Pic related killed a one year old infant in Buenos Aires (many such cases), it's not the first time and it won't be the last. How long until people realize these dogs are the niggers of the animal kingdom?
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>M-Muh Breed of Peace
I wonder when Sup Forums will realize their infantile fear of pitbulls is exactly like everyone else's infantile fear of guns (ie, we don't have a problem with them, only retards or niggers raising them poorly)
you can just not be a shit owner, if your dog scares people, it needs a muzzle in public no matter what your bullshit personal opinion is. if you trust it at home with children, you are responsible for manslaughter in this kind of event.
>Inanimate objects are the same as a live animal
Bunch of faggots afraid of fucking dogs.
Thats some fine Venezuelan delicacy you're posting.
Guns don't load themselves and independently shoot people. Dogs do, and pit bulls are more aggressive on average than most dogs and impossible to control when they rage out. Your analogy is retarded.
>livestock = machinery
>only retards or niggers
Nope, they're just a bad breed. Like niggers.
>Bunch of faggots afraid of fucking dogs.
Never faced off against an angry pit.
that dog has sick muscles. mirin gains
>Niggers are violent due to natural selection and passing on genes which predispose them to aggression due to the highly competitive resource grab during the last ice-age approximately 15000-12000 years ago when Africa was a land of relative abundance and those who had the most food had the most power
>People bred pit bulls to be aggressive but it's not the dog's fault, if you just teach the nig... I mean Pit to be compassionate and sweet nothing bad can happen. Nurture not nature!!
Pick one.
About as long as it's taking people to realize that niggers are the niggers of society
What race was said infant?
>idiot gets a dog bred for fighting and protecting it's master that requires serious training and dedication
>treats it like a regular K9 leaving it and grab-shit-and-put-them-in-my-mouth toddler alone
>m-muh nigger d-dogs please b-ban them mr government
how about get a fucking poodle or a neutered cat if you want something to leave your kid unattended
retards will still blame the dog being who xe is
quality thumbmail john
This ? needs answering
>i have the right to own any pet i want
this is the only valid one there
then how come we still dont have literaly wolves in our houses
or lions
what if they were also just raised wrong
My faggot friend is a bit of a bleeding heart and dreams of getting one of these disgusting beasts. How can I get him to change his mind? I'm not sure what he sees in them beyond the whole "it's not the dog, it's the owner" narrative.
Are there any decent breeds that look similar to pits? short sleek hair, dense blocky head and build, pointy ears and expressive eyes? If that's what he's after I could suggest an alternative
>disgusting beasts
neck yourself
Dogs are their owners. If subhuman prices of trash own a particular breed of dog, is it the dogs fault? Apply the same logic to dogs, yanktards.
made me think about an actual pit fight/10
some animals are just more aggressive than others
and pitbulls are a case of that
just accept it faggot
>be britfaggot
>make retarded post
>spread daughter's cheeks for Mahmud and Al Basri
Actually really kill yourself my man
I wonder how long it'll take for that dog of yours to shred you to pieces.
Selective breeding has nothing to do it blah blah "insert anecdotal bullshit here" disregard mountains of statistics, data, and science.
If you're afraid of a dog, you're a fucking pussy. These breeds are doing exactly what they were bred for, guarding and killing.
It's the owners fault, they should know to muzzle their dogs. It would help if more people helped people getting mauled by sticking fingers in the dogs ass rather than standing from afar recording it like girls, too
But look at that pose. You can tell that the dog is sorry about that. I have never had a problem with any of the pits I owned, they like children turn out how you raise them. So I say you euthanize the owner, and retrain the dog.
Same sad story, heard it before.
"He was a good boy he dindu nuffin I raised him right."
Just stfu, less and less people are taking your shit seriously, this is a good thing.
You never bring up how many pitbulls are murdered by babies, though. Your a one-sided coin.
I don't have a pit bull faggot
these dogs are bred for two things, fighting and protecting the owner (not his whole fucking family)
are they dangerous? fuck yeah, even more so when faggots and niggers get them and don't put in the time and dedication these animals require
that doesn't mean they should be banned
I know a pitbull owner and her dog is very friendly and licks my arm and face every time I come say hi.
Shit owners give you shit dogs, who would've thought?
Here's another one, not a pitbull this time. This was savage af.
Euthanize the parents and the faggots recording it doing nothing to help, they're worst than the beast doing what it thinks best.
We're the top of the food chain, not dogs. If you continue to let this happen, it's no different than being a liberal faggot who supports transgenders, keep pushing your agenda until it sticks, eventually it will (not)
if anything people see someone getting killed by a pitbull and want one more
pitbulls removing non-whites before they can breed? are they dare i say /our/ dogs?
Pitbull bingo is too easy with you.
>no blood on muzzle
lying faggot
poodles are no joke actually the most aggressive breed out there. look it up.
