Continuation thread: >>>140370378

Continuation thread: >We discuss the UK decision to ban certain acts in porn, and should porn be banned as a whole.

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How will I be able to pleasure myself by watching a woman get rammed by a stranger now? Oh, no! How will I condition myself into becoming a cuck?

Porn is degenerate and I'm glad its being banned.
Its a Jewish controlled industry that exploits the male sex drive to turn you into a cuck who jerks off to men fucking women you find pretty.

You cannot be on the right side of the political spectrum and want to be a handcuck. Its not possible. Put a communist flag or Democrat flag on if you want to argue for it, because that's what you are. A disgusting leftist.

We should kill everyone who watches porn or participates in it.

So we'll be starting with you then?

Not kill. Educate and restrict access to the substance. I'm not going to kill my countrymen for them having a disgusting habit. Yet.


Killing is better option, because the retards won't listen.

Flawed logic, but I admire your ambition.

I would advocate the burning alive of porn directors/stars.

Education is all well and good but stupid people cannot be educated unless it's shock tactic. Burning alive should educated the idiots that don't get it.

>I would advocate the burning alive of porn directors/stars.
Nah, exile. We're not muslims (yet lol) mate, we don't just start getting violent for no reason.

We should be violent. They are the same as Sodom.

His logic is sound, a shock and awe technique every now and then to show how the proprietors of porn will not be tolerated. A weekly public burning would send a clear message.

Exile allows them to go elsewhere and gives them the excuse and ability to start a counter movement, you do not want this, you want all threats ended permanently. I understand your objection but allowances have been made many times and it has backfired many times. No more allowances, only fire. Fire to clean the impurities away.


>the excuse and ability to start a counter movement
I never said where we exile them too.
I'm sure dropping them in Iraq or the like would solve the problem, and we sell the news story as they were simply "deported"

Gotta be smart lad.

Not everyone who watches porn is bosnian

And you should kill yourself, satanist.

Give this a watch if you still believe that porn doesn't effect your brain in a negative way.

This is some fucked up stuff. Think about how much of the world watches porn - easily a majority - and will be fucking their brains up in ways detailed in that video.

3DPD porn should be illegal

2D is fine

what's worse lads:

porn or visiting escorts semi regularly

Fuck off. Both are degenerate. Anime should be banned worldwide.

There's no difference. Stop fooling yourself.

Just ran across picrelated
Look at the name

From a secular standpoint, the latter, as you're actually participating it rather than being a passive LITERAL cuck.
From a religious standpoint, the former, although neither would be recommended.

I agree with UK porn ban.I just started nofap and i can feel the difference already.
Porn is like drug addiction u try to seek more hardcore shit to get that same feeling what i gave u first.
I stopped there when i started to watch sissyhypnos THANK GOD i stopped there that shit is fucking dangerous and will fuck ur mind.

One is created by abusing people, the other is just pen an paper.

You can't outlaw drawings, same as erotic novels.

I'm not saying one is less degenerate, but there's no legal base to outlaw the latter.

>Your kids will see internet porn. Deal with it. A conversation with Peggy (((Orenstien)))
Let's start to "deal with it" goys

It should be banned anyway. Anything that destroys Christian mind shall be banned and their creators burned alive.



Bin that dildo!

You say that, but sex toys are degenerate as fuck and should be binned.

We're going to fucking deal with it soon
Scalps with the kippahs still attached will be worth double points

porn good

censorship bad

Porn exclusivly is a problem.
Porn in addition to sex is literally none of anyone elses business.

Oh look,

Another thread of pathetic man babies who can't stop watching porn without big daddy government holding their hand.

Master race, indeed.

>Porn in addition to sex is literally none of anyone elses business.
Yeah because all those sad fucks jerking off watching women get pounded are having tons of sex, right?

People who have a ton of sex don't need porn. You have memories and all sorts of experience to smack it over.

Porn is one of the mind viruses destroying humanity.

I imagine it's even harder nowadays to evade porn when everyone has a smartphone with internet and some stupid kid brags around in class.

You can be a responsible parent and your kid will eventually be confronted with it, as were you.

What can you do?

Ban ipods!

Don't watch it maybe?

I mean seriously, how fucking hard is this?

Kill the hydra

>who can't stop watching porn without big daddy government holding their hand.
I don't watch porn, and you shouldn't either. Cuck.

>Jewish conotrolled

Los Angeles user here. It's largely a myth that porn is still controlled by jews. While there are still a few big names, the vast majority of the porn industry out here is run by white dudes and a few hispanics.


Yeah because women are totally up for sex as often as men are.

Agree with UK - not an outright ban but reduced accessibility.

Personal freedom or not, there are school children becoming normalised to porn. This cannot be good.

Men are abandoning the social contract and failing to improve themselves. We are better than this.

Get it back into the back alley stores and get that public shaming back in place. Those who can justify there need for porn can have their names and reputation attached to it.

The men of the UK need to get back to having standards and respecting women, even if they hate and disrespect themselves. We can lead by example. Teach our boys to get a good woman by working hard, being decent, strong and honest.


Changes nothing.

>Being this fucking unappealing
Christ sakes lad.


Stop looking at porn!

Being this fucking retarded.
A 10/10 woman with a 10/10 guy is likely to have a lower libido than the guy.
Looks dont fucking change shit about it.

It's just a vector for China-lite internet controls

Right now you need to go to court to get something ISP blocked for copyright or whatever, they want to make it easier

Then why do you need the government to stop you from watching it?

It's sad that cuck has literally lost all meaning. Here we have a "man" who is literally not capable of existing without the government holding his hand from cradle to grave, and he's calling someone a cuck.

