****HAPPENING! Syria 2.0 But in Iran****

There seems to be a new civil war in the brewing. The IRGC (Iranian military) has deployed vehicles, including helicopters. Lots of military going over to the rebellion. The uprising is spreading across Iranian Kurdistan.

Other urls found in this thread:


The fire rises.




Why am I not shocked that a Swede cares about this?


which side will win so we can find them to start a proxy war with Israel.

israel&us backed antifa kurds are terrorizing another based country.

when will pol understand that kurds are communists working for jews?

>"iranian kurdistan"

no such things, rolling for a kurdish genocide you fucking communist mountain niggers are getting too uppity for your own good

Chinks, Ruskies, Iranians, Syrians... All on going in active conflicts at the same time.

As with Syria I will tell the right person, containment is the solution, and again no one will listen. My body is ready, 25 years or death is a fair price to get rid of the H.O.S when they meet in the synagogue of hell.

Please tell me Iran isn't getting Jew'd like Syria. PLEASE

Who are the big guys?

commie kurds are revolting against iran.

do you think it's coincidence?

Trump is going all in on all regimes he don't like.

That's a big fight

kurds gonna kurd. Fuck these communist faggots.

Just now that the tide was turning against their pigs in Syria, same crap happens in Iran, fucking hell.


Muslims killing muslims?


for you

But in Iran the Jihadists are Shia?


>it's actually happening

Iran doesn't fuck around with these little disturbances. Every trouble maker will be in a Revolutionary Guard torture dungeon by tomorrow morning.


The flame is becoming taller.


>legit reason to get rid of the dirty K*rds
nice job, retards

This all started with kosovo in a way, and russians exploited it with crimea. There are not much countries that don't have a lot of ethnic minorities and this has set a strange precedent where freedom just means ethnic self determination.

Westerners idealize kurds as liberalized communists which is a joke, small, useless countries are popping up like shrooms.

If Kurdistan is established, then so will Baluchistan, then Chechnya, then Rohingya, and you end up with 30 pseudo-states which weakens the global economy and introduces even more issues.

Imagine if a city-state, or a small island nation had nukes - or how do you conduct geopolitics?

Kurds would destabilize Iraq, Iran, Turkey, Syria, Pakistan would fracture, India, Russia, China with Uyghur and on and on and on...

We are back to tribal alliances in a way.


Bane aka Baneh is a sunni-majority city in western Iran that ISIS planned on taking over while they were in the process of conquering Iraq back in 2014. This city would have become Iran's Mosul.

k*rds are playing with fire. they think their (((uncle sam))) will protect them as long as they act as their tools but what they don't know is that kikerica throws their tools into trash when they're no longer useful. ar*bs hate them with passion since the fall of iraq. they committed tons of atrocities with the help of am*ricans but what will happen when am*rica dumps them?

russians and brits used arm*nians as tools to weaken ottofag empire. brits also used ar*bs too. how well are they doing now? they were both promised greatness but in reality they ended up much much worse

tldr don't be kike tools, nothing good comes out of it

Thats /leftypol/ with their YPG pets, only group Sup Forums likes is hezbollah

Nothing of value was lost.


k*rds are claiming that anatolia is their 5000 year old ancestral homeland top kek. the truth is they were brought by ottofags to kill the ethnic turk population who were resisting sunni umayyad islam. after ww1 they settled in south east anatolia and took all the arm*nian gold. stupid arm*nians should've never backstabbed us and now k*rds are making the same mistake to their respective host countries

they also claim that we won the independence war thanks to them and that we won the battle of manzikert because of k*rd mercenaries. typical delusional we wuz garbage

die in a fire roach

>brought by ottofags to kill the ethnic turk population

what the fuck dude were ottomans crazy or what? never heard of that

Kurds just wanna finish they job they started in removing all ethnic Christian communities from the Middle East and thanks to America, they will :^)

kill kurds

the last thing one could say about iran is to be a sectarianist regime
they have done everything right in that matter

yet sunnies have done everything they can to be a problem

I wouldnt jude Iran if they decide to go full crack down on them, if they dont want to be part of Iran they can go to Iraqi Kurdistan, after all it seems that they are going to be a coutry after all

I don't see anything so bad about allowing Kurds to have their own ethnostate. Aren't we supposed to support ethnostate nationalism?
It'll piss off Iran and Turkey, but why should we defend them? Iraq can't stop them from breaking off inside Iraq's borders.
Besides, even if they are communists, they're still more friendly to the West and (apparently) more culturally advanced than their neighbors.

ruthless leaders

essentially the armos genocide happened but turks love to reject the claim because they know that
1 it makes armos butthurt
2 if they accept claim of genocide armos will make monetary claims and land claims

youre a retard

i always thought they were just ethnic turks or something

Never listen to a turk. There are references in ancient greek literature such as xenophon's Persian expedition to armenians and kurds. And zero turks.

>sandniggers killing each other
oh no

Where were you when the 2017 Iranian Coup started?

The Kurds are communist scum in the end.