It's not a picture after the attack, retard.
be a white man and get a siberian husky, nigger.
>Gotta raise them properly! That'll do it!
That doesn't change fucking shit. That doesn't change what it is.
>I really want to fucking kill a god damn dog
Easy there Mohammad
>I have never had a problem with any of the pits I owned
>You can tell that the dog is sorry about that
I don't give a fuck about your anecdotes or anthropomorphism's.
It's right there in the name, pit. They have been raised to thrive in that specific environment for a hundred generations.
>I want to hurt an animal who doesn't know any better
t. low rest beta
that dog would eat you alive while your defenseless ass is sitting there in shock at all the blood and visible cartilage
pitbulls have lockjaw, you can hit them in the head with a baseball bat and they aren't letting go, that's kinda why they're such good killers
It's the owners and sheit. He a gud dog he dindu nuffin.
Posting this for all you retarded pitbull apologists.
Looks delicioso
>using a stick
It's not the aggression, it's the kill instinct they have.
>shitting on America's doggo
Fuck off mudashir
No one's apologizing, this only confirms they're the best guard dog available without any training needed, dumbass. Very good graph for promoting ownership of these killers, saved
this doesn't take into account population size, try again. Keyword is "per capita".
there should be a licence for owning these motherfuckers.
>break their bones
>shoot them in the head
these are totally different scenarios you're throwing out there, Eric. This is why I said we're top of the food chain, not these dogs that people are so deathly afraid of LOL we have fucking guns
Confirmed for having no idea what the fuck you're talking about
Dogo Argentino, Cane Corso. Just tell him to get a fucking Labrador, best dog ever.
What the fuck is wrong with these retarded dogs? Shoot them all, holy shit.
Or you twist their balls. Twist any dogs balls and it will let the fuck go quick.
Sorry, sorry, they don't actually lock their jaws faggot, they just do it with so much enthusiasm while wagging their tails that you need a bullet to the head or to jam something up their asshole for them to stop, I stand corrected
You can train a nignog and you can train a pitbull. you can also train a chuhuahua and a sheepdog and a meth addict.
same training, different result. owner's responsibility in every case. the welfare that enables their behaviour, that's the owner in this situation.
That 1 year old won't be knocking over any more convenient stores.
>America's doggo
thats the Golden Retriever. Its the most popular breed.
Pitbulls are only popular among Niggers, Spics, and white sjw's trying to "prove everyone wrong" in their standard virtue signaling bullshit,
In reality they are worse than lockjaw for the reason you stated. It's the enthusiasm and indifference to pain
Standard "not all" fallacy here.
It was an Argnetinian correct?
So nothing of value was lost.
>Euthanize the parents and the faggots recording it doing nothing to help, they're worst than the beast doing what it thinks best.
I agree. But the fact remains that it is how you raise them.
Niggers are the niggers of animal kingdom.
Pitbulls are just a strong dog, and niggers choose them and raise them badly.
It is a dog with strong insticts, and need a intelligent owner who knows what he does.
Same as guns.
>Dogo Argentino
That one's just as retardedly violent, bred for pitfights as well.
>compare a pit bull skull to a skull of any other dog breed
>can see with the naked eye that both skulls share the same characteristics and general bone structure
false, what is this unscientific nonsense? The musculature alone btfo your entire position.
>Same as guns.
>Uh-oh, my gun "just snapped" and mauled my newborn to death!
90% dogs in usa are neutered
These people are low hanging fruit.
They may not be conventional sjws, but their methods of thinking are just like sjws. It's an interesting thing to observe.
Colleen Lynn is a fucking lunatic.
People can't identify "pit bulls" for shit making that chart, and the entire basis of her site, worthless.
Don't let ghetto apes win. The dogs are victims of their bullshit, not perpetrators.
I love pits. I have never seen a bad one....but I know the owners as trainers, and it is not unusual to shoot a dog in the head for disobedience.
Along the same train of through. No parent would let their kid alone with a dog. Larger breeds obviously.
Inbred nigger tier genetics cause "crazy" in every dog breed....Look at golden retrievers. They are fucking retarded, but people keep asking for them. Pits have a very common characteristic when inbred involving tail chasing...
So there are too many questions for me to cast judgement on the breed:
>Is/was this a qualified example with paperwork showing that it was not bred by Jamal & his Cousin.
>Is the owner qualified to own a dog of this caliber.
>What else was going on in that house.
Predictions. Drugs/alcohol at and around that time. Owner had no business owning breed like a pit. It requires a certain owner type, and if the dog does not respect you, it will harm you. Respect is earned not with violence, but with strength. When you earn a pit's respect you have a friend for life. I got an idea this dog was hit/abused.
Pits get trash because niggers breed them and use them for fighting. They are a meme dog in the USA, but keep in mind Pit Bulls were the all-american dog way back when. Niggers ruin everything Red White and Blue.