion largely developed in Myanmar, Tibet, and southern China.

Just like how christ was a sandnigger kike but christianity largely developed in Europe.

Of the Aryan caste.
>same framework
Buddhism is much more aristocratic than modern Christianity. Feeding the poor and wretched is not a concept in Buddhism, quite the contrary: even the poor give alms to the Buddhist Order in exchange for spiritual services. This isn't unlike the concept of tithes in some denominations of Christianity. Furthermore, Buddhists don't put pressure on non-Buddhists to convert. The missionary phenomenon is exclusive to Abrahamic religions in that respect--which has deeper implications. Buddhists view the different "types" of the faith not as dogmas per se, but as vehicles towards fulfillment. If you're interested in this subject, check out Mr. Evola's Doctrine of Awakening or even order copies of Buddhist text--they're free.

Why do you fucking losers always hide your flag?

There have been buddhist missionaries throughout history, but they don't really do the "forced" conversion bullshit that kikefaiths do.

That isn't terrorism. That is ethnic cleansing. The difference here is that they didn't hold the terror over your head, they just cleansed. They did the right thing.

because they're burgers or leafs in disguise


why'd OP post a picture of Africa and label it rohinga?

brb going to terrorize the mold in my shower

Because old-Sup Forums let you choose your flags much like today, mandatory country flags was a 2015 thing and ruined anonymity on a website built ltierally for anonymity.

Shut up & learn

Ahmed what are you doing in Bongoland?

Also, 1 POST ID

Here's your (You)

Anyone else starting to feel that religion is a cancer on the world?

How does it have anything in common with christianity? It can hardly even be called a religion, it's just a system for training your mind. It answers none of the metaphysical questions that religions typically try to answer. And it also doesn't answer any questions about what is morally right or wrong, which is also something that religions usually try to define.

Fuck you Mohammad.

WTF I love Buddhism now

Absolutely nothing in common.

Hey fuck you man you are just mad that i have a Sup Forums pass!

I guess what I mean is emphasis on free will rather than actual directives on how to live life.

That drawing looks like a Shel Silverstein

This board is strictly 18+ only

nah kikes

>West used to ride that bitches cunt for years and years
>They got her into power finally
>They realized she wasn't as Stacey as they thought

Pretty fucking bad when even the LIBERAL and WESTERN EUROPE elements of your government hate you enough to genocide you.


I mean emphasis on free will. Buddhism is really just a philosophy.

that's what happen when you awake the sleeping dragon of peace

if they're chill why the cleansing

Bullshit, both you faggots know exactly where it's located, and most likely the limited geopolitical importance of the region. Nice I'm just some normie larp though.

> It answers none of the metaphysical questions that religions typically try to answer. And it also doesn't answer any questions about what is morally right or wrong, which is also something that religions usually try to define.
Various sects of buddhism do attempt to answer metaphysical questions.
For morality, it answers it far better than pretty much every other faith, where the morality is basically
>do what we say or god/ghosts/spirits wont like you
It gives you a framework of thought to weigh decisions against and evaluate them. If your actions cause more suffering, then they probably are amoral. It doesn't attempt to answer everything because thats setting yourself up for failure.

Finally, buddhism is largely compatible with other, decent faiths. You can be buddhist christian. Since buddhism is non-dogmatic, you can take buddhist concepts and mix them with christian concepts; you can be a good christian and a good buddhist at the same time.

Read what I said again

>Buddhism is really just a philosophy.

If even buddhists start to take action against them..they needto admit they are doing something wrong

lol fu fag

based buddhists

Holy fuck these countries should have been purged before UNO and dollars so that these subhumans never had chance to live today and suffer. England had a great opportunity to colonize every subhuman country but becoz of cucks and women it failed.

That did not happen in Burma/Myanmar

That happened in 2015 in Nigeria


Removing the flags was a good change and should be reinstated.

>a poo in loo
>complaining about aid money going to other countries

Buddhists and muslims are both satan worshipers rejecting God in their own ways. What they do to each other is their own business.

>Aryan caste
Pls fucking kill yourself you fucking uneducated whore child.

>She was seen as a beacon of democracy whose unflinching stance against Myanmar’s brutal dictatorship and years under house arrest saw her honored with a Nobel Peace Prize.

>But Aung San Suu Kyi, who as "state counsellor" is now Myanmar's de facto leader, is facing increasing international criticism over the treatment of the minority Rohingya Muslim population amid a bloody crackdown following attacks by insurgents.

pls stop, ma'am

>And Malala Yousafzai, the youngest person to win the Nobel Peace Prize, on Monday said on Twitter she is was waiting for Suu Kyi to condemn the "tragic and shameful treatment" of the Rohingya.


>Zeid Raad Hussein, the U.N. high commissioner for human rights, described statements from the information committee as “highly irresponsible” saying they would “only increase fears and potential for further violence.”


>For example, her office has alleged that Rohingya have burned down their own villages in order to elicit sympathy. It has argued that international aid organisations are assisting the insurgents, citing photos of World Food Program packets discovered in an alleged insurgent hideout. These allegations have put aid workers at grave risk in Rakhine State's current febrile climate.


>After the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva voted in March to send an international fact-finding mission to investigate earlier allegations of killings, rape, and torture in Rakhine State, Myanmar called the decision "unacceptable". The foreign ministry, which Aung San Suu Kyi leads, has declared it will not grant the delegation visas.


Thank you, user. Going through a rough patch and the words helped me.

To be honest, I did look it up after saying I didn't know, because I acutally didn't. Somewhere in Asia, sure, put why should I know the location of every nation on this globe? I couldn't tell you where Sri Lanka is either, other than somewhere in Africa.