ITT discuss how Christianity ruined america

>ITT discuss how Christianity ruined america

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cultural marxism ruined it
now gas yourself kike faggot

>make up a bunch of retarded statements
>add frog memes
>Christcucks believe it
Holy fuck kys kiddos.

cultural cuckism

it created an environment of charity and good will that led people to think helping 'those less fortunate' was the right thing to do.
the road to hell is paved with good intentions.

We all know what happens when we but god in society.
Take your poison

Epic pic

Atheism and socialism ruined the US.

It's cucks like this pastor that ruins America and the rest of the west. He is completely clueless about racial differences and thinks people are all the same.

Deconstruction of christianity is what ruined america.

oy vey rabbi you should be scared soon we are gonna revoke that nice tax free status from your propaganda museums which are just lies not museums at all.
>Christcucks confirmed for not knowing basic shit

It spiritually cucked Americans into believing that jews were the chosen ones and not themselves.

There's just nothing you know anything about, and you're so proud of that fact.

>99 percent of people in prison are Christcucks
Wanna try that one again or just prove to me that Christianity is evil? Because you just showed me the latter.

>99 percent of people in prison are Christcucks
and how many of those are niggers?

surprised you Dixie nigger would say anything bad about your "muh jebis", I mean you guys did found the KKK after all, pretty much the ISIS of Christianity. but I agree, america could had been even greater of a country, if it wasn't so fucking over religious and worships some 2000 year old Palestine that's the son to a magic space man.

thats not even close to true.. also thats a pretty popular cliche go to prison and then get 'born again' to have a better shot at parole.

what is the point you are trying to make? that christians are evil? define evil.

A society under God doesn't allow sexual freedom, feminism, or sodomy.

nu-christianity is cultural marxism

There never was an "America" before Christianity you dumb fucking Jew faggot asshole . Die die die die die die die die die

Funnily enough, atheists and socialists are the only ones in the US that mind the US foreign policy of sucking Israeli cock.

1973 ruined America

It's barely a blip on America's problem though

Just to get this out of the way.

No, it's because America is founded on the principles of liberty and equality and has absolutely nothing to do with Christianity. America was ruined in 1776 when it was established upon Masonic ideology instead of the Truth:

>The Founding Fathers of the United States were very well aware of the fact that by the Constitution of 1787 they were doing something entirely new. And they were proud of it. "We are setting up a New World on a new basis without any need of cardinals or princes," they told the world, "and we are going to show that what we are doing is superior." It is new, certainly, and it is so different from every other previous civilization that one may hesitate to give to what these innovators did the name of civilization. But is it superior? Let us see how under the new regime of religious liberty God is emptied out, religion is gutted, man is deified, truth is discredited, good is undermined and culture is vulgarized.

>Firstly, the substance of God is emptied out, He becomes a mere mockery of the true Divinity. If the new nation gives in its Constitution the prime place to national union, then the interests of God and of the truth take second place. Now, God either takes the first place or He is nothing at all. According to religious liberty, people will be free to give Him all the honors they like, but they will no longer be free to give Him the first place because that would risk upsetting national unity. Now the true God does not enter into that sort of combination and hence the true God may bless this or that individual, this or that family for their objective or subjective merits in the new nation, but the national and social life, as such, under this Constitution, will be struck by a divine curse. Indeed, public life in the United States is accursed. It is an avalanche of lies, a series of false wars followed by false peaces. Strong words - Card. Pie, I think, spoke just as strongly against the Masonic republic in France of the last century. So the problem is not the United States, the problem is Masonry. There is no use closing our eyes to the damage done by Masonry.

>Then as God is no longer God, man must take His place, and just as politics become the true religion under a regime of religious liberty, so man becomes god. Now there can be no sin innate in God, so, man being god, there is no sin innate in man. Hence original sin is denied, and every man becomes intrinsically good. The average American is profoundly Rousseauist (Rousseau was not an American but a Frenchman). The average American is profoundly Rousseauist; that is, he believes in the noble savage. As democrats, Americans believe in educating the people, but as Rousseauists, they destroy education because if a savage is noble, why educate him? Hence, the wretched spectacle of a system of education swallowing every year more and more fabulous sums of money in order to advance only in rottenness. Because, for example, in a democracy, there is no longer any question of admiring what is noble. Nobility of class is forbidden under the 1787 Constitution, and moral nobility is banned because it would condemn democratic lowness. Man is king and every ideal is going to be leveled downwards.

>>Next, truth is radically discredited because not only does man, being king and god, become the measure of what is true and what is good and what is beautiful, but also, national unity having been preferred to the truth of any particular religion because all religious division based on considerations of truth could harm national unity, then truth is degraded like religion. But by its nature, truth is absolute in its demands or it is nothing. From which it follows that in the new nation, at least in the religious and spiritual domain, truth will no longer have any importance; every contradiction will become acceptable; human reason, the reasoning faculty, will be discredited, and there will remain nothing in American heads except the single idea that ideas are worthless; hence the national anti-intellectualism. For the American intelligence there remains only the domain of matter in which thought can be taken seriously. But the human intelligence retains its thirst for truth, and hence in the United States, from the very beginning, the strong thrust towards the material sciences, the superiority of Americans in technology, materialism, commerce, comfort, material well-being and also the thrust towards sexualism; because as Malcolm Muggeridge said, "Sex is the mysticism of materialism."

>blowback from Muslim terrorists after supporting Israel financially and militarily for decades
>Go to war with all of Israel's enemies
>Constantly overthrowing secular dictators if they don't like Israel so Israel can play D&C with retarded jihadists and cause the worst refugee/immigration crisis the world has ever seen
>American elections dominated by live Israel dick sucking contests to prove who is the biggest Zionist cuck
>Billions of tax money to Israel per year
>Israel literally sinks the USS liberty as a false flag attempt and gets away with it
>Literally attacks our embassy in Egypt and gets away with it

Yeah just a blip

catholic apologetics, i'll take a pass on that, the catholic church is cancer.

“God does Not Exist! … There is the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit!” - (((pope))) francis

I think it's more a case of America ruining Christianity.

>nothing on abortion
Ask me how I know a liberal made this