Reminder that Molyneux, PJW, Black Pigeon, Sargon, Golden One...

Reminder that Molyneux, PJW, Black Pigeon, Sargon, Golden One, and Lauren Southern are unemployed losers living off handouts.

Molyneux is a total faggot. Why do you niggers talk about him all the time?
The Golden Nostril and Sargon aren't much better but at least they don't hellofellowkids.jpg twice a day.

>people paying you money to produce video content

How this not "real" employment? Is it only real employment if you work for a TV network where the top jews get to leech off most of the money that your videos make?

they are enterpreneurs doing money while educating people.
how and why do you find this bad?

>that picture
my fucking sides

>doing money while educating people
>doing money
the average education of a youtube eceleb fanboy, everyone

YouTube celebrities were a mistake

They're the face of an ideology yet they destroy everything they align with and contribute nothing of any actual worth

Who could've thought that e-celebs didn't make it in the job market?

they're richer than 90% of the job market tbf

Totally jealous faggots. They're the same thing as speakers who go on a speaking circuit, but they can do it in their own homes. You faggots are fucking envious, because all you have is your 2D waifu, and shattered dreams.

>they are enterpreneurs doing money while educating people.
average confederate everyone.

Stop spamming this shit here, we have ebough slide threads here as it is

ok commie whatever you say

LOL, Suzy is cool. The other day she was playing some chingchong game that was constantly saying Nigger.

Why are liberals so retarded?

>stefan's income isn't also from the litany of books he sells

People can do what they want.
There is no "real job".
If you make money, you make money, and making any kind of money is hard work.

That's what I fucking hate about fellow brits. We seem to have this hard done by mentality where it's all "get a real job ya poofter" usually coming from some old cunt in his fifties who can't figure out how to use the tablet his son gave him for christmas.

At least these people don't have to lick the boots of some shift manager, or incompetent/greedy/corrupt boss.

And I'm saying this as a self employed person who has had his fair share of shit jobs.

Being self employed is hard work and takes a lot of balance, but it's sure as fuck better than having to put the effort in every fucking day to put up with the worst people in the world, who you'd otherwise never have to interact with.

The UK is one of the worst first world countries

But making videos is literally their job, why are you so butthurt?

They are part of the job markets you fucking dumb ludites. Have you guys been living under a rock or have you guys just been unemployed for so long that you guys no longer realize the job market is changing?

making money making things people want

>very fucking day to put up with the worst people in the world
For me, the worst part of working in a big company is sometimes you have to pretend you work :/

People here are actually quite nice. I'm probably the only asshole.

ITT PPL who know that you are unemployed and working for handouts if you don't work for someone.

according to you guys antifa are employed to cause riots. Why are you commies even here?

E-celebs suck shit

Not an argument. Answer the question you fucking kike, why is producing videos for a TV network "real" employment but producing videos directly to private individuals is not?

working for someone is capitalism
working for others is socialism

get off my board you fucking commie.

>self employed
>master what used to be called "the new media"
>represent our political interests

>advocating for people to submit to the jew instead of being self-reliant

Get off my board, heeb

>making this hard of a false equivalence between online entrepreneur vs a non-profit domestic terrorist organization
Nice bait m8 but try harder

First time I saw Molyneux he was full on hippy "borders don't exist" anarchist, and PJW used to call everything a conspiracy.

They dropped all that to make money from the angry alt right crowd, so it's amusing to see that well run dry for them.

(((Soros))) is paying them to work, commie.

Antifa are employed by George Soros. Pay attention to whats going on in the world loser.

>still fails to see that comparing online entrepreneurs with paid domestic terrorists is retarded
Keep being stupid little Jimmy.

>They dropped all that to make money from the angry alt right crowd, so it's amusing to see that well run dry for them.
or they realized they were wrong and changed their opinions.

It's either your "clients" that hand you money or it is your (((boss)))
Stocks or crimes is the way to go if you want to be actually free

i know, see so you admit it? Loser NEETs on/pol/ are unemployed while antifa are making money LMAO

back to

that image is brutal

If you are not loser, what are you doing in britain?

People willingly supporting people who provide them with content that they enjoy is not the same as a handout you fucking idiot

Well, who knows if they are making money.

A UK based youtuber can make beer money from some videos, then file for self employment and live off tax credits.

They are self-employed entertainers.

This assumes they provide no value to the people donating. People get paid for public speaking all the time because what they have to say and who they are is valuable in itself.

This is not a hard concept to understand.

good luck in life dude

It's not their job to be perfect they just talk about the stuff were interested in. Work on yourself and stop worrying about "e-celebs".

So what? Antifa are employed by Soros, they aren't "unemployed" if they get paid by Soros. That would literally be their job

Or are you talking about people doing something actually productive and beneficial to society?

He's been annoying me lately. His Bullshit video where he got ahit on by that fascist guy made me see him for a fucking retard
Alex Jones retard
>black pigeon
Alright guy
Retard faggot loves bbc and is a leftist
>golden one
Decent looking

Yes, people like PJW, Mark Dice, Milo and Molyneux are merely stepping stones for normies to reach our movement.

theyre doing something that people voluntarily pay for. just like watching a comedy routine or something. just kill yourself, to be honest mate

Lmao that pic

This is the second thread you made within an hour now. Fuck off.

why aren't you at work right now kid?


This fucking thread again, kys Ahmed.

As an american with all these spics living off of handouts, atleast these people are giving me a service (shitty youtube videos) and not just absorbing resources and popping out fiddy kids.

Paul is the editor of infowars. That's not really unemployed

Every single person ITT agrees OP is a fag and his opinions are gay. Sage and move on


>be a dog fucking canuck
>tell others about being fags
Fix yourself before you fix others.

Mollymeme is the best stepping stones to the redpill
Dissing Molly is counterproductive

he actually strays from the redpill because he's so annoying