Kurds are supported by Israel, and completely controlled by American intelligence services, which are the real enemies, supporting ethnostate or not is irrelevant.

ottomans started as a turkic state. their understanding of islam was mixed with ancient tengrist ways. then they lost their traditions and got taken over by the umayyad cult. the turkish way of life consisted of freedom, equality of genders and love for nature but the sunni islam which ottomans were pushing was complete opposite of these values so turks rebelled. they were butchered, exiled and assimilated. ottomans replaced them with ar*bs, k*rds and other garbage from middle east. common people spoke turkish while ottoman royalty spoke a disgusting ar*b persian hybrid language. turks formed the bottom class of ottoman society and were seen as inferiors. god pitied us and sent us the blond wolf. he restored the turkish language and customs, btfo'd islamists and broke their hold on the people and revived turkish nationalism based on peace and love. then he got poisoned by kikes ofc. pic related is a classroom when he was alive, you can see the ancient turkic runes written on the wall and atilla the hun. now they're brainwashing children with ar*b bullshit

this struggle between the umayyad death cult and turks have been going on since the last 1000 years. now in modern times it took the form of "islamists vs seculars" but the war is one and the same

and you lost m8
with erdogan turk = islamist
he won with more than half his referendum, and the only reason why was because the kurds always vote against him, they are islamist too
so, in reality, in turkey, only a quarter of you are secularists
emigrate pal, your people is lost, the "umayyad death cult" won

The problem with east in general is you get one ataturk and then 50 idiots after him.

the american involvement is quite strong in this part of the world, think fucking up latin america during the 60s and 70s strong, but now with china there is some breathing room thank god.

yes I agree
I dont like the CCP
but a good counterbalance is good

The fact china is there means the us government can't implode developing economies anymore, which is great for latin america, africa, fuck, i still remember when crazy old hippie tito led the nonaligned movement and africa had way less wars, and now the era of exporting wars is coming to an end, hopefully the chinese will favor long term stability over military adventures.

During our last wars germany and america really sold a lot of tech to all sides willing.

numbers are irrelevant. one determined turk can handle a thousand subhumans. we fought against chinks for hundreds of years and still managed to survive. god is with us as long as we're pure at heart. this is the only reason why kikes push degeneracy into every nation

too much racemixing and wars fucked the east. mongols and commie slavs are also very responsible for this mess in the east. they butchered everyone and many ancient traditions & teachings were lost

>battlefield 3 about to be free on xbox

Is CIA actually just trolling everyone at this point?

The CIA has great plans, for you.

I read some of our older literature and what is interesting is that at first all uprisings were to fight against the "pasha's", and they would petition the sultan for protection and the pasha's would not even let the sultan hear it.

And in the first centuries, the ottoman rule was considered somewhat tame - the natives pay the tax, get left alone, that's it, it's only later when the court became more decadent that rebellions started, people hated, and i mean hated the ruling class which practices homosexuality, alcoholism, kind of how western leaders today are irrational.

a society always reflects its leaders in a way. communists did destroy too much culture, who knows what they destroyed.


Kurds are American/Israeli dogs and will do anything for their master

Welp, looks like we don't need to worry about them anymore.

>Muslims killing each other again
such a peaceful religion

I almost feel bad for the ass raping the kurds are going to recive from Iran.

This is what happens when you praise Kek.

The lack of decent happenings in the past few months have been caused by our lack of obedience and worship.


>Stand with Bane

they are used to it. No biggy


Yeah prepare for


I think it's all about preserving and improving your customs and traditions. degeneracy and decadence must be kept out at all costs. leaders do reflect the people, I agree. we're all one and these (((leaders))) are a part of us, the part that doesn't care about others and want to watch the world burn. they're our inner darkness incarnate

we must fix ourselves, fix our countries and then the whole world. I don't see any other way

Praise him


If I destabilize your country will you die?

reminds me of the freedom loving anglo saxons vs the feudalistic normans

Gl turkanon praise tengri

>mfw you people were right about the kurds


HAHA #bane the hashtag. LOL.

h-he had a plan...!

>crashing this regime with no survivors

They realise that this will Only Make Iran and Turkey closer which means Iran Turkey Assad and the Hashd closer?
America won't be able to babyhandle them any longer

Doubt CIA has a hand in this. All Mossad.

>The uprising is spreading across Iranian Kurdista
OP way do you care about commies ?


Praise the lord of Chaos




Just a reminder



>Oh look, it's Fluffy

It's k*rd genocide time! Zionists k*rdroaches must die

christians dying is a good thing. they're cowards who fled the middle east and lost all their holy sites. even when the west dominated the world without resistance the cuckold cowards never took back the region were christianity was born. it's nothing more than a slave religion for white cuckolds


Syria refused our offer in favor of yours. We're here to find out what you told him.

No, Kurds, NOOOO.....

Those fuckers managed to largely avoid all that stupid shit, and now they're just going to get wrecked just like the rest of Iraq....and Syria, and Libya.