It's not just about porn
It's about the (((dominance))) of perversion today
Reminder, you are living in the new (((Weimar Republic)))

What comes next?

Autism thread

God have mercy. How do you survive from day to day being this utterly pathetic.

I don't think you even qualify as human.

Electronic devil trying to undermine the truth of my posts about the fact Ashkenazi (fake) Jews began and have a disproportionate control over the porn industry.

Post nose
>I don't think you even qualify as human
It's not surprising you think so, as I am a goyim, right?

porn is bad and you shouldn't do it but don't walk on me

I used to think it was sad watching you chimps cry about the jews while completely falling into every trap they've ever laid for you.

Now I mostly hope you get what you deserve.

>calling whites chimps
>loving the jew
Here's a required kys

Porn is a way to weed out degenerates. If you can't resist it you have to go.

I seriously doubt you're white.

Probably of germanic descent. Terrible idea letting you people into the country. You're as genetically predisposed to big and broken government as the spics.

We are dropping the nazi shit
But that's not to say we don't acknowledge that Uncle Adolf was right all along
Traitors get it first

D-does hentai count? I can't give up on my qt anime girls.

I seriously doubt you aren't a numale with a bad case of dick breath
Voting hilldog 2020 are you?
Not surprised
Please, kys
or if you must, save the honor

I'm honestly not sure.
Shits not healthy for you, for sure though. I doubt its destructive as 3D porn.

That said, maybe don't jerk off to it, yeah?

GCHQ ip detected

It's sad that every single time you progressive chimps encounter someone who wants less government than you that your instant and only reaction is to call them a democrat.

Yes and you will be V& kek

Imagine being treated like a minor forever.
I'd much rather have absolute degeneracy than be treated like a fucking child.

No I want smaller, more powerful local governments but the same defensive capabilities we presently see, or better. Additionally, more efficient spending practices of the defense budget would be a big plus.

I also want to stamp out the source of degeneracy subverting the minds of the People.

I guess we've both make assumptions about one another... I'd still assume that dick breath of yours.

so recording yourself banging a whore would be a crime? or just when you show it to someone?

how about cam sex?

would that be a crime then?

there are whores willing to get banged. so you film them when you do it and make some cash on it.

the govn't should make all porn sites use a third party proxy websites requiring all browsers to verify their age with a valid credit card.

that's the only intervention govn't should have.

sure, the types of guys and women involved in the industry are 98% scum idiots.

doesn't mean it should be banned.

although it SHOULD be banned from tv, like kike-hbo.

Freedom is grotesque to the British mind, because the free Britons birthed America.

LOOL instead of wasting time on watching porn, just get out of your basement, take a shower and be yourself, you will find a gf and real sex is better than digital vid.

>being THIS MUCH of a proletariat good goy

>Master Worthwill told me not to look at women sirrah, and so that is what I shall refrain from doing!
>I am certain he shall surely be doing likewise! Incidentally I cannot wait to pay my taxes!

>Freedom to have Jews make you handcucks


>being treated like a fucking child
Most porn isn't even commercial. It's amateur. And most Sup Forums porn isn't even western. It's 2D superiority.

>Cutting off a bit of your dick because Jews told you too
>Jerking off like a cuck to porn because Jews say its okay


There is western porn, like rule 34 of Gravity Falls, Transformers, etc.

>used to consume depraved normalfag porn
>grew jaded after watching the thousandth big dumb dick with tattoo sleeves withdraw from a gaping asshole and boringly spurt over some yawning slag's gums
>switched to 2D doujins, static images and interactive shit
>there's structured scenarios, characters, relationships and stimulating interactions beyond ceaseless fuck displays punctuated by tedious money shot
>started blowing satisfactory loads without hours of edging or instant self-loathing and reduced fapping sessions down to an occasional indulgence
>previous fetishes eventually became overwritten by risky bareback sex with a cute girl that I'm in a relationship with

There's just something innately soulless about Heebie Kikeberger's 3DPD Productions that eats away at everything that's subtly erotic and makes me want to avoid exposure to paycheck pornstars with dead trout eyes forever.

It's the vape form of porn. People are gonna say it's just as bad, but it's not.
Also society will hate you. and you look like a beta fag.

Still, i prefer 2d to 3d. 3D is pure cuckshit.

Whatever little guy. You just keep having your government treat you like a little boy and stuff, and keep calling other people names when you don't get your way.

It's alright.

2D porn is bad too, you are just delusional weebs.
If you think that, for example, is good, feel free to gas yourself.
>mwf no Nazi Kubo

who gives a fuck? if people want to access porn then they'll use a vpn

In my opinion, car crash compilations are better than porn.

Yeah, I'd back down as well after getting btfo. Lol.
Ta ta.

>driving behind a truck carrying bricks

Pfffft. Lightweight.

>based nazis


>i want a smaller government
>but it has to be big enough to ban porn
>it has to be efficient though

Fucking useful idiots.

I don't know what's worse; the complete stupidity or the utter lack of self-awareness.

I do not support any state interference to ban porn

If you want to reduce the influence of porn in society, start your anti-porn campaign, a "no-porn movement", organize public pledges etc.

Disclaimer: I do not browse porn AT ALL. Only 2d porn occasionally, which is not real porn in the end.

People who watch porn on a regular basis and complain that it should be banned are the most retarded cucks ever

This is literally how communism started.

>I do not browse porn AT ALL. Only 2d porn occasionally, which is not real porn in the end.
So, if I watch furry porn, which si not real, then it's no real porn...

remove censor pls