Why nobody likes Trump? He is probably most hated US president ever

Why nobody likes Trump? He is probably most hated US president ever.

i like him

I like him too, get fucked paco, you are coming back

Ok, you get a discount on the wall

Trump isn't doing what America wants, but he's doing what we need.

Lets go tp California and London cos those will be unbiased results! This is bullshit where were these people asked? Cuck libtard urban shitholes most likely!

we aint paying, cletus. start saving your pennies for the wall

Who the fuck in their right mind trusts Putin

We like Donald.

Press X to doubt

I wonder where this poll was taken
It definitely wasn't in the blue areas

>Believing Polls

I doubt 20% of the country knows who Angela Merkel even is.

pretty accurate

LOL, we are not paying. if you build a wall in your propiety you are in all your right to do so, but don't expect the neighbour to pay it.

In muzzieland? nobody. In Soviet Russia Putin trust you.

>Amsterdam, Utrecht, The Hague, Nijmegen, and Groningen marked red


Nuke when

What do you mean? That poll says trump has a billion and a half supporters! He's basically tied with Merkel.

Trump's approval has gone up since his statement on Charlottesville

He's richer than them. Baby ass bitches who can't accept the fact that he's more successful.

Lol EU. Have fun with your refugees.

With no chance to even win the GOP nomination!

Sweden is cucked by immigrants

>Israel supporting Merkel

Big surprise they support the Jewess

fuck off shill, dont you have a continent to destroy.

fake polls

Philliphines and India supporting Trump is true enough tho.

here only the posh people are leftist who are mostly living far from the cities.. the only leftists in cities are kids in school and young adults in university..

>unironically having any confidence at all in any of those people

are those young adults studying leftist bull crap like gender studies?

Confidence doing what? I'm pretty sure we can all count on Merkel to keep letting foreigners into Europe now and in future. I don't know why anyone would support him, even Poland, wtf?

How is the mad witch so famous?

West is ubercucked, Jesus Christ.

England is next