Russia BTFO
Trudeau to spend $348M on Arctic SAM sites to counter Putin
What a waste, you barely have an Army or Navy but you're gonna spend that much on snow-bound SAM sites? Really gay Canada.
>Chief leaf attempts to fuck with a KGB Colonel 2748D Chessmaster
Wtf is that facial hair? It screams "I want cock".
we have a big network of artic military sites up there for the Russians. it's kind of our part of the North American defence. atleast we do something.
>creates line of SAMs that protect Russia
Big win for Canaduck
Putin could literally send 1 MIRV nuke to the oil sands and Canada would cease to exist
>Chief leaf
I lold
>november 2016
Fuck off. You don't deserve to be in my country, you limp-dicked-pussy-licking fuck.
It's like they want to be annexed into the trumpenreich
sure you do, sure you do, but it's not a strong defense
>The Alt-Reich might unironically become a thing in the forseeable future
Give it time, my friend
Trudeau is a piece of shit
No it's cool like zorro, stop daydreaming about gay shit for once in your life
Literally 1 submarine and Canada is ashes. We cannot defend against such a strike and have nothing to offer as a counter attack deterrant. Trudeau is a piece of shit puppet but it is not his fault Canada is an indefensible nation, that decision was made decades ago.
how about you do that
I can confirm, it's cool like zorro's AND it does mean "I want cock"
Once a couple waves of Zyklon have reached voting age we'll see the movement turn from a flooding river into a hurricane.
mudslide soon
i barfed
NORAD is run by Canada and USA jointly. This is probably part of a joint operation to protect the continent faggots.
Damn, that mustache indicates he is at least partly Anglo. Pic related are the same crappy A flo bread genes I have.
Isn't that like not enough money?
>i barfed
it's the movement that pretty much embodies national socialists in weimar germany.
dont give me that controlled opposition shit.. its all just tiptoeing very well around the SJW media and trying to keep it as politically correct to the normie eye as possible.
>using the word they want us to use
We can do better and cooler
At least leaf are doing something
He looks like a dumber not-so-cool Fidel Castro.
God, I hate Canada
lmao its basically trash, don't get ahead of yourself
>Canadian Military
Just a guess... but Russia could probably wipe Canada out
>ALL jews, cucks, libshits and demented lefties HATE HATE HATE Russia, without exeption
Something to think about
>He doesn't known Justin is Castros Bastard ein
How new are you
This i
Was broken half a year ago
it runs in its blood
you gotta see the brighter side
if you set that mosque on fire, ((("she"))) ends ups sitting at the back of the oven
That's why we'll conquer his fathers legacy as well
just don't set them free this time, when you're done
Cant let putin nigger all of the arctic on us
Canada guarding north front against the commies :DD
>set them free
>when you're done
The Canadian Rangers, the Military unit responsible for defending the arctic were quite literally using WW2 surplus Lee Enfields until a couple of weeks ago.
can an armchair general give us the rundown on how viable that would be? I feel like that's a lot of SAM sites to arm and maintain.
>part of NORAD
Implying we didn't have it all set up to go 15 years ago
The Russian Federation has at the moment almost zero competition in the Arctic.
No one can transport as much material and soldiers into the area and sustain them in this climate.
I don't see how this could change much in the near future, the West doesn't have the equipment because there is not much to get there at the moment.
That's true, but aren't projectiles travelling much faster now?
if fighting ever were to occur in the ARctic, land units arent going to have much of a role anyways.
It will be fought with air and sea platforms.
The Russians dont have the capacity for any sort of major amphibious operations, even int he arctic.
It would be a battle fought in the air, and here the Russians local advantages become minimized.
It's stupid, There is nothing there to defend (a few odd bases maybe)and it's a massive area I guess they want a wall of SAM sites between the Russians and the south where everyone lives. But again it's a massive area and sam sites don't move, easy to bypass or just saturate a sector if you attack. This is why Canada's Northern air defense has always been based on very fast reliable interceptors (see avro arrow) or more so today fighters directed by northern Radar sites. This is the general strategy through out NATO towards air defense, air superiority and not area denial through sam sites. Back during the cold war sam sites with Nuclear missiles were evaluated but still weren't good enough. I guess no one can pressure you to bomb isis with a sam site though
lets waste even more money
time to move out of this shithole
>here is nothing there to defend
everyone knows this
this is just welfare money to support the arms industry
Sometimes it's better to invest in counter-offensive arms as to act as deterrent rather than these defensive projects, but we can't have Canada showing force projection. We would need faster interceptors now anyway, and then they could double as attack craft. But I'm SURE Russia is about to launch nukes at us any day now, but trudeau promised serioz consequences
> canadian sam sites
> 500million
>can't lead his own country straight
>can't get his own government straight
>can't get his own fucking party straight
>isn't straight himself
>wants to tangle with webmaster spider lord Putin
We don't really have one though, I miss when Liberals were corrupted locally instead of internationally
Fighter jets and interceptors are basically mobile sam sites fighters can cover a much bigger area and concentrate much more force in a local area than sam sites, Other places that have used them well, such as Serbia had a much smaller area to cover and still spent most of the time just trying to survive
wake the fuck up you jingoist amerilard monkey, this is russia we're talking about and if you need a reminder these guys are back to being a regular pain in your ass, going so far as to cucking the absolute shit out of you in ukraine and syria
now as far as the arctic is concerned, yes russia is the absolute top dog there and nobody else even comes close to their level of presence
hell, supposedly natocucks are this powerful alliance, and you've got the us, canada, norway, etc all technically with "claims" to the arctic, yet it's the russians who've got troops crusing around on reindeer all over the place, not you
you're crashing your ships into flip fishermen
wake up, burgerboy, if you ever grow the balls to tussle with the russians in the arctic you'd get bussed on like the cuck war-profiteering bitch that you actually are
stay in durkastan and "fight" terrorism there, don't embarrass yourself
you have zero understanding of the kind of logistical capability needed to conduct a massive amphibious operations in the arctic.
They'd have a local superiority on Russian territory, but if they wanted to fight an offensive war, they'd have no real way of invading North America. They dont' have the surface fleet capacity.
reminder that trudeau is fidel castro's son
> invade north america
since when is the artic north america, you sad backpedalling faggot?
we're talking about the A R C T I C a "neutral" region rich with resources, which many countries have CLAIMS to, not tom clancy style invasions, you 20 iq nigger mutt
please fuck off back to /k/ or plebbit, dipshit
> muh logistics russia dont have logistics reee
russia took care of american logistics in afghanistan before neo-cons told bush to throw a bitch fit, but of course a small-dicked jingo like you will omit that fact
and if Russia WAS "invading" you, it'd obviously be a scenario a bit more elaborate than some retard on Sup Forums can come up with
was castro jewish?
>Canada's federal budget BTFO
Buying You Will Be
This is nothing more than the 2000's version of "better Red then dead".
It is always easy to spot liberals because their arguments are overly hyperbolic and emotional. They are also always blatantly wrong.